Absolutely amazing.....how complainers are like schools of fish, or herds of animals that they travel in packs. All it takes is us standing in a line somewhere and one person can lament over there not being enough checkers, or how slow this person always is, or where did all these people come from, or I wish they had a separate line for......ME....all about ME is really what we want. Many of us go to places with a preconceived idea that we will be able to go in, get what we want, and get out without a line or an incidental hold up. Selfish is what it is.
The people of Israel were whining again, the spies had come back from scouting out the land that GOD had told them to go in possess and ultimately they balked at doing what HE said and succumbed to doubt and fear. They believed the report of 10 of the 12 spies that there was no way they could take the land. They didn't even remotely trust GOD to give to them what He said He'd give them. Maybe they wouldn't have to lift a sword, or throw a punch, but rather than trust GOD they began to focus on their pre-freedom lives.
How institutionalized is their mindset? To the point they were comfortable with the thought of being enslaved and dying in Egypt than they were seeing how GOD would bless them since it was Him who delivered them out of slavery. What's really sad is that we do the same thing. There are women that go back to abusive relationships as opposed to trusting GOD to be their husband, heal their broken/shattered hearts, then bless them with a husband (not a man there's a difference. There's a abundance of men, and a lack of husbands.). On the converse we have many men that have grown up without a GODLY example of a man/father/husband and instead of giving our lives to Christ to reshape our minds, we simply prefer to go back to either trying to figure things out on our own, or defaulting to become the very person we despise our broken fathers.
They focused on the wrong thing. Notice this phrase: " If we had only died in Egypt or even here in the wilderness." Simple question, was the wilderness their destination or a mile marker? They focused on their past and present situations, and became discouraged. Had somebody remembered that their destination was the Promised Land, and they continued in that thought maybe they would've made it to the very place GOD was taking them (Hint: Caleb & Joshua's families). For us....we need to see where we were and give thanks/praise that we aren't there anymore. Then see where we are as places for us to learn something new about GOD, acquaint ourselves more intimately with Him, and those around us for His Glory. Lastly, get excited about where He is taking us to fuel our motivation for continuing on the journey.
Make sure you have an intelligent answer to stupid questions? They ask, "Wouldn't it be better for us to return to Egypt?" Ok, so let's really look at this: They walked across the Red Sea so going back across it would likely be by boat which they didn't have. Continuing...what are they going back to? Slavery! Lastly the only thing they could really look forward to is not the food mentioned chapters before, but death. Death would be their only out, for peace. So what about you? What is your Egypt vs Where you are now? Is it really better for you to be back there? GOD freed all of us from....to bring us to Himself more than a destination here on Earth. Where you are now...are you closer to GOD, or have you spent more time complaining about?
My encouragement to you in closing is sure you are not where you were, and maybe where you are right now is difficult, but realize what the Israelites missed.....1) GOD was with them day and night as He is with you. 2) GOD delivered you from something, someone, or somewhere that was possibly god-awful if that's the case give thanks, and praise for where you are. 3) Lastly, focus more on developing your relationship with Him on the journey so that the final destination doesn't become more important than your relationship with Him. So no matter what you simply enjoy being where ever He is. LGLP365
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