8 Love never fails. 1Cor. 13:4-8
Of all the pieces of weaponry in the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD, the only defensive one is the shield of FAITH. Pictured here is a scene from 300 where there stance is with very little of the body left unprotected while the rest of the body is shielded away from the attack of the enemy. They are even standing closely together as to cover not just themselves but the men around them.
This is a portrait of the type of love that protects. Is this how your love looks at work? Do you protect the integrity of the company even though the company may have flaws? Or are you too busy bad mouthing the CEO down to the Janitor? Do you protect the integrity of your home, or does everybody know your spouse is a _________________________ and struggles with____________________? What about your kids or your neighborhood? Do you protect the integrity of either of those?
You know a few years back we were left scratching our heads regarding the Oklahoma bombing incident with how could one of our own (Timothy McVeigh, an American) orchestrate to do such a heinous act? The minute we begin to champion our own causes, and buy into the lies of spiritual wickedness we lay down our shields and expose our very hearts which when not fully surrendered to CHRIST they are fully offered over to SATAN and his purposes. Think about all of the moments of treason and division within our countries history.....gives total creedence to the saying, "united we stand, but divided we fall...."
If the WORD of GOD is true (and I KNOW IT TO BE FULLY TRUTHFUL) then where is it we, you and I have went wrong in our LOVE? If TRUE LOVE always protects...how is it we are so divided as a NATION, as even the BODY OF CHRIST, and even INDIVIDUALS?
The cowardly way to answer this question is the blame whoever is in office or whoever is leading your church, or ministry. The honest way is to look in the mirror and begin with repentance! Admit, you have laid down your shield of faith. The enemy's arrows have pierced your heart regarding these issues. You're wounded....and as you are taking your lasts breaths you are spewing venom mixed with your own blood regarding_________________________ and how things need to change. (Christ stayed focused on God's mission for Him, he didn't get caught up in pop-culture, and bashing the administrations of His day.)
While repenting ask the LORD to search your heart (Psalms 139:24) and heal it so that you can be of the same heart and mind of Christ. Christ showed us how to LOVE people.....we all tend to struggle in this area...so pick back up your shield and instead of being a flashlight (pointing out the sin in every hidden dark corner) be the LIGHT that emits, radiates the LOVE of CHRIST through your brokenness that draws people to His Protecting love. LGLP
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