As for Philip, an angel of the Lord said to him, “Go south down the desert road that runs from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he started out, ... Acts 8:26-27a
So yesterday we saw God's spirit working through Philip in such an amazing way. Remember he was preaching (this deacon, this waiter of tables, this humble servant) the Gospel, and with the authority of the Holy Spirit he began healing people, casting out demons so much so that the the city was experiencing great joy! So who wouldn't be enjoying themselves during such a time; the church was growing and Philip was fulfilling God's calling on his life in the very lane that he was in....then all of a sudden.......
The Holy Spirit tells him to leave? WHAT? Wait a minute.....would God do that? Just when things were going good.....would He call us away from our job, our church, our community? I have experienced this first hand.....with my enjoying my singleness and being introduced to my wife. When I was (what I thought) in a great place in my ministry and former church (TNDC)...and I was instructed to travel 20+ miles to Calvary. So why you may ask......I don't know, but I know one reason could be to make sure you never thought IT WAS YOU! That all the success was being experienced because of know that can happen to the best of us. You have leaders, pastors, CEOs that think THEY ARE THE COMPANY, the CHURCH, you name it, when they fail to recognize GOD and His power in the situation. I don't think that was Philip's issue, but could God have been rescuing him from himself.....yes. Could the same be said about you and me? Yes. Maybe that's why you were displaced, or replaced. Maybe that's why you are no longer in charge....because He wanted to make sure you remained humble. I don't could any one of those or a combinations of reason, but we have to move to, progress to becoming neutral to His will.
See Philip was told to go south of Samaria (you know where the half-breeds were) to an area that was thought to be the desert and desolate. Now we don't read that Philip scratched his head, or wrestled with this calling (which he very well could've), but what we know to be certain is that HE STARTED OUT right after the Spirit (the Angel) spoke. Now that doesn't mean he didn't question or pray while walking...."God what's going on.....why now?" but his response shows us his obedience and neutrality to the will of God.
What about you? Are you first fulfilling God's calling on your life to be SALT and LIGHT where you are? Maybe that's the VERY reason why you haven't been able to move (get another job) on because you've yet to fulfill His purpose for blessing you with that job in the first place. Maybe there is a life, or lives that He placed you there to impact; to heal; to help deliver from; to raise from the cultivate a relationship, that you've yet scratch the surface. HE's waiting for you to get started.......SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TODAY? LGLP
With having only so much time to preach on any given Sunday, God's word is impregnated with a variety blessings that sometimes.....He reveals yet another one after you have finished speaking. This is an attempt to continue the conversation long after you've left the church, or the message has ended, but God is still talking. So feel free to really dig into these posts. Ask questions & even share what God is revealing or has revealed to you. GOD BLESS
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went. 5 Philip, for example, went to the city of Samaria and told the people there about the Messiah. 6 Crowds listened intently to Philip because they were eager to hear his message and see the miraculous signs he did. 7 Many evil spirits were cast out, screaming as they left their victims. And many who had been paralyzed or lame were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city. Acts 8:4-8
So the church was under intense persecution and what was there response? What did they do? It says those that were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went? And the response was healing, miraculous signs...and ultimately GREAT JOY in the CITY! THEY FOCUSED on their calling to PREACH THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST. Can you imagine seeing your friends, family, and co-workers being hauled off to be jailed or killed, but you are so convinced of the claims of Jesus Christ that you can't be you don't post about our rights to freedom of speech, or our right to bear arms, or this presidency, or candidacy...or any of that (because you know you'll be held accountable for every word( Matthew 12:36-37 and we are suppose to be in prayer for those in authority over us, and living a quiet/peaceable life 1Tim. 2:1-3). You don't confuse nor blend the Constitution with the scripture. You don't waste breath complaining about the price of gas (albeit that's not REAL persecution) or food....because you know the RIGHTEOUS HAVE NEVER BEEN FORSAKEN (Psalms 37:25).
Philip and the others didn't waste their time complaining about the Roman gov't or the current state of affairs, because they were too busy preaching the Good News to whomever they were placed in front of. See it's been said people don't care what you know, until they know that you care....(and it's about you caring about them, not about what you care about....or what you are passionate about). Christ was passionate about people, not politics. He was passionate about introducing people to His Father, not our fore fathers. I get it.....(you say) THEY NEED TO KNOW......and I agree....THEY DO NEED TO what they need to know we may differ on.

PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that we are ALL sinful and their sin separates them from GOD!
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that they can't work hard enough to earn their salvation.
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that GOD LOVE's them so much that HE sent JESUS to pay the price (death) for their SALVATION!
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that GOD is waiting for them to respond to their NEED of HIS SON!
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that if this what you are trying to sell them.......the ONLY WAY that they will ever buy it, is if they KNOW (they can experience that with all their God-given senses) you LOVE GOD, and that you LOVE THEM(people)! LGLP
So the church was under intense persecution and what was there response? What did they do? It says those that were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went? And the response was healing, miraculous signs...and ultimately GREAT JOY in the CITY! THEY FOCUSED on their calling to PREACH THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST. Can you imagine seeing your friends, family, and co-workers being hauled off to be jailed or killed, but you are so convinced of the claims of Jesus Christ that you can't be you don't post about our rights to freedom of speech, or our right to bear arms, or this presidency, or candidacy...or any of that (because you know you'll be held accountable for every word( Matthew 12:36-37 and we are suppose to be in prayer for those in authority over us, and living a quiet/peaceable life 1Tim. 2:1-3). You don't confuse nor blend the Constitution with the scripture. You don't waste breath complaining about the price of gas (albeit that's not REAL persecution) or food....because you know the RIGHTEOUS HAVE NEVER BEEN FORSAKEN (Psalms 37:25).
Philip and the others didn't waste their time complaining about the Roman gov't or the current state of affairs, because they were too busy preaching the Good News to whomever they were placed in front of. See it's been said people don't care what you know, until they know that you care....(and it's about you caring about them, not about what you care about....or what you are passionate about). Christ was passionate about people, not politics. He was passionate about introducing people to His Father, not our fore fathers. I get it.....(you say) THEY NEED TO KNOW......and I agree....THEY DO NEED TO what they need to know we may differ on.
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that we are ALL sinful and their sin separates them from GOD!
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that they can't work hard enough to earn their salvation.
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that GOD LOVE's them so much that HE sent JESUS to pay the price (death) for their SALVATION!
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that GOD is waiting for them to respond to their NEED of HIS SON!
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW that if this what you are trying to sell them.......the ONLY WAY that they will ever buy it, is if they KNOW (they can experience that with all their God-given senses) you LOVE GOD, and that you LOVE THEM(people)! LGLP
Monday, February 25, 2013
UNLEASHED L.O.T.E.: Conduct During Persecution101
Saul was one of the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen.
Now....they did this under persecution! Not in a nice comfortable setting, but sometimes on the run, or in unfavorable places, but nonetheless they did it. As we will continue to see this week, the saying is's not always what you's how you say it....and for some people we'd do better with a piece of duck tape over our mouths and rather show people the GOSPEL! So as you read this on the GO, or sitting in your cubicle or preparing to leave out........I know or have heard where you work, and how bad, or good it is....but I wonder.....under the persecution of the day.....what will your response be, Stephen and Jesus both asked for, prayed for God's forgiveness....and they honestly, affectionately meant that. How long will your response be.....Ray I hear ya bro, but I'm just not there? LGLP
A great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem; and all the believers except the apostles were scattered through the regions of Judea and Samaria. 2 (Some devout men came and buried Stephen with great mourning.) 3 But Saul was going everywhere to destroy the church. He went from house to house, dragging out both men and women to throw them into prison.
4 But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went. Acts 8:1-4
I'm not sure what you had in mind when you think or thought of persecution, but what the early believers and many in other countries today, truly endure persecution in ways that cost them their careers, and even their very lives. But we here in America, the land of the free, the home of the brave don't endure people storming our homes and dragging us out to the middle of the street or coliseums to be killed (above pictured of believers in Hungary). We don't REALLY endure real and intense persecution simply because of our faith, but they did, how did they respond?
But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went. I'm comforted that they didn't waste their time teeing off on the Romans, Paul and anyone else during that time, but rather focused on preaching the GOSPEL. You know......the real GOSPEL!
1) Telling people about WHO GOD IS, and how much He loves us.
2) Who we are in relation to GOD, and what separates us from GOD (our sin).
3) GOD has a solution for our problem.....JESUS, and
4) Simply what will be our response!
Friday, February 22, 2013
3-4 Peter said, “Ananias, how did Satan get you to lie to the Holy Spirit and secretly keep back part of the price of the field? Before you sold it, it was all yours, and after you sold it, the money was yours to do with as you wished. So what got into you to pull a trick like this? You didn’t lie to men but to God.”
5-6 Ananias, when he heard those words, fell down dead. That put the fear of God into everyone who heard of it. The younger men went right to work and wrapped him up, then carried him out and buried him.
7-8 Not more than three hours later, his wife, knowing nothing of what had happened, came in. Peter said, “Tell me, were you given this price for your field?”
“Yes,” she said, “that price.”
9-10 Peter responded, “What’s going on here that you connived to conspire against the Spirit of the Master? The men who buried your husband are at the door, and you’re next.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth than she also fell down, dead. When the young men returned they found her body. They carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
11 By this time the whole church and, in fact, everyone who heard of these things had a healthy respect for God. They knew God was not to be trifled with. MSG ACTS 5:3-11
So we conclude this week with looking at the FACT God's desire and design for His Church would be that they would be honest, people of integrity! Why? Because that's the way He is, and if we are to reflect Him, then we need to be like him as much as we humanly can. Ananias and Saphira were the walking dead...because they had conspired together to lie. We've all lied before, and some of us still actively do....while the rest of the world is moving on you can't. You know that there is something that you need to get out.....and Satan counsels you to continue to hide.
This is what rips marriages, work relationships, churches, communities apart! It (the lie, the dishonesty) begins in the heart, exits the mouth, and before long like a fire, it catches because guilt needs other dry wooded individuals to be consumed by the lie that the grass is greener, or this person is that, or you "deserve" better or whatever. This isn't the heart of Christ, or of a TRUE CHRIST follower. A true Christ follower, a bride of Christ is content with themselves and their situation....trusting it all to Him. They don't fee the need to lie or protect themselves....because they live in His forgiveness and reality that He loves them just as they are, and they are free to live honestly.
So what about you? We've all seen people and what happens when friends or family members that live a it kills them. How closet drug & alcohol abuse kills in so many ways. How infidelity kills a family. These new believers had a new found respect for you live with that same respect or are you too, living a lie that's literally killing you and possibly others. I digress....BE REAL or DIE! LGLP
5-6 Ananias, when he heard those words, fell down dead. That put the fear of God into everyone who heard of it. The younger men went right to work and wrapped him up, then carried him out and buried him.
7-8 Not more than three hours later, his wife, knowing nothing of what had happened, came in. Peter said, “Tell me, were you given this price for your field?”
“Yes,” she said, “that price.”
9-10 Peter responded, “What’s going on here that you connived to conspire against the Spirit of the Master? The men who buried your husband are at the door, and you’re next.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth than she also fell down, dead. When the young men returned they found her body. They carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
11 By this time the whole church and, in fact, everyone who heard of these things had a healthy respect for God. They knew God was not to be trifled with. MSG ACTS 5:3-11
So we conclude this week with looking at the FACT God's desire and design for His Church would be that they would be honest, people of integrity! Why? Because that's the way He is, and if we are to reflect Him, then we need to be like him as much as we humanly can. Ananias and Saphira were the walking dead...because they had conspired together to lie. We've all lied before, and some of us still actively do....while the rest of the world is moving on you can't. You know that there is something that you need to get out.....and Satan counsels you to continue to hide.
So what about you? We've all seen people and what happens when friends or family members that live a it kills them. How closet drug & alcohol abuse kills in so many ways. How infidelity kills a family. These new believers had a new found respect for you live with that same respect or are you too, living a lie that's literally killing you and possibly others. I digress....BE REAL or DIE! LGLP
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Then Peter said, “Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself. 4 The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!”
5 As soon as Ananias heard these words, he fell to the floor and died. Acts 5:1-5
So here pictured are two hands. One is full of life, and the other clearly in the throws of death. Ananias and his wife Sapphira were two new converts that were dying, not to themselves but because of themselves. Notice how they conspired and they didn't have to. Nothing in the text suggests that they HAD TO BRING ALL THE MONEY......what about you where is it that you are lying & you don't have to? Remember it doesn't say they were all commanded to sell and bring all but yet they felt the need to lie. So they were dying as they were conspiring....they were literally walking dead, zombies if you will.
What about you? Are you too pretending to be on mission with GOD, but really you are dying because of the very lie you are living? You don't have to lie, the truth will make you free. Jesus came for those that were dying....that they may have life, and have it more abundantly don't refuse the lamb for a lie. Today's the day you can choose to live honestly, get help if you need to....but don't spend another dying because of yourself, but rather die to yourself! LGLP
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. 33 The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. 34 There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them. Acts 4:32-34
Have you ever been sitting in a waiting room, and see a cute older couple walk in literally instep one with another. As you continue to sneak peeks at what they are doing you notice how tender they are with one another. How affectionate they are in how they talk with one another, and how they serve each other in this angelic like grace....and secretly you say to yourself I hope when I get old, or when I get married......this is how it will be for .......... Maybe you had or have a friend where you all are as thick as mud. You've been through a lot together and you love him or her like yourself, if not more than.....and that's what it was like in this early church.
You see they while diverse in many ways....they were united in heart and mind. They were all sold out for JESUS and His mission that they clung to each other, and held loosely to their possessions.
1) When you truly give your heart to JESUS, you stop clinging to things.....and rather share what He's given you freely. It's not about HOW HARD YOU realize that actually you got it, because of His goodness towards you. (Rom. 12:3)
2) It also said they continued to listen to the WORD (the apostle testimonies) and how it blessed them all. In Revelations 12:11 the elect of God defeated the enemy and many were saved simply by sharing their testimonies. When was the the last time you tweeted or posted your testimony....rather than your opinion? One has no power, the other is powerful enough to defeat Satan. Stop loving your life so much...that you life is lie....but rather give your life to the advancement of GOD's kingdom and the liberation of those in bondage.
3) Living this way with a surrendered heart, listening to the WORD will cause you to care about the people around you! It said there were no needy people in the body, why...because these people sold whatever they owned to see to it, needs were met. Jesus literally gave up the riches of heaven to come and be with us, to give us what we needed......SALVATION!
It was the song of these children in Ntcheu, Africa that they praised GOD because we left the comforts of America, like Jesus left Heaven to come and dwell with them...that brought us to tears as these children afflicted with HIV/AIDS sung with such joy and abandonment of their afflictions to focus on the goodness of GOD. So here's my challenge.........How is it apparent where you live, work, and play that you are totally sold out for JESUS, or is it really not that apparent at all? Let's correct our course......LGLP!
Have you ever been sitting in a waiting room, and see a cute older couple walk in literally instep one with another. As you continue to sneak peeks at what they are doing you notice how tender they are with one another. How affectionate they are in how they talk with one another, and how they serve each other in this angelic like grace....and secretly you say to yourself I hope when I get old, or when I get married......this is how it will be for .......... Maybe you had or have a friend where you all are as thick as mud. You've been through a lot together and you love him or her like yourself, if not more than.....and that's what it was like in this early church.
You see they while diverse in many ways....they were united in heart and mind. They were all sold out for JESUS and His mission that they clung to each other, and held loosely to their possessions.
1) When you truly give your heart to JESUS, you stop clinging to things.....and rather share what He's given you freely. It's not about HOW HARD YOU realize that actually you got it, because of His goodness towards you. (Rom. 12:3)
2) It also said they continued to listen to the WORD (the apostle testimonies) and how it blessed them all. In Revelations 12:11 the elect of God defeated the enemy and many were saved simply by sharing their testimonies. When was the the last time you tweeted or posted your testimony....rather than your opinion? One has no power, the other is powerful enough to defeat Satan. Stop loving your life so much...that you life is lie....but rather give your life to the advancement of GOD's kingdom and the liberation of those in bondage.
3) Living this way with a surrendered heart, listening to the WORD will cause you to care about the people around you! It said there were no needy people in the body, why...because these people sold whatever they owned to see to it, needs were met. Jesus literally gave up the riches of heaven to come and be with us, to give us what we needed......SALVATION!
It was the song of these children in Ntcheu, Africa that they praised GOD because we left the comforts of America, like Jesus left Heaven to come and dwell with them...that brought us to tears as these children afflicted with HIV/AIDS sung with such joy and abandonment of their afflictions to focus on the goodness of GOD. So here's my challenge.........How is it apparent where you live, work, and play that you are totally sold out for JESUS, or is it really not that apparent at all? Let's correct our course......LGLP!
Monday, February 18, 2013
It's hard not to think about fellowship without thinking about the Lord of the Rings series. We see in this text as well as this movie plot that among the hobbits on the journey that they are " united in heart and mind," to the mission regarding the ring. What's also discouraging is the problem in most circles (Christian and others) that we aren't united in heart and mind. Not even on the job, you have people that are there just for a paycheck, as well as someone constantly on the Internet looking for another job, and some that are really there to support the company cause while HONORING GOD first!
If anybody knows anything about how being unauthentic erodes a relationship and community I do. Since early on in secondary education I have always been about trying to bring people together under a common theme of love, which is what all of us are in need of. No matter how successful, how broken, how diverse or introverted/extroverted you are....we all are in need of feeling and knowing we are valued: loved! But when ONE person diverts from this unifying cause to pursue a different self-fulfilling agenda (Judas or name your betrayer or people group) it can erode a community as quickly as cancer, unless they stay focused (The remaining disciples) on JESUS, His Mission. I'm thankful that JESUS is AT THE CENTER of what it is we are trying to do at CALVARY, changing lives and transforming communities!
Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. 8 He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God, he went into the Temple with them. Acts 3:4-8
My grandmother and other seasoned lover's of the Lord told me " you can't get blood from a turnip," and of course I wondered often during my youth...what the heck does that mean and why would anyone try to get blood out of a vegetable? But with a little bit of living I came to understand that that was a euphemism for trying to extract something out of something it was never in. The only reason why Peter was able to speak with such authority to this man that had been lame for 40 years, was because he had something in Him that had the power and authority to speak life into this poor, lame man.
Peter had walked with Christ, and knew what the power of God was. He had been forgiven and experienced the grace of God on his life. He also knew intimately about the miracles of Jesus and that all things are possible with Him. He had also experience what it meant to have the Spirit, the Holy Spirit living and at work in him. So without a blink of an eye (similarly to how Jesus asked him who did men say He was) the Holy Spirit in Peter spoke with authority and commanded the impossible possible and this man who never took a step, who muscles were surely atrophied, whose joints never knew the pressure of stance......stood up, walked, and leaped with joy.......all because Peter gave him what he had.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. 2 As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. 3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money.
4 Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, “Look at us!” 5 The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money. Acts 3:1-5
It's always been said the " the eyes are the windows to the soul," and while that may be hard to pin down where that originated from, we know to some degree there's truth in that statement. It's the reason why liars struggle to make eye contact. It's why when we are deeply hurt making eye contact explodes those tiny tear ducts to pouring out the pain contained in us. This instance is really no different......the beggar didn't attempt to make eye contact with Peter & John no more than Peter and John initially tried to either.
But let's not miss the many things to be gathered in these verses.....we see that Peter & John STOPPED (they allowed for there agenda to be interrupted) when the man asked for money. How often when asked for ___________________ that you actually stop, and they did more than just stopped they LOOKed at, and made eye contact with the one asking. We've all done it....we didn't make eye contact we'll dig in the cup holder or our pocket and throw a few coins into the bucket, or their hat.....with an intentionality of knock locking eyes because we may now feel obligated for more.
But Peter and John were still apparently in this flow of the Spirit of God because they called this man to really LOOK at them, to LOOK upon them as if they needed him to see something too. Maybe that something was they aren't the wealthy.....that they too are living off the generosity of others.....but we know that they locked eyes and what Peter said...........(we'll get into what he gave tomorrow) But my challenge to you is can you, will you STOP long enough today to LOOK and see who it is that are asking for your attention and LISTEN to not only what it is they are asking (being fully present) but also listen to what the Spirit will be directing you on what to do or say? Because the danger is that we can STOP & LOOK but fail to listen and give people what we think they want, or what we think they need, and miss out on an amazing opportunity of taking part in and witnessing a miracle. If you really don't want to miss out on the AMAZING GOD has planned for you have to LOVE GOD enough to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and be prepared to LOVE PEOPLE! LGLP
4 Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, “Look at us!” 5 The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money. Acts 3:1-5
It's always been said the " the eyes are the windows to the soul," and while that may be hard to pin down where that originated from, we know to some degree there's truth in that statement. It's the reason why liars struggle to make eye contact. It's why when we are deeply hurt making eye contact explodes those tiny tear ducts to pouring out the pain contained in us. This instance is really no different......the beggar didn't attempt to make eye contact with Peter & John no more than Peter and John initially tried to either.
But let's not miss the many things to be gathered in these verses.....we see that Peter & John STOPPED (they allowed for there agenda to be interrupted) when the man asked for money. How often when asked for ___________________ that you actually stop, and they did more than just stopped they LOOKed at, and made eye contact with the one asking. We've all done it....we didn't make eye contact we'll dig in the cup holder or our pocket and throw a few coins into the bucket, or their hat.....with an intentionality of knock locking eyes because we may now feel obligated for more.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. 2 As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. 3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money. Acts 3:1-3
1. Psalms 6:3 I am sick at heart. How long, O Lord, until you restore me?
2. Psalm 13:1
[ Psalm 13 ] [ For the choir director: A psalm of David. ] O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way?
3. Psalm 13:2
How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
4. Psalm 35:17
How long, O Lord, will you look on and do nothing?
Here's what we know: Peter and John were on their way to pray at a 3pm prayer service. There is a lame man that was laid at a gate called BEAUTIFUL, because it really was, and daily that was put there to solely BEG from those going into the temple.
We later learn he had been crippled and placed there daily for 40 years, and I chose to include a few the Psalms that would echo this since of HOW LONG LORD, and while I don't know if this was this beggars heart, I know for a fact there have been times that I asked GOD...." HOW LONG?" about a variety of things, and I'm sure some of you have felt or even currently feel this way about your marriage, about your job, about your career, about relationships, about your health....and while it appears you have been or are being LOOKED other's get other's receive their other get their other's houses are it appears you haven't been forgotten.....not if you are still breathing.
Nope.....GOD has a plan, and according to Jeremiah it's a plan to prosper you and do you NO harm, but we have to make sure to remember this because DEPRESSION is attempting to hunt you down like a beast. I'm not trying to sell any of you false hope....I understand what you are going through is as real as this 40 year crippled man's conditions, but we have to look at the blessings in disguise. What would life had been like for this crippled man had he not had friends that cared and carrying him to where he needed to be? I mean really......what better place to be to be seen than in front of a majestic beautiful gate, leading into a place of worship, where if there was any hope of healing......He's at the right place. I mean....think about it......I don't know where you are....but let me ask this....ARE YOU IN THE RIGHT PLACE for GOD to do something AMAZING!
We will see here that GOD hadn't forgot this man, and that HE did/does have a plan for those of that cry out the aforementioned Psalms......and that plan is deliverance.....but I close with are thankful for where HE has you...or are you too busy complaining? The Israelites
(in EXODUS) when placed in the wilderness (BY GOD) were in the right place to meet Him and develop a relationship with Him, but instead while there they spent much of their time complaining, and therefore ended up dying there. Be thankful where GOD has you! LGLP
1. Psalms 6:3 I am sick at heart. How long, O Lord, until you restore me?
2. Psalm 13:1
[ Psalm 13 ] [ For the choir director: A psalm of David. ] O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way?
3. Psalm 13:2
How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
4. Psalm 35:17
How long, O Lord, will you look on and do nothing?
Here's what we know: Peter and John were on their way to pray at a 3pm prayer service. There is a lame man that was laid at a gate called BEAUTIFUL, because it really was, and daily that was put there to solely BEG from those going into the temple.
We later learn he had been crippled and placed there daily for 40 years, and I chose to include a few the Psalms that would echo this since of HOW LONG LORD, and while I don't know if this was this beggars heart, I know for a fact there have been times that I asked GOD...." HOW LONG?" about a variety of things, and I'm sure some of you have felt or even currently feel this way about your marriage, about your job, about your career, about relationships, about your health....and while it appears you have been or are being LOOKED other's get other's receive their other get their other's houses are it appears you haven't been forgotten.....not if you are still breathing.
We will see here that GOD hadn't forgot this man, and that HE did/does have a plan for those of that cry out the aforementioned Psalms......and that plan is deliverance.....but I close with are thankful for where HE has you...or are you too busy complaining? The Israelites
(in EXODUS) when placed in the wilderness (BY GOD) were in the right place to meet Him and develop a relationship with Him, but instead while there they spent much of their time complaining, and therefore ended up dying there. Be thankful where GOD has you! LGLP
Monday, February 11, 2013
Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. Acts 3:1
Many of you have left, are on your way somewhere today. Maybe it's to drop the kids off, or run by the grocery store, or going into the office for the day.....but wherever you are going it may appear to be routine, or ordinary, but are you ready for God to interrupt your day? Are you prepared for a DIVINE APPOINTMENT that GOD scheduled without your approval, because He desires that you'd be following His agenda for the day?
Peter and John had just left preaching and winning thousands into the kingdom, but as it were in there custom it was time for the daily 1 of 4 prayer services that they attended. This wasn't a special service....this was routine....and little did they know what God had in store for them that day. They didn't know it but they were on their way to take part in a DIVINE miracle....and you are too.
You like Peter and John have that same thing in common, you have NO IDEA what GOD has in store for you while you are ON YOUR WAY TO _________________________________, but I pray that you spent time in prayer....and or a devotional asking GOD's will to be done, and that He's prepare you today to glorify Him with your days work & life. Focus on a few things...working as unto the LORD, LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE no matter what!!! GOD BLESS YOU to fulfill GOD's WILL TODAY!
Many of you have left, are on your way somewhere today. Maybe it's to drop the kids off, or run by the grocery store, or going into the office for the day.....but wherever you are going it may appear to be routine, or ordinary, but are you ready for God to interrupt your day? Are you prepared for a DIVINE APPOINTMENT that GOD scheduled without your approval, because He desires that you'd be following His agenda for the day?
Peter and John had just left preaching and winning thousands into the kingdom, but as it were in there custom it was time for the daily 1 of 4 prayer services that they attended. This wasn't a special service....this was routine....and little did they know what God had in store for them that day. They didn't know it but they were on their way to take part in a DIVINE miracle....and you are too.
You like Peter and John have that same thing in common, you have NO IDEA what GOD has in store for you while you are ON YOUR WAY TO _________________________________, but I pray that you spent time in prayer....and or a devotional asking GOD's will to be done, and that He's prepare you today to glorify Him with your days work & life. Focus on a few things...working as unto the LORD, LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE no matter what!!! GOD BLESS YOU to fulfill GOD's WILL TODAY!
Friday, February 8, 2013
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.
43 A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders......47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. ACTS 2:42-43,47
So this week we have seen how when GOD infiltrates a wretch's heart that there is a new hunger for the WORD (teachings of the Apostles), and desire for fellowship on a regular basis, which people GOT to EAT as Rally's says so they begin to have meals together (including the Lord's supper) and at the end we have to stay in communication as a community with OUR GOD so there is a call to, a desire to, a need to pray.
It's in prayer that we hear from God. That prayers are answered and in a faith-filled community we get to see one another's prayers answered. Beit the giving of a JOB, or a SPOUSE, or that someone we've banded together in prayer about and we see them come to Christ. It's in prayer that we unload our burdens on the altar of God, so that we take up His Yoke, because it's easy and His burdens are light!
I've been in assemblies where I've seen the power of GOD heal a young boy. It's been when I gathered with my small group that a husband that was far from CHURCH, is now becoming the church. The scripture says when we totally devote ourselves to the LORD, we find ourselves also devoted to His WORD, FELLOWSHIP, SHARING MEALS/LIFE, and Praying that invite Him in and we see transformation all around us. Which simply leaves us in AWE, and wanting more of that. It's where we have seen this before at Calvary Church, where we gather a few times a year (I wish it was more) as ONE BODY to give thanks to GOD and BOLDLY GO TO HIM IN PRAISE & PRAYER under one roof! AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN.....AWE COMES OVER US, and in line with the WORD....the LORD adds to our numbers!!!

So this week we have seen how when GOD infiltrates a wretch's heart that there is a new hunger for the WORD (teachings of the Apostles), and desire for fellowship on a regular basis, which people GOT to EAT as Rally's says so they begin to have meals together (including the Lord's supper) and at the end we have to stay in communication as a community with OUR GOD so there is a call to, a desire to, a need to pray.
It's in prayer that we hear from God. That prayers are answered and in a faith-filled community we get to see one another's prayers answered. Beit the giving of a JOB, or a SPOUSE, or that someone we've banded together in prayer about and we see them come to Christ. It's in prayer that we unload our burdens on the altar of God, so that we take up His Yoke, because it's easy and His burdens are light!
I've been in assemblies where I've seen the power of GOD heal a young boy. It's been when I gathered with my small group that a husband that was far from CHURCH, is now becoming the church. The scripture says when we totally devote ourselves to the LORD, we find ourselves also devoted to His WORD, FELLOWSHIP, SHARING MEALS/LIFE, and Praying that invite Him in and we see transformation all around us. Which simply leaves us in AWE, and wanting more of that. It's where we have seen this before at Calvary Church, where we gather a few times a year (I wish it was more) as ONE BODY to give thanks to GOD and BOLDLY GO TO HIM IN PRAISE & PRAYER under one roof! AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN.....AWE COMES OVER US, and in line with the WORD....the LORD adds to our numbers!!!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper,.........................met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity,... Acts 2:42,46b
If there is one thing I love, and I believe many of you enjoy to is having a great meal with great people! I've come to appreciate the ministry of breaking bread in community, and I'm not talking about just communion. While I have experienced having communion as a small group (and need to do more often) when I gather over a pot of soup, or pan of party potatoes, or whatever we've chosen to decorate the table with.....there are rich conversations that occur that sometimes wouldn't occur at other times.
Think about it, when you want to take a lady out (dinner is usually included). Businesses will take their employees out to meet over meat, or family reunions are steeped in opportunities to fellowship over food, and when we look at scripture with the variety of feasts they had in the Old Testament, and Jesus feeding the 4000 and 5000, and meeting at Mary & Martha's, and having fish frys on the banks of the plays an important role in the culture of humanity. So we see clearly here in the early church even, that as they gathered for devotion to the word, fellowship with one another, they also ate together with joy & generosity!
Think about some of the best times you had over a dinner or restaurant table, and ask yourselves would it have been that great, would you have shared as much if it were in a board room, or sitting in an office? God's design is that we'd take our faith beyond the walls of Sunday morning services and invite people into our homes and bless them with food and fellowship where He meets us under the cover of love, so that we may grow to truly loving one another as we grow in our love relationship with Him. I'm pretty sure amidst all the miracles that the disciples observed with Jesus, some of their sweetest & most tender times with Him were when they ate together and He shared eternal truths with them. So my parting questions to you are:
1) When was the last time or have you ever invited some of your neighbors over AS AN OUTREACH ATTEMPT?
2) When will you DO what JESUS would DO if He was your neighbor/co-worker?
3) Do you already enjoy this type of fellowship within a small group, if not....change that.......GOD BLESS YOU! LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE (LGLP)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship,...........They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes....Acts 2:42a & 46a

If you are truly devoted to the fellowship......that fellowship doesn't just happen at church, because with the Spirit in you, it happens EVERYWHERE you go. In your small group, when you go to the Dr. office, the grocery store, family events, work.......because if you are truly devoted to Him, He is in you....He abides in therefore you infuse the character and presence of God into these daily divine appointments and there is enjoyment to be found in each of those moments. May you awaken today to the fellowship of the Lord, and promote it all the day long! LGLP
There are just some things done better in a group....can somebody say AMEN?!! These people didn't only devote themselves to the studying of the WORD of GOD, but they did it together and they did it daily, or often....however you want to look at it.....they were not like many said Christians today.
There have already been 5 Sundays in this new year, and how many of those Sundays or Saturdays can it be said that you were in attendance for your weekly worship/fellowship with the body? How many would it say from appearances that you were totally devoted. These people met daily, not because they didn't have Direct TV, or because there was no soccer practices, or because they didn't have many or any distractions.....NO...they met daily because they were hungry for this new life. They wanted to can we love God, and one another since we were guilty for the death of His son? They embraced the forgiveness of Jesus and in exchange found the freedom of Love. They loved the "feeling" of the presence of God in their midst working in and amongst them as ONE body.
Is that you? Is the Spirit of God in you the very conduit that transforms you allow to transform your work place? Are you aware of His working in and through you, that you can't wait to go to work? Are others thankful for your presence there (because His Spirit in you provides a calm/peace and community that is amazing)? Fellowship is a gathering of people with the prevailing presence of God in the time of sharing. I remember this feeling all to well, while working at SSM, that I loved being there, and seemingly many others loved me being there. It wasn't because I was constantly quoting scriptures and trying to indoctrinate people to MY FAITH, but rather because of how I tried to love and demonstrate the love of God in what I did towards them.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching...(Acts 2:42)
Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. Philip asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
31 The man replied, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?” And he urged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him.
32 The passage of Scripture he had been reading was this:
Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. Philip asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
31 The man replied, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?” And he urged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him.
“He was led like a sheep to the slaughter.
And as a lamb is silent before the shearers,
he did not open his mouth.
33 He was humiliated and received no justice.
Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.”
And as a lamb is silent before the shearers,
he did not open his mouth.
33 He was humiliated and received no justice.
Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.”
34 The eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, was the prophet talking about himself or someone else?” 35 So beginning with this same Scripture, Philip told him the Good News about Jesus. 36 As they rode along, they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “Look! There’s some water! Why can’t I be baptized?” 38 He ordered the carriage to stop, and they went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.
We see here two things....that these early believers devoted themselves to following the teachings of the the apostles, who some of which had actually walked with Christ, and saw the many miracles He performed. It was sort of like a basketball player, that fell on the graces of a Phil Jackson.....if you want to win you listen to this guy. They had a hunger for this new life, so much so that they didn't have a problem asking...."what does this mean?"
We see this here chapters later where Phillip comes upon a eunuch who is seemingly trying to have his "Quiet Time" reading the WORD and is struggling to understand, but he's humble enough to reach out and ask the question, and in doing so it led to aan opportunity to share the GOSPEL and a significant life change for the eunuch. So my questions to you are:

1) Do you have a like it, love it, or gotta have it relationship with the WORD of GOD? (It's evident in how consistently The Bible is your GO TO source.)
2) Are you humble enough to ask for help when you read something you don't quite understand, or do you skip over it, without understanding?
3) Is your time spent in the WORD producing life change for you, and those around you? (hint: IT SHOULD!)
We live in a dynamically dark world, and there is a battle that is ensued everyday well before our feet hit the floor. I pray that you are suiting up with the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD, and giving GOD the first minutes of your day in the WORD, so he can further equip you as you prepare to walk out into a minefield of blessings and cursing. LGLP
1) Do you have a like it, love it, or gotta have it relationship with the WORD of GOD? (It's evident in how consistently The Bible is your GO TO source.)
2) Are you humble enough to ask for help when you read something you don't quite understand, or do you skip over it, without understanding?
3) Is your time spent in the WORD producing life change for you, and those around you? (hint: IT SHOULD!)
We live in a dynamically dark world, and there is a battle that is ensued everyday well before our feet hit the floor. I pray that you are suiting up with the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD, and giving GOD the first minutes of your day in the WORD, so he can further equip you as you prepare to walk out into a minefield of blessings and cursing. LGLP
Monday, February 4, 2013
All the believers devoted themselves to......................Acts 2:42
Depending on who you are.....what you are devoted to can vastly vary. Some people are devoted working out. Others are devoted to their faith. Some are devoted to their family. Some devoted to their schools. Some devoted to a political party or cause....but there is something that each of us are devoted and the real question is what?
These 3000 new believers, had come to know Christ through Peter's 5min sermon that pierced their hearts to the extent that they gave their lives to this new uprising. They wanted to learn what it meant to live as a disciple of Christ. They needed to know what does it mean to be devoted as a community. For the next few days we will be spending time peeling back what it means to be totally devoted to something.
My guess is that truthfully we already know what it means, because we will pay money to see what devotion looks like. We will go to sellout sporting events, and concerts to see what does total devotion looks like on a large platform. We cart our kids off to practice after practice, camp after camp because we desire them to be their best, if not THE BEST. But what about your kids are watching you........what would they say you mommy, daddy are devoted to? Can they even say that you are devoted to anything? Simply put what gets your whole heart, soul, and mind? LGLP
These 3000 new believers, had come to know Christ through Peter's 5min sermon that pierced their hearts to the extent that they gave their lives to this new uprising. They wanted to learn what it meant to live as a disciple of Christ. They needed to know what does it mean to be devoted as a community. For the next few days we will be spending time peeling back what it means to be totally devoted to something.
My guess is that truthfully we already know what it means, because we will pay money to see what devotion looks like. We will go to sellout sporting events, and concerts to see what does total devotion looks like on a large platform. We cart our kids off to practice after practice, camp after camp because we desire them to be their best, if not THE BEST. But what about your kids are watching you........what would they say you mommy, daddy are devoted to? Can they even say that you are devoted to anything? Simply put what gets your whole heart, soul, and mind? LGLP
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