On the Sabbath we went a little way outside the city to a riverbank, where we thought people would be meeting for prayer, and we sat down to speak with some women who had gathered there. 14 One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying. Act. 16:13-14
One day as we were going down to the place of prayer, we met a demon-possessed slave girl. She was a fortune-teller who earned a lot of money for her masters. 17 She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, and they have come to tell you how to be saved.”
18 This went on day after day until Paul got so exasperated that he turned and said to the demon within her, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And instantly it left her. 16-18
The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. 28 But Paul shouted to him, “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!”
29 The jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” 32 And they shared the word of the Lord with him and with all who lived in his household. 33 Even at that hour of the night, the jailer cared for them and washed their wounds. Then he and everyone in his household were immediately baptized. 34 He brought them into his house and set a meal before them, and he and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God. 27-34
Here are three instances where Paul and Silas (recorded by their accompanist Luke) reached out to others all for the GLORY of God. Each time they did...something amazing happened.
Lydia...a successful entrepreneur, was a worshipper of God, but apparently hadn't received Jesus, and upon hearing about Him, immediately received Him and shared Him with her family to which they too were saved. POINT: HOW many SUNDAY's will it take for your to respond? She responded in minutes.......you know when oatmeal sits out too long it hardens, and isn't really good. That oatmeal could be a example of either your heart, or your brain. GOD has all prompted us to give: beit of our monies (resources), our time, or our talents to be used to advance His Kingdom....have you become hard headed/hearted?
Demon Possessed Girl - whether your possession is in the vein of music, movies, or some form of media....do you even desire healing from that. They didn't follower her, but rather she followed them. POINT: Maybe it was to antagonize them.....maybe.....but if you are wallowing in your own sin are you even following, tagging along with people who are Spiritually Mature that could be a blessing to you?
The JADED JAILER - He had seen it all. His job was to house broken men, that needed punishment for their offences. As the saying goes......" We don't belong in here.....we didn't even do anything...." and truth be told, that was Paul & Silas story, but they didn't protest against their imprisonment, nope...they prayed and sang praises. POINT: When you are wrongly accused, beat up on, maligned....what's your response? Does your prayers lead you to praising GOD right where you are? This is END of YEAR Reviews for many of you....and will you play the victim or VICTOR. Will you look for opportunities to be a blessing RIGHT where you are? Because of Paul & Silas faith....it turned the heart of the JADED into the JOYFUL.
Simply put are you REACHING others? He didn't give you this day to REACH another rung on the LADDER for your glory. He gave you this day, with the expectation you'd REACH a life with His love, that would transform their moment, their day, their week......that points them to Him. LGLP247
With having only so much time to preach on any given Sunday, God's word is impregnated with a variety blessings that sometimes.....He reveals yet another one after you have finished speaking. This is an attempt to continue the conversation long after you've left the church, or the message has ended, but God is still talking. So feel free to really dig into these posts. Ask questions & even share what God is revealing or has revealed to you. GOD BLESS
Friday, November 8, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
9 That night Paul had a vision: A man from Macedonia in northern Greece was standing there, pleading with him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” 10 So we decided to leave for Macedonia at once, having concluded that God was calling us to preach the Good News there. Acts 16:6-10
In the game of chess there are certain moves that can be made by certain pieces. Strategy is a key element in the game of chess of knowing when to make particular moves, so the ultimate goal of preserving your Kingdom is essential to winning. GOD is a master at the GAME of LIFE, after all HE creator of all LIFE as we know it. He knows who needs to cross paths with......and when. And like a great CHESS player He's always thinking several moves ahead.....hence HIS omnipotence.
Paul after being converted had a heart to serve and teach the GOSPEL. There were people he knew in places that needed the GOSPEL. He shared this with his cohort Silas and they set out to make GOD famous in places he surely wasn't, but there was a problem. The Holy Spirit prevented him from traveling to Asia at that time. Wait a minute is there anytime better than the present? Apparently so......cause they were not allowed to "Go There," and for many of us we need to pause here. There are people all around you that need JESUS. You feel inspired some days, some Sundays, etc. to BRING IT to them, but they won't/don't hear you. We don't know why Paul/Silas were being prevented but what we do know it was FOR THEIR GOOD, and GOD's ultimate cause.
We have been planted at 1701 North 2nd Street for 4 years. It's a beautiful body of diverse, in every way, believers housed in really old building. If we aren't careful we will miss the blessing of being planted there, because GOD has a purpose for us being there. Many churches have come and gone, and yet there is a ripe community all around us that need to SEE and HEAR the GOSPEL. While moving maybe on many of our hearts........it won't be WE HAVE fulfilled GOD's purposes in that area that we've been planted. Some of you maybe at jobs that you have grown to hate ( I say grown to, because there was a day you called it a blessing) and have been seeking another job. My question to you is....have you really REACHED the people that God has planted you around. It might be one person, it might be the whole team.....but seriously.....Has He been glorified fully through you?
After all of Paul's efforts, it wasn't until GOD revealed to Paul where he was to go, that he got the direction he needed. Stop trying to fulfill God's mission through your plans. Slow down, and let Him reveal it to you, THEN be bold enough to follow where He leads. LGLP247
Monday, October 28, 2013
3 As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?”
5 “Who are you, lord?” Saul asked.
And the voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! 6 Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Acts 9:1-6 NLT
Have you ever killed somebody? Sure you have......stick with me, and prayerfully you see that you too, are a murderer....and there's hope for you too! See this passage opens up saying that Saul was uttering threats with EVERY BREATH and eager to kill the Lord's followers. So even while evil was in the breath and heart of this man, who actually thought he was justified in the WHY he was doing what he was doing, the LORD had a use for him. Surely Jesus had every justifiable right to blink and eye and this righteous terrorist would cease to breath, even exist. Much like you and I, he could've blinked an eye when we said what we said about Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party folk, or maybe not them. What about what you had to say about the President, or those hurting young ladies at the abortion clinic. What about what you had to say or think about your Ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, husband. Ok maybe not them....but what about the feelings you have about your boss, your co-workers, your neighbors...or that homeless guy...or young lady/man dressed inappropriately that had the never to walk into the Lord's House.
See we are more like Saul than we want to believe. I can hear it now....Ray, you've gone too far! God aint for.......................(fill in the blank). If I remember right my KKK brothers and sisters were followers of Jesus Christ, that too thought they were justified in hanging, beating, burning, dragging, and murdering some of my people......and as God would have it....they weren't of the ones directly in the line of my existence, so here I AM DEAL WITH IT! But ok maybe that doesn't resonate with you.....but what about this summer THEY DON'T BELONG OUT HERE...LET THEM STAY WHERE THEY ARE AT........if I was in a coma and awaken to these words, I'd swear a time machine had to have been invented. From what I understand about JESUS, these were not His heart regarding the Samaritans or Gentiles.
So see.....you too are a murderer if you've never shed physical blood, you've assassinated a few people's characters. Even if it was by accident, you know believing something about someone, because a ?trusted? friend told you.....and you never took the time yourself to give that person, that creation of GOD the time of day for you to know them yourself.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
IAS : Balancing Healthy Desires & Goals w/Contentment
How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned for me, but you didn’t have the chance to help me. 11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Phil. 4:10-13

I am still to this day a gamer, although now I'm a closet gamer. By that I mean, I don't play as often due to many other responsibilities, but I still like to play every now and then. One thing I realize though, may games don't drive contentment....actually none of them do. Some of them you desire to get the highest score. Many if not all of them you desire to defeat it, until they come with a another one. Did you know there's the possibility of achieving a perfect score in Pac-Man? Who knew....now somebody will probably plug up the old gaming system, because we are not content with someone else holding that record. Being second, is never really good enough......or is it?
Paul while sitting in prison realized life, ministry wasn't about being the top dog, but rather enjoying being second to Christ. He writes to the Philippian church a thank you letter for them thinking of him. He remembers that their generosity was greater than any church, while they weren't the riches...they were the most generous, and despite his present circumstances he shares with them the secret to contentment. We struggle with contentment. We look at our cars, and desire a newer one....not because anything is wrong with the one we got...but just because. Cell phone co. know just how discontent and competitive we are....ask owners of the Galaxy II, or III, or I-phone 4, 5, 5c,........they know we want the next new thing. Certain shows help breed discontent...you look at your kitchen, your yard, your ......and after a few hours of house hunters....well you know.
But Paul wanted to communicate to them, desiring things isn't altogether bad. So how do we Christians, who live in a consumer based society keep our desires in check, so that we don't find ourselves blending consumerism into our Christianity:
1) Make sure you desires are under control....Yeah the Bible does say (Psalms 37:4)" God will give you the desires of your heart..." but you have to make your priority delighting in Him (that comes first I that scripture), meaning if you truly are delighted in him, your desires will probably be few, and never get in the way of your relationship with Him.
2) Make sure your desires are legitimate....So you need a new ____________________ because why? Because you want it. Because you've worked hard for it....don't justify it as purchase. If my car doesn't work, and can't be fixed, that means I need a dependable & affordable car. Not a new one.
3) Make sure you don't feel you need it, to make you happy or complete you..... Whenever you need an external solution to fix an internal problem, that should make you pause. I've heard people say after a hard day I NEED A GLASS OF WINE or a CIGARETTE, and to that I say JESUS aint enough? I've also heard people say if I could just find the right man/woman...everything we be great....and again I say JESUS aint enough? You've heard it or said it.....If I could find a better job, a bigger/smaller church, a ___________________ only to find themselves in discontent again.

Paul discovered that " I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." In other words I can persevere in prison, I can endure this job, etc (that He blessed me with), I can do without this momentary, emotion driven, selfish want....because He, Jesus Christ is enough!
So how do we get that balance, unlike Pac-Man it's not about being first, or defeating everyone it's about.......seeking first the KINGDOM OF GOD, and His righteousness....Delighting yourself in Him....and whether or not you get those desires, won't matter as much, because you'll count that stuff as dung, compared to having Christ, and being second. LGLP
I am still to this day a gamer, although now I'm a closet gamer. By that I mean, I don't play as often due to many other responsibilities, but I still like to play every now and then. One thing I realize though, may games don't drive contentment....actually none of them do. Some of them you desire to get the highest score. Many if not all of them you desire to defeat it, until they come with a another one. Did you know there's the possibility of achieving a perfect score in Pac-Man? Who knew....now somebody will probably plug up the old gaming system, because we are not content with someone else holding that record. Being second, is never really good enough......or is it?
Paul while sitting in prison realized life, ministry wasn't about being the top dog, but rather enjoying being second to Christ. He writes to the Philippian church a thank you letter for them thinking of him. He remembers that their generosity was greater than any church, while they weren't the riches...they were the most generous, and despite his present circumstances he shares with them the secret to contentment. We struggle with contentment. We look at our cars, and desire a newer one....not because anything is wrong with the one we got...but just because. Cell phone co. know just how discontent and competitive we are....ask owners of the Galaxy II, or III, or I-phone 4, 5, 5c,........they know we want the next new thing. Certain shows help breed discontent...you look at your kitchen, your yard, your ......and after a few hours of house hunters....well you know.
But Paul wanted to communicate to them, desiring things isn't altogether bad. So how do we Christians, who live in a consumer based society keep our desires in check, so that we don't find ourselves blending consumerism into our Christianity:
1) Make sure you desires are under control....Yeah the Bible does say (Psalms 37:4)" God will give you the desires of your heart..." but you have to make your priority delighting in Him (that comes first I that scripture), meaning if you truly are delighted in him, your desires will probably be few, and never get in the way of your relationship with Him.
2) Make sure your desires are legitimate....So you need a new ____________________ because why? Because you want it. Because you've worked hard for it....don't justify it as purchase. If my car doesn't work, and can't be fixed, that means I need a dependable & affordable car. Not a new one.
3) Make sure you don't feel you need it, to make you happy or complete you..... Whenever you need an external solution to fix an internal problem, that should make you pause. I've heard people say after a hard day I NEED A GLASS OF WINE or a CIGARETTE, and to that I say JESUS aint enough? I've also heard people say if I could just find the right man/woman...everything we be great....and again I say JESUS aint enough? You've heard it or said it.....If I could find a better job, a bigger/smaller church, a ___________________ only to find themselves in discontent again.
Paul discovered that " I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." In other words I can persevere in prison, I can endure this job, etc (that He blessed me with), I can do without this momentary, emotion driven, selfish want....because He, Jesus Christ is enough!
So how do we get that balance, unlike Pac-Man it's not about being first, or defeating everyone it's about.......seeking first the KINGDOM OF GOD, and His righteousness....Delighting yourself in Him....and whether or not you get those desires, won't matter as much, because you'll count that stuff as dung, compared to having Christ, and being second. LGLP
Friday, October 18, 2013
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. Phil. 4:8-9 NLT
Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Phil. 4:8-9 MSG
Am I the only kid that liked playing with magnifying glasses? Getting the opportunity to make something seemingly insignificant and small, bigger if only for an illusion. Oh how when we magnify things we can see details that we never recognized existed. We can see the eyes on an ant, or how our skin folds (ok some of us you can see that without a magnifying glass...lol) or remember those microscopic pictures that when you zoom out it's a block of concrete, but it looked like your were on the moon. Also remember setting leaves or things on fire when you used a magnifying glass with the combination of "focused" light the destruction it could cause?
Paul while sitting in jail, who had every right to be found complaining about his present condition, opted to keep His mind stayed on, focused on encouraging others and on Jesus. In these verses he tries to give the people of Philippi who were hard-workers, and aware of the stresses of their culture something to ease their minds.....no it wasn't a glass of wine, or a drug...it was the WORD of GOD instructing them to FIX THEIR THOUGHTS on................... Cause like with a magnifying glass whatever you focus on, fix your eyes or thoughts on....increases in size. If you think of the one reason, or many reasons you hate or dislike _______________________ then those things get bigger. When in essence they may be microscopic, harmless, or really insignificant in the big picture....focusing on such will cause us to feel defenseless, fearful, or overwhelmed. Take for instance looking on a microscope for too long, focusing on the amount of bacteria and such can cause one to become a germ-aphobe. If a spouse focuses on the wrong thing or person too long an affair is easy to happen. If an employee focuses on what they don't like about their job instead of praising God for it, they'll end up unemployed. But if we focus on the TRUTH of Scripture. If we focus on HONORING our FATHER through doing what is RIGHT by them, how PURE our LOVE would remain for one another. So much so that those without this would ADMIRE the community we have PRAISE GOD, not CURSE Him.

So today, instead of focusing on what or who you don't like, put into practice this truth to focus on the EXCELLENT things of GOD, His Word, His Son....not on the debt ceiling*, Affordable Health care * (Obamacare for some), not your discontent in or with_______________________________ and watch how much more PEACEFUL you are in Heart/Mind. Trust me...if you choose to focus on anything other than what GOD told us to focus on, your day will go sideways! LGLP247
** I know we need to be educated, informed, vigilant and aware of what's going on around us, and I am...and I'm not suggesting we close our eyes to, or ignore some of these issues....I am though asking your to consider why the WORD would instruct us on what to focus on to have peace, and it's not the hot topics of our culture.
Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Phil. 4:8-9 MSG
Am I the only kid that liked playing with magnifying glasses? Getting the opportunity to make something seemingly insignificant and small, bigger if only for an illusion. Oh how when we magnify things we can see details that we never recognized existed. We can see the eyes on an ant, or how our skin folds (ok some of us you can see that without a magnifying glass...lol) or remember those microscopic pictures that when you zoom out it's a block of concrete, but it looked like your were on the moon. Also remember setting leaves or things on fire when you used a magnifying glass with the combination of "focused" light the destruction it could cause?
Paul while sitting in jail, who had every right to be found complaining about his present condition, opted to keep His mind stayed on, focused on encouraging others and on Jesus. In these verses he tries to give the people of Philippi who were hard-workers, and aware of the stresses of their culture something to ease their minds.....no it wasn't a glass of wine, or a drug...it was the WORD of GOD instructing them to FIX THEIR THOUGHTS on................... Cause like with a magnifying glass whatever you focus on, fix your eyes or thoughts on....increases in size. If you think of the one reason, or many reasons you hate or dislike _______________________ then those things get bigger. When in essence they may be microscopic, harmless, or really insignificant in the big picture....focusing on such will cause us to feel defenseless, fearful, or overwhelmed. Take for instance looking on a microscope for too long, focusing on the amount of bacteria and such can cause one to become a germ-aphobe. If a spouse focuses on the wrong thing or person too long an affair is easy to happen. If an employee focuses on what they don't like about their job instead of praising God for it, they'll end up unemployed. But if we focus on the TRUTH of Scripture. If we focus on HONORING our FATHER through doing what is RIGHT by them, how PURE our LOVE would remain for one another. So much so that those without this would ADMIRE the community we have PRAISE GOD, not CURSE Him.
So today, instead of focusing on what or who you don't like, put into practice this truth to focus on the EXCELLENT things of GOD, His Word, His Son....not on the debt ceiling*, Affordable Health care * (Obamacare for some), not your discontent in or with_______________________________ and watch how much more PEACEFUL you are in Heart/Mind. Trust me...if you choose to focus on anything other than what GOD told us to focus on, your day will go sideways! LGLP247
** I know we need to be educated, informed, vigilant and aware of what's going on around us, and I am...and I'm not suggesting we close our eyes to, or ignore some of these issues....I am though asking your to consider why the WORD would instruct us on what to focus on to have peace, and it's not the hot topics of our culture.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
So I'm sorry....tell me again what school did you go to? What High School was it? Oh...you're beyond that....I'm sorry what College did you graduate from? What's your degree in? These are questions that are standard when networking. When meeting someone for the first time in a corporate setting that's what means something, where you went to school, or what degree(s) you have....and honestly.....when you die what does it all amount to? What does it matter on the flip side of this life; eternity?
Looking at some of these ruins in Turkey (Corinth) one can deduce that at one time these were meeting places. They were thought to be the best of the best, and I'm sure the builders never saw this picture that we behold coming......ruins. After being attacked, enslaved, and killed these buildings had little worth to their captors. Paul in writing to the people of Philippi wanted them to steer clear of comparing themselves to others, and reveling in their accomplishments because if anyone could boast he could, but he didn't. Why because when he looked at his accomplishments in comparison to having received CHRIST, he counted it as dung, skubala, doo doo.....because there is no comparison.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: I wonder what would happened if you asked WHAT DIFFERENCE HAS JESUS CHRIST MADE IN YOUR LIFE, instead of what school did you go to, or what do you do for a living, how that would really throw off the "party"?
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
So yesterday I asked the question ARE YOU REALLY CONCERNED? Simply because the people of LIGHT, Disciples of Christ, followers of Christ should be concerned. There's so much to be concerned about, but the question is what are you going to do about those things that concern you? Will you politic and rally signatures for your cause or will you look to the WORD and see what CHRIST CALL's, TELL's COMMANDS us to do when............................... While Paul was sitting in a prison, chained to someone...you know what he did? You know what the GOD in him, inspired him to do? Write letters of encouragement and instructions. Not letters railing the authorities, the Roman gov't, or whoever it was that ratted him out and got him there.....he wrote letters of encouragement. In this particular letter he writes about Timothy, his protégé' and he said that "he's genuinely concerned for you! While others are focused on themselves, he's concerned about the things of GOD and he's the real thing!" Just reading that makes me wish Timothy was on his way to see me.
Which is where I want to take this blog. Lifeguards don't make a lot of money, oops....many of them are actually volunteers. So let me get this right, they go through hours upon hours of training to get certified, to watch people who are having FUN, sometimes reckless FUN in the event their lives need to be saved???????? I want a few of these people around the church. People who are willing to go through some training, and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of saving another....even though the person who need saving thought at one moment they were actually having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES doing what they wanted to do.
JESUS tells his disciples to keep watch and pray, as He goes off to pray. We know the story that they fell asleep, and this was the night they came to get Jesus. Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father, and I wonder are we like the disciples are like lifeguards? Are we falling asleep on the job of doing the VERY THINGS CHRIST instructs us to do? Are we LIFEGUARDS, like Timothy's that are SO GENUINELY CONCERNED about the welfare of others, that we keep watch, and we DIVE INTO LIFE HEAD FIRST with the purpose of loving someone enough to GIVE THEM ANOTHER CHANCE at life!
THANKS FOR READING....back to my post! LGLP247
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
If the Lord Jesus is willing, I hope to send Timothy to you soon for a visit. Then he can cheer me up by telling me how you are getting along. 20 I have no one else like Timothy, who genuinely cares about your welfare. (Phil. 2:19-20 NLT)
I plan (according to Jesus’ plan) to send Timothy to you very soon so he can bring back all the news of you he can gather. Oh, how that will do my heart good! I have no one quite like Timothy. He is loyal, and genuinely concerned for you. MSG
19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. 20 For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. ESV
As we look at this picture you can't help but deduce that whomever this darling baby is, it's totally unaware of who it is that is kissing upon it. It's not even aware of the sacrifice that this person is about to make on it's behalf. And if you are tenderhearted this picture can tug at something in you, that no matter your stance on .......................you realize that this is beautiful that this man is prepared to risk it all, because he's concerned for this child, or his children, or his family, or his nation to the extent that he's pledged his life to go off, and defend the freedoms he desires this child to enjoy.
Paul like this man, was concerned. He was concerned for the people of Philippi. He knew that they were in tough times, and that it was going to get tougher, but instead of writing them from prison asking for financial donations, or a pack of cigarettes, or why haven't you all been to visit me....he writes them informing them that he would be sending someone to them. Because GOD IS FIRST in Paul's life, he's looking to the needs of others before his own. Now Paul being a connected man, didn't send just anyone....he sent his young protege', his like minded brother, Timothy.
WHY TIMOTHY of all people, look to the text, he " is genuinely concerned for you, he's concerned about your welfare......" At some point the soldiers in these pictures were so concerned that it moved them to do something. Now, I don't know if they every protested, posted on facebook their frustrations, led marches, rallied for signatures.....but what I do know they did....they put their name & life on the line by pledging it away for you and I. Timothy too, could've ended up in jail, but because of his deep love for GOD, and the mission of spreading the Gospel he partnered with Paul and went, why, because he too was concerned.
So simply put, where have your concerns led you to DO? If it didn't cost you your name, your blood, or your life....did it really cost you? Christ calls each of His Disciples to DIE TO THEMSELVES, meaning forget your agenda, and pursue His will for your life. It means forsaking your will/way, and be willing to suffer for righteousness sake. It means surrendering your style and preferences simply so the SPIRIT, HIS SPIRIT is free to express itself in and through you. So I ask again......where have you concerns led you? Or are you not that concerned, which is a clear sign of selfishness? LGLP
I plan (according to Jesus’ plan) to send Timothy to you very soon so he can bring back all the news of you he can gather. Oh, how that will do my heart good! I have no one quite like Timothy. He is loyal, and genuinely concerned for you. MSG
19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. 20 For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. ESV
As we look at this picture you can't help but deduce that whomever this darling baby is, it's totally unaware of who it is that is kissing upon it. It's not even aware of the sacrifice that this person is about to make on it's behalf. And if you are tenderhearted this picture can tug at something in you, that no matter your stance on .......................you realize that this is beautiful that this man is prepared to risk it all, because he's concerned for this child, or his children, or his family, or his nation to the extent that he's pledged his life to go off, and defend the freedoms he desires this child to enjoy.
Paul like this man, was concerned. He was concerned for the people of Philippi. He knew that they were in tough times, and that it was going to get tougher, but instead of writing them from prison asking for financial donations, or a pack of cigarettes, or why haven't you all been to visit me....he writes them informing them that he would be sending someone to them. Because GOD IS FIRST in Paul's life, he's looking to the needs of others before his own. Now Paul being a connected man, didn't send just anyone....he sent his young protege', his like minded brother, Timothy.
So simply put, where have your concerns led you to DO? If it didn't cost you your name, your blood, or your life....did it really cost you? Christ calls each of His Disciples to DIE TO THEMSELVES, meaning forget your agenda, and pursue His will for your life. It means forsaking your will/way, and be willing to suffer for righteousness sake. It means surrendering your style and preferences simply so the SPIRIT, HIS SPIRIT is free to express itself in and through you. So I ask again......where have you concerns led you? Or are you not that concerned, which is a clear sign of selfishness? LGLP
Thursday, September 19, 2013
HE IS FIRST: We Shine when we Don't Complain!
In a world, in a country, and culture where we see & hear complaints as regularly as we inhale and exhale. We see it in the professional sports world, and unless your kids are in Upward, you see it in even children's sports.
But at risk of complaining, I will keep this devotional extremely short. Paul, under the unction of the Holy Spirit says DO EVERYTHING WITHOUT COMPLAINING and ARGUING, and simply put....that includes your spouse, your children, your job, your boss, your church (family) y(our) Gov't, Obamacare, taxes, and anything else that brings shame to the CROSS of CHRIST.
If we are to truly be like Christ, then let's try to imitate Him, since He didn't make it a practice to complain either, neither should we. I believe, me RAY, that GOD provides a space for us to come to Him with our complaints, and since that is an intimate space, there is no shame brought upon us or Him. But when we share those complaints on FB, TWITTER, or just in open air that sends an eternal message that only confuses those looking for something different....we are to be that difference, the actual difference makers, shining bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. So what will you do? Complain or Shine...? You can't do both. LGLP247
Monday, September 16, 2013
12 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Phil. 2:11-13
Believe it or not, we are all builders. Whether it's putting together bikes, cabinets, repairing busted pipes, tree houses, or just building something cool with a box of legos...we are all builders to some degree. We are builders of relationships. The questions though is whether you are following the blueprints, the instructions on how they should be done? I mean think about it.....as kids we are taught what it means to share. We learn from our parent, parents, teachers, and others how to relate to other people, and depending upon whether we follow those instructions will show in the finished product our relationships.
Paul is writing this letter to some dear friends in Philippi from a prison and he opens up saying " you always followed my instructions when I was with you...." So what is it that you always do? As a builder the hope is that you would always follow the instructions, the blueprints because the minute we think we got this and deviate from the instructions, is the moment Satan has us. Following the blueprints/instructions is work, because we have to read, we have to study, we have to make sure things are in their proper order so we can then execute. Paul instructs us to work out our salvation...and like building we have to clear things out in order to have an environment conducive to building.
Now the foundation has been laid for those that have chosen Jesus...next is working to build upon that very foundation with the WORD. Getting the WORD inside of you is not solely for the purpose of being able to spit off scriptures to impress folks....it's to get those words to excavate your heart so that the WORD would bring the change necessary so that you'd become the CHURCH that Christ is returning to rescue.
The blessing is that you're NEVER left alone in this building process. Christ, His Spirit partners with you, in you to bring this process to completion but it doesn't happen without your partnership, your buy in. This means you HAVE TO BE AT CHURCH. This means YOU HAVE TO BE READING/STUDYING SCRIPTURE. This means you HAVE TO BE WORSHIPPING HIM outside "WORSHIP SERVICES". This means you HAVE TO BE PURPOSEFUL IN SURRENDERING YOUR WILL and PURSUING HIS. Because one day you'll be done building on this side of eternity, and GOD will look to see if you were a CHURCH or a WRECKING BALL! LGLP247
Believe it or not, we are all builders. Whether it's putting together bikes, cabinets, repairing busted pipes, tree houses, or just building something cool with a box of legos...we are all builders to some degree. We are builders of relationships. The questions though is whether you are following the blueprints, the instructions on how they should be done? I mean think about it.....as kids we are taught what it means to share. We learn from our parent, parents, teachers, and others how to relate to other people, and depending upon whether we follow those instructions will show in the finished product our relationships.
Paul is writing this letter to some dear friends in Philippi from a prison and he opens up saying " you always followed my instructions when I was with you...." So what is it that you always do? As a builder the hope is that you would always follow the instructions, the blueprints because the minute we think we got this and deviate from the instructions, is the moment Satan has us. Following the blueprints/instructions is work, because we have to read, we have to study, we have to make sure things are in their proper order so we can then execute. Paul instructs us to work out our salvation...and like building we have to clear things out in order to have an environment conducive to building.

The blessing is that you're NEVER left alone in this building process. Christ, His Spirit partners with you, in you to bring this process to completion but it doesn't happen without your partnership, your buy in. This means you HAVE TO BE AT CHURCH. This means YOU HAVE TO BE READING/STUDYING SCRIPTURE. This means you HAVE TO BE WORSHIPPING HIM outside "WORSHIP SERVICES". This means you HAVE TO BE PURPOSEFUL IN SURRENDERING YOUR WILL and PURSUING HIS. Because one day you'll be done building on this side of eternity, and GOD will look to see if you were a CHURCH or a WRECKING BALL! LGLP247
Monday, September 2, 2013
Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.
3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. Phil. 2:1-4
Growing up with two younger siblings made life quite interesting. For one half of our life we lived under supervision of my grandmother, and then by the time I was entering jr high we moved and had our own, home, and I was in charge while mom was at work. Which gave my younger siblings ample time to give me grief seeking their own way. I mean at the heart of EVERY argument James tells us is just that, selfishness, we desire to have things our way (James 4:1). Now I don't want to come off as being the "good son" cause I too got into my share of fisticuffs with the dynamic duo. But nothing broke my mother's heart more while she was at work, to find out that we were or had been fighting.
GOD is no different! Paul expresses this in verse 2 of this letter by simply stating " make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose." There have been too many wars, crusades, and church splits to count in our history all at the expense NOT:
Agreeing Wholeheartedly...we struggle here, because we simply believe that our way is the right way. Whether you are a mule or elephant, or whatever additional "man-made" label you affiliate your self with. I remember a passionate discussion I had with someone who when the discussion was complete totally in love, we realized we both wanted the same thing for our country, we just disagreed on how it would happen, and who would be the best candidate. Nonetheless we both conceded to submit to God, and pray for our country & our elected officials.
Loving one another...yeah right! We tend to love those who look like us, act like us, talk like, shop where we shop, and believe what we believe. THIS IS NOT THE WAY of a TRUE DISCIPLE. We are to reach out to those that are vastly different from us. THOSE that are far from GOD, with the tool of LOVE. Do you go out of your way to show, love or they have to come to you? LOVING ONE ANOTHER means you have to DO SOMETHING and doing something is not avoiding them. CHRIST came from heaven, and HE didn't seek to AVOID the sick, HE went to them.
Working together ....what are you currently working on and with who. If it's only to your benefit, or for your pleasure....then you aren't working in flux with the Spirit.
Growing up with two younger siblings made life quite interesting. For one half of our life we lived under supervision of my grandmother, and then by the time I was entering jr high we moved and had our own, home, and I was in charge while mom was at work. Which gave my younger siblings ample time to give me grief seeking their own way. I mean at the heart of EVERY argument James tells us is just that, selfishness, we desire to have things our way (James 4:1). Now I don't want to come off as being the "good son" cause I too got into my share of fisticuffs with the dynamic duo. But nothing broke my mother's heart more while she was at work, to find out that we were or had been fighting.
GOD is no different! Paul expresses this in verse 2 of this letter by simply stating " make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose." There have been too many wars, crusades, and church splits to count in our history all at the expense NOT:
Agreeing Wholeheartedly...we struggle here, because we simply believe that our way is the right way. Whether you are a mule or elephant, or whatever additional "man-made" label you affiliate your self with. I remember a passionate discussion I had with someone who when the discussion was complete totally in love, we realized we both wanted the same thing for our country, we just disagreed on how it would happen, and who would be the best candidate. Nonetheless we both conceded to submit to God, and pray for our country & our elected officials.
Loving one another...yeah right! We tend to love those who look like us, act like us, talk like, shop where we shop, and believe what we believe. THIS IS NOT THE WAY of a TRUE DISCIPLE. We are to reach out to those that are vastly different from us. THOSE that are far from GOD, with the tool of LOVE. Do you go out of your way to show, love or they have to come to you? LOVING ONE ANOTHER means you have to DO SOMETHING and doing something is not avoiding them. CHRIST came from heaven, and HE didn't seek to AVOID the sick, HE went to them.
Working together ....what are you currently working on and with who. If it's only to your benefit, or for your pleasure....then you aren't working in flux with the Spirit.
TODAY is the DAY that the LORD HAS MADE, and I simply want to know, do you desire to make Him happy? If so....begin agreeing wholeheartedly (not half-butt) , loving one another, and working together for the cause of UNITY & promoting GOD's KINGDOM agenda! Enjoy your holiday, and I gotta go do these things not just in my home, but outside the walls of 1444. UP UP & A RAY!!!! LGLP
Monday, August 19, 2013
While in a prison Paul began to remember when he was with a group of people in Macedonia and although he had a rough time there, he didn't choose to focus on that. He didn't focus on how he had been wrongly imprisoned, of lied on....nope. He remembered, chose to focus on what good came of that visit. He thanked God for them. (When was the last time you thanked God for your _____________________?)
He was only able to do this because he knew WHO HE WAS, and WHOSE HE WAS. How do I know this....because Paul didn't start of his letter saying I, Paul the great orator, church planter, reverend, doctor, elder, bishop of all the churches I STARTED..... He introduced himself as BOND-SERVANTS meaning they chose to serve JESUS. They weren't enslaved, but rather they new they would be a slave to something as they had previously been slaves to themselves, or the pop-culture of their time.....they chose to BOND themselves to Jesus Christ. Which means He's their LORD. They choose to do their Master's will They choose to live to please Him, not people.
In assuming this position this means that if JESUS is their LORD, that He, JESUS has a responsibility to His servants. This is why he could sit in a cell, and reflect off of the opportunities His gracious and good Master had afforded him. Notice I said opportunities and not challenges. If you truly realize that He's GOD and you're not and have surrendered to His will for your life, while you sit in/at _____________________________________ you should be able to reflect off of the opportunities while you are/were there that you got to meet, cross paths with, share/show love towards....etc.
Last night instead of going home retreating after the day's joys/concerns I went to a new member program we have called ENGAGE. It's an event where people gather to learn about what it means to be a member of Calvary, as well as hear stories of other people that have been attending there, and reflect on do I, should step up my game to commit to being an ambassador of what Calvary represents (changing lives, and transforming communities). I must admit this is like my 4-5th engage that I've attended; 1) to show support of anyone I personally know that is taking that step, and 2) because it's always good to meet new people, hear their stories and encourage them in Christ!
I've been called a Barnabas; an encourager, a giver, and maybe that's true. But I do it because CHRIST did it for me. As His BOND SERVANT, I desire to please Him, because on my own my life is out of control, my marriage is out of control, the ministries I've been entrusted with are out of control, just everything is out of control. So I desire to surrender my life and the very things I care most about into the capable nail-pierced, all powerful, healing, creator of the universe hands of JESUS CHRIST so I can trust the outcomes to my good, and His Glory as Paul did. I pray you do the same.....LGLP
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. 1Cor. 13:4-8a
If you google the word "Trust" this is one of the many images that comes up. We've all played this game before where we close our eyes, cross our arms, and (hopefully) someone that loves you is going to trust you as you fall backwards. In many cases the person is there and there's this sight of relief and all is well in the world. But there are times when you best friend is so preoccupied with their life that they aren't there to catch you when you're falling. There are times when you've left the home only to return and your children have breached your trust. There are times when you've loaned someone money, the car, etc. only to discover they have disrespected what it is you've trusted them with. There are times when you've given someone your heart in a relationship, only to discover they actually hold pieces of many other people's hearts.
When these things happen we want to withdraw away. We struggle to love again, trust again, and for some even live again, but Christ shows us how to respond when family betrays us, when friends aren't there to support us, and when life is just down right unforgiving. We are never in scripture encouraged to put all of our trust in anything BUT the LORD (Proverbs 3:5-6).
So then what are we to do? God has trusted us with friends, children, family, communities, money, resources, etc....and trust we've blown one, a combination of the above listed, or all of them.....and He hasn't withdrawn all of His blessings to us. NOPE! He gives us the Benefit of Doubt, the Benefit of Grace, and the Benefit of Love/Another Chance.
This GOD-LIKE benefit sees the best in people no matter what. It's looking past their present and seeing that they are better than that and choosing to believe in that. I know this all too well. It's knowing your child has God-given talents, but until they recognize it....you have to understand they are a child. Which means they will make decisions and involve themselves ignorantly in things that will hurt them. So what do you do? Give them (I'm talking about adult & young adult children of course) the space of place and time to make their boo-boos where you still protect the family.
This is where you choose to do something positive with the hurt of another. Jesus didn't get offended when Thomas said " I won't believe unless........." He offered Thomas the opportunity of a lifetime. He had given Thomas the benefit of doubt, in knowing the limitations of his faith & understanding, and meted out grace. When we do this....we act in kind with the Spirit of God, who has given us grace to come to the understanding of who God is as well. We all have struggled in believing without fully seeing, but GOD's grace provided opportunities to experience the TRUTH of His Character.
Thank GOD, HE is a GOD of many chances, not just A SECOND CHANCE. Peter shot off at the mouth many times, and the one time he could've made his mark he refused even knowing JESUS. But when Jesus came back on the scene did he remove Peter. Did He DIS(owning) Peter? Nope....He challenged him to live out His faith. Maybe you need to challenge someone to be who they say they are, and live in light of what they say they believe.
We can all close ourselves off, from ever being hurt again...building walls that make relationships difficult, and closing our hearts off from even loving, but at the end of the day we'll end up lonely, and loveless. I encourage you to TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART....so that you don't have to lean on your limited understanding, and allow Him to guide you into and through relationships. He did say, LOVE HIM (with all your heart, mind, and strength), and LOVE PEOPLE! If you really want to do what Jesus did......then it begins with TRUSTING THE FATHER & LOVING! LGLP
8 Love never fails. 1Cor. 13:4-8a
If you google the word "Trust" this is one of the many images that comes up. We've all played this game before where we close our eyes, cross our arms, and (hopefully) someone that loves you is going to trust you as you fall backwards. In many cases the person is there and there's this sight of relief and all is well in the world. But there are times when you best friend is so preoccupied with their life that they aren't there to catch you when you're falling. There are times when you've left the home only to return and your children have breached your trust. There are times when you've loaned someone money, the car, etc. only to discover they have disrespected what it is you've trusted them with. There are times when you've given someone your heart in a relationship, only to discover they actually hold pieces of many other people's hearts.
When these things happen we want to withdraw away. We struggle to love again, trust again, and for some even live again, but Christ shows us how to respond when family betrays us, when friends aren't there to support us, and when life is just down right unforgiving. We are never in scripture encouraged to put all of our trust in anything BUT the LORD (Proverbs 3:5-6).
So then what are we to do? God has trusted us with friends, children, family, communities, money, resources, etc....and trust we've blown one, a combination of the above listed, or all of them.....and He hasn't withdrawn all of His blessings to us. NOPE! He gives us the Benefit of Doubt, the Benefit of Grace, and the Benefit of Love/Another Chance.
This GOD-LIKE benefit sees the best in people no matter what. It's looking past their present and seeing that they are better than that and choosing to believe in that. I know this all too well. It's knowing your child has God-given talents, but until they recognize it....you have to understand they are a child. Which means they will make decisions and involve themselves ignorantly in things that will hurt them. So what do you do? Give them (I'm talking about adult & young adult children of course) the space of place and time to make their boo-boos where you still protect the family.
This is where you choose to do something positive with the hurt of another. Jesus didn't get offended when Thomas said " I won't believe unless........." He offered Thomas the opportunity of a lifetime. He had given Thomas the benefit of doubt, in knowing the limitations of his faith & understanding, and meted out grace. When we do this....we act in kind with the Spirit of God, who has given us grace to come to the understanding of who God is as well. We all have struggled in believing without fully seeing, but GOD's grace provided opportunities to experience the TRUTH of His Character.
Thank GOD, HE is a GOD of many chances, not just A SECOND CHANCE. Peter shot off at the mouth many times, and the one time he could've made his mark he refused even knowing JESUS. But when Jesus came back on the scene did he remove Peter. Did He DIS(owning) Peter? Nope....He challenged him to live out His faith. Maybe you need to challenge someone to be who they say they are, and live in light of what they say they believe.
We can all close ourselves off, from ever being hurt again...building walls that make relationships difficult, and closing our hearts off from even loving, but at the end of the day we'll end up lonely, and loveless. I encourage you to TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART....so that you don't have to lean on your limited understanding, and allow Him to guide you into and through relationships. He did say, LOVE HIM (with all your heart, mind, and strength), and LOVE PEOPLE! If you really want to do what Jesus did......then it begins with TRUSTING THE FATHER & LOVING! LGLP
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. 1Cor. 13:4-8
Of all the pieces of weaponry in the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD, the only defensive one is the shield of FAITH. Pictured here is a scene from 300 where there stance is with very little of the body left unprotected while the rest of the body is shielded away from the attack of the enemy. They are even standing closely together as to cover not just themselves but the men around them.
This is a portrait of the type of love that protects. Is this how your love looks at work? Do you protect the integrity of the company even though the company may have flaws? Or are you too busy bad mouthing the CEO down to the Janitor? Do you protect the integrity of your home, or does everybody know your spouse is a _________________________ and struggles with____________________? What about your kids or your neighborhood? Do you protect the integrity of either of those?
You know a few years back we were left scratching our heads regarding the Oklahoma bombing incident with how could one of our own (Timothy McVeigh, an American) orchestrate to do such a heinous act? The minute we begin to champion our own causes, and buy into the lies of spiritual wickedness we lay down our shields and expose our very hearts which when not fully surrendered to CHRIST they are fully offered over to SATAN and his purposes. Think about all of the moments of treason and division within our countries history.....gives total creedence to the saying, "united we stand, but divided we fall...."
If the WORD of GOD is true (and I KNOW IT TO BE FULLY TRUTHFUL) then where is it we, you and I have went wrong in our LOVE? If TRUE LOVE always protects...how is it we are so divided as a NATION, as even the BODY OF CHRIST, and even INDIVIDUALS?
The cowardly way to answer this question is the blame whoever is in office or whoever is leading your church, or ministry. The honest way is to look in the mirror and begin with repentance! Admit, you have laid down your shield of faith. The enemy's arrows have pierced your heart regarding these issues. You're wounded....and as you are taking your lasts breaths you are spewing venom mixed with your own blood regarding_________________________ and how things need to change. (Christ stayed focused on God's mission for Him, he didn't get caught up in pop-culture, and bashing the administrations of His day.)
While repenting ask the LORD to search your heart (Psalms 139:24) and heal it so that you can be of the same heart and mind of Christ. Christ showed us how to LOVE people.....we all tend to struggle in this area...so pick back up your shield and instead of being a flashlight (pointing out the sin in every hidden dark corner) be the LIGHT that emits, radiates the LOVE of CHRIST through your brokenness that draws people to His Protecting love. LGLP
8 Love never fails. 1Cor. 13:4-8
Of all the pieces of weaponry in the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD, the only defensive one is the shield of FAITH. Pictured here is a scene from 300 where there stance is with very little of the body left unprotected while the rest of the body is shielded away from the attack of the enemy. They are even standing closely together as to cover not just themselves but the men around them.
This is a portrait of the type of love that protects. Is this how your love looks at work? Do you protect the integrity of the company even though the company may have flaws? Or are you too busy bad mouthing the CEO down to the Janitor? Do you protect the integrity of your home, or does everybody know your spouse is a _________________________ and struggles with____________________? What about your kids or your neighborhood? Do you protect the integrity of either of those?
You know a few years back we were left scratching our heads regarding the Oklahoma bombing incident with how could one of our own (Timothy McVeigh, an American) orchestrate to do such a heinous act? The minute we begin to champion our own causes, and buy into the lies of spiritual wickedness we lay down our shields and expose our very hearts which when not fully surrendered to CHRIST they are fully offered over to SATAN and his purposes. Think about all of the moments of treason and division within our countries history.....gives total creedence to the saying, "united we stand, but divided we fall...."
If the WORD of GOD is true (and I KNOW IT TO BE FULLY TRUTHFUL) then where is it we, you and I have went wrong in our LOVE? If TRUE LOVE always protects...how is it we are so divided as a NATION, as even the BODY OF CHRIST, and even INDIVIDUALS?
The cowardly way to answer this question is the blame whoever is in office or whoever is leading your church, or ministry. The honest way is to look in the mirror and begin with repentance! Admit, you have laid down your shield of faith. The enemy's arrows have pierced your heart regarding these issues. You're wounded....and as you are taking your lasts breaths you are spewing venom mixed with your own blood regarding_________________________ and how things need to change. (Christ stayed focused on God's mission for Him, he didn't get caught up in pop-culture, and bashing the administrations of His day.)
While repenting ask the LORD to search your heart (Psalms 139:24) and heal it so that you can be of the same heart and mind of Christ. Christ showed us how to LOVE people.....we all tend to struggle in this area...so pick back up your shield and instead of being a flashlight (pointing out the sin in every hidden dark corner) be the LIGHT that emits, radiates the LOVE of CHRIST through your brokenness that draws people to His Protecting love. LGLP
Monday, August 5, 2013
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. 1Cor. 13:4-8
We have such short memories. We forget where we placed our keys, parked the car, where are our taxes from the previous year, where our or driver's license is, and depending on how many kids you got even their names. We also forget dates...you know times....like dr./dentist appointments. We forget enrollment dates, birth dates, and for some even anniversary dates. Of all the dates that slip our minds I think forgetting the anniversary one, has to be one of the worst. Because that date is really supposed to mean something, a certain energy of intentionality is expected to be placed on this date.
One year ago, this day I closed a chapter in my life of working FT at SSM Homecare/Hospice to follow God's calling on my life to pastor. There were mixed emotions. Tears shed because of people that I deeply love (still do) I won't get to see everyday, and share life as had become routine for the bulk of my waking hours. Tears shed because I knew that GOD called me, and that this wouldn't be easy, but it would be as rewarding as all of my years volunteering to be a part in building HIS KINGDOM. Tears because although I had learned to lean on/rely on Him, I'd have to in wholly new and deeper capacity...and I needed to remember I can't try harder.....but rather submit more to His authority and power so that they both would be alive in me.
Today's verse says what LOVE is, and in context of my resting in the remembrance of what has all transpired this year I'd love to look at it through this lens:
LOVE IS PATIENT: God thank you for teaching me your timing is always perfect. Help me to communicate that to the flock so that they will develop in the patience you have for them.
LOVE IS KIND: God thank you for showing me through every series that kindness is essential in daily living and that we are to approach people and circumstances with Jesus LIKE KINDNESS. Help me to be kind-hearted in all I do, even when having to admonish others.
LOVE doesn't ENVY.....GOD I know who I am, I know intimately many of the people of Connections, and I don't desire another body of people. I'm thankful for what it is you've have given me, and I pray each person is as thankful, if not more!
LOVE doesn't BOAST....GOD thank you that I am braggadocios.....I know I come close with my pride in my barbecue, but help me to remain humble in what you are doing in me, with me, and through me whether that is publicly, privately, or corporately.
LOVE doesn't dishonor others.....GOD I repent in this area, as I am certain (due to my imperfections) I had to in 365 have dishonored someone. I give you permission to search my heart GOD and surgically remove any cells of dishonoring others that may exist. I desire GOD to make every person that I come in contact with to feel special.
LOVE isn't SELF-SEEKING, EASILY ANGERED, or KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS: GOD thank you that what I do, I do it for you. I don't look for the applause or approval of others, rather I seek GODLY counsel and mentoring so that I do what you've called me to do in excellence. Thank you for helping me to not lose my cool, or hold people in bondage to their past failures. Please help me to continue loving you and others in this vein.
LOVE doesn't DELIGHT IN EVIL, but REJOICES IN TRUTH : Thank you God, that we haven't celebrated EVIL, but delighted in the truth of your SPIRIT being alive & present in the CONNECTIONS body!!!
LOVE ALWAYS PROTECTS......As a shepherd is supposed to GOD help me to grow in this area. That I take time to tenderly care for the people of CALVARY, especially those under my immediate eye. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and extremities to serve them with your power.
I ask these things in JESUS NAME! AMEN
As I endeavor to do greater things in year 2, with the people of Calvary/Connections, I pray tha each of us honor one another, love God more, grow deeper in the Word & Worship that people will look upon us, and desire community with Christ and us!
Tomorrow I will pick up at LOVE ALWAYS PROTECTS.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Love Does........FORGIVENESS: You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1Cor. 13:5
In my very early 20's I had worked really hard and bought my first REAL car. I say REAL CAR because my first car technically was a Ford Escort (nicknamed CHRISTINE) because the exhaust fumes came on the inside of the car instead of the tail pipe, and I swear that car tried to kill me. So I had bought a Pontiac Bonneville. It was black with a camel colored cloth interior. I had decided to get some 5-Start aluminum wheels on it, with gold studs on it. I then got all the windows I could smoke-tinted, and had a premium after-market sound system installed so people could hear or feel me before the even saw me. When I brought home my monster of a mobile, I decided I wanted to upgrade the 6x9 speakers and decided to do that myself.
My neighbor's son was a 40yr old man that did odd jobs and had a few issues with drugs. He and I tried to take out the back dash to install the speakers and to no avail it didn't work. Later (alone and on my own) I figured out I needed to go through the trunk. That night while I slept that same crack addicted neighbor broke into my car and not only stole those same speakers, but also many of my cd's and my radio. Because of how the back dash had been ripped out.....I knew it was him. Of course the one night he's always outside trolling the streets he was nowhere to be found. As a young man, filled with unbridled anger for a multitude of reasons, my first thought was he has to pay! The police came, and couldn't do much of nothing, this angered me more....and at this point I didn't want to ride in my car, nor touch anything as I felt it was dirty and violated. I won't go into the range of emotions I endured...and let me just say they weren't God-honoring. Had I owned a gun my life would've been tragically different today.
When we feel disrespected, offended, and violated we are prone to think, say, and do things that could really lead us down a path of darkness and that's whether you are a believer or non-believer (Ask the sword slinging Peter). I can't tell you what this crack addict thought about me, or said about me, but what he did to me seemed to justify every thought I was having about him, but honestly it really didn't. Days later I learned from his mother (my neighbor) I learned he had been murdered a few days later in very neighborhood I grew up in as a child. If I'm honest I felt justice had been served...but whose justice? As a mature follower of Christ I've come to realize that Jesus desires that none would perish but would come to repentance. Since I am supposed to be an ambassador of His Kingdom, my goal should be the same as his....that I'd be a reconciler of relationships, not a champion of my own national rights, because if I am truly not of this world my agenda is not the same as the average American. This means I will speak out in ways that may not lead me to march in concert with others. This means I may like Christ, choose the path of establishing one-on-one relationships where the greatest changes occur. This means I may not entertain anyone political parties agenda but those things that pertain to upholding the will of God concerning the widows, orphans, and those that may not have a voice sign me up.
Jesus told them my kingdom is not of this world. He didn't speak out against Caesar or Pilate, He turned people onto the WORD, looked to the righteous judge His Father, and continued living in a manner that was so different that it was attractive to those that sought more out of life. Jesus demonstrated His anger once publicly with the money changers then after that continued on His tour of changing the world through loving every person He came in contact with. So while you march, or attend your meetings, I'll make sure I'm looking for the ones that are hurting because of the words you spewed or posted and offer them a hand up, instead of a handout. Continuing the GREAT CO-Mission. LGLP
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