So yesterday I asked the question ARE YOU REALLY CONCERNED? Simply because the people of LIGHT, Disciples of Christ, followers of Christ should be concerned. There's so much to be concerned about, but the question is what are you going to do about those things that concern you? Will you politic and rally signatures for your cause or will you look to the WORD and see what CHRIST CALL's, TELL's COMMANDS us to do when............................... While Paul was sitting in a prison, chained to know what he did? You know what the GOD in him, inspired him to do? Write letters of encouragement and instructions. Not letters railing the authorities, the Roman gov't, or whoever it was that ratted him out and got him there.....he wrote letters of encouragement. In this particular letter he writes about Timothy, his protégé' and he said that "he's genuinely concerned for you! While others are focused on themselves, he's concerned about the things of GOD and he's the real thing!" Just reading that makes me wish Timothy was on his way to see me.
Which is where I want to take this blog. Lifeguards don't make a lot of money, oops....many of them are actually volunteers. So let me get this right, they go through hours upon hours of training to get certified, to watch people who are having FUN, sometimes reckless FUN in the event their lives need to be saved???????? I want a few of these people around the church. People who are willing to go through some training, and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of saving another....even though the person who need saving thought at one moment they were actually having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES doing what they wanted to do.
JESUS tells his disciples to keep watch and pray, as He goes off to pray. We know the story that they fell asleep, and this was the night they came to get Jesus. Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father, and I wonder are we like the disciples are like lifeguards? Are we falling asleep on the job of doing the VERY THINGS CHRIST instructs us to do? Are we LIFEGUARDS, like Timothy's that are SO GENUINELY CONCERNED about the welfare of others, that we keep watch, and we DIVE INTO LIFE HEAD FIRST with the purpose of loving someone enough to GIVE THEM ANOTHER CHANCE at life!
THANKS FOR READING....back to my post! LGLP247