I am still to this day a gamer, although now I'm a closet gamer. By that I mean, I don't play as often due to many other responsibilities, but I still like to play every now and then. One thing I realize though, may games don't drive contentment....actually none of them do. Some of them you desire to get the highest score. Many if not all of them you desire to defeat it, until they come with a another one. Did you know there's the possibility of achieving a perfect score in Pac-Man? Who knew....now somebody will probably plug up the old gaming system, because we are not content with someone else holding that record. Being second, is never really good enough......or is it?
Paul while sitting in prison realized life, ministry wasn't about being the top dog, but rather enjoying being second to Christ. He writes to the Philippian church a thank you letter for them thinking of him. He remembers that their generosity was greater than any church, while they weren't the riches...they were the most generous, and despite his present circumstances he shares with them the secret to contentment. We struggle with contentment. We look at our cars, and desire a newer one....not because anything is wrong with the one we got...but just because. Cell phone co. know just how discontent and competitive we are....ask owners of the Galaxy II, or III, or I-phone 4, 5, 5c,........they know we want the next new thing. Certain shows help breed discontent...you look at your kitchen, your yard, your ......and after a few hours of house hunters....well you know.
But Paul wanted to communicate to them, desiring things isn't altogether bad. So how do we Christians, who live in a consumer based society keep our desires in check, so that we don't find ourselves blending consumerism into our Christianity:
1) Make sure you desires are under control....Yeah the Bible does say (Psalms 37:4)" God will give you the desires of your heart..." but you have to make your priority delighting in Him (that comes first I that scripture), meaning if you truly are delighted in him, your desires will probably be few, and never get in the way of your relationship with Him.
2) Make sure your desires are legitimate....So you need a new ____________________ because why? Because you want it. Because you've worked hard for it....don't justify it as purchase. If my car doesn't work, and can't be fixed, that means I need a dependable & affordable car. Not a new one.
3) Make sure you don't feel you need it, to make you happy or complete you..... Whenever you need an external solution to fix an internal problem, that should make you pause. I've heard people say after a hard day I NEED A GLASS OF WINE or a CIGARETTE, and to that I say JESUS aint enough? I've also heard people say if I could just find the right man/woman...everything we be great....and again I say JESUS aint enough? You've heard it or said it.....If I could find a better job, a bigger/smaller church, a ___________________ only to find themselves in discontent again.
Paul discovered that " I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." In other words I can persevere in prison, I can endure this job, etc (that He blessed me with), I can do without this momentary, emotion driven, selfish want....because He, Jesus Christ is enough!
So how do we get that balance, unlike Pac-Man it's not about being first, or defeating everyone it's about.......seeking first the KINGDOM OF GOD, and His righteousness....Delighting yourself in Him....and whether or not you get those desires, won't matter as much, because you'll count that stuff as dung, compared to having Christ, and being second. LGLP
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