Peter 2:9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light
HOOD: 1.state : condition : quality : character 2. individuals sharing a (specified) state or character <brotherhood, fatherhood, womanhood, manhood, etc.>
If you were at any of the Calvary Campuses right before communion you may have heard one if not both of these verses mentioning that we are to be holy priests, or belonging to an order referred to as a priesthood. I am not sure if you've given this much thought, but in pop-culture there's this desire to rep or represent one's hood. We know this. Whether you went to a particular high school, or college those lines are drawn and either you are with us or against us. It's that sense of school spirit, or frat, or an order's pride that makes us hold our heads up a little higher, and stick our chests out with dignity that we came from (fill in the blank).
It was me growing up in J-Town (aka Jennings, Mo) as a WARRIOR, that's what we were supposed to be prepared to do at any time, go to war. Whether that was on a baseball diamond, gridiron, debate club, or basketball court. When we visited our rival schools (Riverview, BERKLEY, Normany.....) we carried ourselves as if to say " We can do anything you can do better than you...." I know machismo most of it. But seriously.....if you heard that you are to be like/as a holy priest, and a part of a priesthood.......have you lived your life in such a way since coming to Christ that you stand out? Not like look at me.....but rather made it your goal to live your life (1Thess. 4:11-12) in such a quiet manner (not boring) that it is stunningly attractive or interesting to those that don't know you or your Jesus?
Are you approachable? Or have you amplified the "minding your business" part of the verse to which you are of the order, or hood that drive into your garage never having engaged those who live next door, across the street, and or in back of you? In short you don't know your neighbors/co-workers and they don't know you...and you are disgustingly fine with that.
These are important questions, especially if you belong to the "priesthood," of Christ. Now some of you will go to..."Ray but priest wore sacred linen tunics, linen undergarments, and some stoles and royal what are you saying." What you wear is pretty's so important that Paul reminded the people of faith how they should cloth themselves...(Col. 3:12-13) Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Is this you? Chances are these verses exposes many of us as being improperly dressed believers, let alone priests. Forget mentioning how merciless, impatient, and.......we are....let's just admit we make few allowances for each others faults (ESPECIALLY THOSE OUTSIDE THE very FAITH we profess), and forgiveness...what's that? It's clear that after yesterday's message on Christ as our PRIEST, and coming to realization that we were SAVED for the purpose of reconciling others to Him as priests has upped the ante. 2015 is coming to a close and maybe we haven't truly represented (repp'd) ourselves as imperfect priest reflecting a perfect savior. But in 4 days some of us will awake to a whole new year pinning New Years resolutions and goals, and I pray you seriously consider joining the priestHOOD of intentionally modeling behavior consistent with that of a individual that is madly in love with Christ, and lives to introduce others to Him.
Then you will be truly reppin' the Hood to which your life should bear fruits that have people coming to Christ, and that is a Fructiferous Year worth celebrating. #LGLP365