While in a prison Paul began to remember when he was with a group of people in Macedonia and although he had a rough time there, he didn't choose to focus on that. He didn't focus on how he had been wrongly imprisoned, of lied on....nope. He remembered, chose to focus on what good came of that visit. He thanked God for them. (When was the last time you thanked God for your _____________________?)
He was only able to do this because he knew WHO HE WAS, and WHOSE HE WAS. How do I know this....because Paul didn't start of his letter saying I, Paul the great orator, church planter, reverend, doctor, elder, bishop of all the churches I STARTED..... He introduced himself as BOND-SERVANTS meaning they chose to serve JESUS. They weren't enslaved, but rather they new they would be a slave to something as they had previously been slaves to themselves, or the pop-culture of their time.....they chose to BOND themselves to Jesus Christ. Which means He's their LORD. They choose to do their Master's will They choose to live to please Him, not people.
In assuming this position this means that if JESUS is their LORD, that He, JESUS has a responsibility to His servants. This is why he could sit in a cell, and reflect off of the opportunities His gracious and good Master had afforded him. Notice I said opportunities and not challenges. If you truly realize that He's GOD and you're not and have surrendered to His will for your life, while you sit in/at _____________________________________ you should be able to reflect off of the opportunities while you are/were there that you got to meet, cross paths with, share/show love towards....etc.
Last night instead of going home retreating after the day's joys/concerns I went to a new member program we have called ENGAGE. It's an event where people gather to learn about what it means to be a member of Calvary, as well as hear stories of other people that have been attending there, and reflect on do I, should step up my game to commit to being an ambassador of what Calvary represents (changing lives, and transforming communities). I must admit this is like my 4-5th engage that I've attended; 1) to show support of anyone I personally know that is taking that step, and 2) because it's always good to meet new people, hear their stories and encourage them in Christ!
I've been called a Barnabas; an encourager, a giver, and maybe that's true. But I do it because CHRIST did it for me. As His BOND SERVANT, I desire to please Him, because on my own my life is out of control, my marriage is out of control, the ministries I've been entrusted with are out of control, just everything is out of control. So I desire to surrender my life and the very things I care most about into the capable nail-pierced, all powerful, healing, creator of the universe hands of JESUS CHRIST so I can trust the outcomes to my good, and His Glory as Paul did. I pray you do the same.....LGLP