3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing. 1Cor. 13:3
We've heard a hundred, if not thousands of times.....For God so loved the World, that He gave.......notice how the love preceded the act of giving and the gift itself.
Satan is real....and so are the evil rulers, authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places that seek to derail any one member, the team, or a family before a missions trip. But in order to complete the mission, in order to perform the will of God we need to make sure as we enter the mission field and battleground that our hearts are right....meaning that we are doing this out of LOVE....for if and when we are then the blessing of giving in LOVE, is more of the Father.
Once our hearts are full of the LOVE of the FATHER, then we must make sure we are properly suited because the stakes are too high to go out with just a heart full of love, but not prepared for the enemies that are opposed to the advancement of God's kingdom. So what am I saying.....
As this maybe my last blog for sometime, I'm asking that you consider over the next few days entering into prayer with us and for us beginning tonight. Because of the Love of the Father alive in this group of men and women going to Malawi I want each of them, us covered.
Here are the team members names. Logan Hepburn (student), Rachel Steen (nurse), Rachel Sexton (musician), Art Pender (mechanic), Brian Taylor (leader), Jake Taylor (student), Nicholas Goodwin (student), Spring Hansen (photographer, historian) and myself.
What can you pray about....Our health (spiritual, mental, emotional), Our impact, Our time together that we'd grow in community, Our travel transitions (that we'd look for ways to love others, serve others, and that we'd remember it's not about our comfort), Our JOY (that it may remain full so that it may be our strength), Our families (that we are leaving behind), Our quiet times (that are devotions would reveal a new fresh revelation of the Lord @ work in our lives), Our departure and return home.
I believe if you all would devote some time, and sweat for us in prayer GOD will take care of the rest. Thank you all....I love you all (My wife, my kids, my family, my beloved CONNECTIONS congregation and family I'm preparing my heart that is already missing you all, every person and couple I've counseled, the wonderful staff at Calvary, those that I have a "special" relationship/connection with, CTS, St. Charles & Cottleville PD and City Gov't, Public Housing Authority of St. Charles, the men I'm disciplining EMAW (Every Man A Warrior) groups, BBT Family, and to the people I've yet to meet to quote Jack Nicholas as the Joker...."Wait til they get a load of me." I'm out LGLP...
With having only so much time to preach on any given Sunday, God's word is impregnated with a variety blessings that sometimes.....He reveals yet another one after you have finished speaking. This is an attempt to continue the conversation long after you've left the church, or the message has ended, but God is still talking. So feel free to really dig into these posts. Ask questions & even share what God is revealing or has revealed to you. GOD BLESS
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013

So where is he......Mr. Know It All???? Funny how when we hear this...in our heads actual faces pop up. Maybe it's your mother, father, uncle, aunt, the kid you went to school with, or maybe your own sibling, or maybe.....just maybe you are wrestling with this because you have heard that said about you a million times.
Paul continues in his letter to this very affluent church in Corinth that has everything....they have people that can speak multiple languages, people that have the spiritual gifts of tongues (speaking as angels) but since they don't have love, it's all just noise to people. Today, he addresses a group of people gifted with prophecy (those who can speak the deep things of scripture and revelation knowledge regarding the things of God) and those that have mountain moving faith. But the truth is because they didn't love others........it was counted as nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt said " People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." This is so an act of praying God's Spirit to be at work in and through us as your pastors. How can we possibly connect with every person that fills the rooms of our campuses. Now to some you know your pastor on a person level, and they you, your family, etc but we have to rely on the Holy Spirit because it's our desire to connect with even the visitor, or stranger as Christ did when He spoke to the masses.
So here's what I have for you....do people know you care...care to the extent that you have proven works that shows that you love them? What does that look like in relation to your neighbors? What does that look like regarding the person you sat next to this past Sunday? What does that look like regarding your husband/wife? For those in blended families....in order for you to win over those entrusted to you in this marriage is not through establishing rules and guidelines, but rather through relationally getting to know them and learning how to discern their love language and love them.
Remember LET LOVE BE YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY! (1Cor. 14:1) and WHAT IS IMPORTANT (is Your GREAT (my emphasis) faith is expressing itself through LOVE (Gal. 5:6). So how will they know Christ, but by through your love for one another. Instead of trying to convert people, and change them.....why not just love them, and let God take care of the rest? Simply put.....Love God, and Love (others) People!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Let love be your highest goal! 1Cor. 14:1a
If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 1Cor. 13:1
Have you ever been to a recital where the only instrument was a set of cymbals? Or maybe you've visited the theatre and sat through a gong concert???? The likelihood of any of that is actually zilch. Because neither one of the instruments are ones that on their own can make music. They can add and even take away from the musicality of a piece, but on their own....they are noisemakers. Which is what Paul said speaking in tongues or foreign languages without the thread of love is.
It's sad how many marriages end not because of adultery, or financial maladies, but mainly because of communication. Either it's not enough, it's bad, or totally unhealthy communication. We all hate being misunderstood....we all have a story to tell, a message to convey, and because of our backgrounds and up-bringings our abilities to communicate that maybe challenging. So Paul says if I don't first love others when I open my mouth...whether I am spiritually gifted or multi-lingual what comes out of my mouth is noise...it turns people off.
Are you that guy, that gal...that people frequently misunderstand you? Listen to how I asked the question......if people frequently misunderstand you it can't be all them are wrong. Ask yourself do you honestly attempt to get to know people with your core motive being to learn how to love them? See without knowing them.....you can't love them. You have to approach every person you meet as valuable in your sight, because they are seen as precious in God's sight. They are His child, whether they are alive to that yet or not. This includes your wives (who are are God's daughter's and His gift to you....Nincompoop), your children (His blessings to you) your boss (the very person he positioned in authority over you for a reason) your neighbors (who you need to show the love of Christ to as well as learn from them) your family (that you didn't necessarily pick but were the soil that contains the life nutrients needed to help you germinate) and the stranger (the one in front of you, behind you, besides you, all around that are the answers to your "who needs to meet you today GOD," prayers)
So for the record......are you an instrument of His love used to make beautiful music...or are you clanging gong? Be about our Father's Business......LGLP
Let love be your highest goal! 1Cor. 14:1a
Pictured is an athlete literally auditioning for the NFL draft by displaying his ability to jump vertically from a flat footed position. Their goal is to jump the highest by touching the pegs to register exactly how high they can jump.
In football they have a goal post, in basketball they have a hoop, in soccer/hockey/rugby/lacrosse there's the goal but the highest goal in them all is to win. Nobody steps onto the field of play with their hearts desire to lose. Even at 39yrs of age, when I step onto a softball field or basketball court my desire is to win, but my goal is to glorify GOD in how I play and interact with the other people on the team, on the opposing team, and the officials. After the Apostle Paul had penned the 13 chapter of Corinthians he started off the 14th chapter reiterating the highest goal.....LOVE. In other writings Paul talked about us running a race to receive a prize...and not that we are running someone else's race, but rather our own so our competition isn't another believer, or a non-believer, but ourselves. So before we get into your giftednesses........is love your highest goal? If you stopped breathing right now...and woke up in eternity have anyone felt the love of GOD expressed through you, your faith today?
The highest jump was in 2009 Donald Washington (no relation...at least I don't think so) at 45in. I'll never will jump that high, on this side of eternity, but that's not my goal. My goal today, and everyday is to Love God (with everything), then Love every person He has orchestrated for me to encounter today for His Glory, and that ultimately I would've served Him this day as a conduit for His love. Literally changing the world, one person at a time. LGLP
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
8 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me. 9 Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue—those liars who say they are Jews but are not—to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love. Rev. 3:8-9

If anybody knew about feeling like the door was locked on them.....Jesus did. Remember before He was to go to the cross...He went to the Father in DEEP prayer, asking if there was another way. Only to land on the will of the FATHER that ultimately led him to endure the cross for each of us.
See the word of GOD is true when we are reminded that we have a High Priest that totally identifies with us.
14 So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. 15 This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. Hebrews 4:14-15
This is why the opening to this passage in Revelations is so necessary for us to grasp that He is faithful and true. He knows what it is we deal with. But He wants to draw our attention to His promises and His power over those very circumstances.
So as you will GO to GOD in prayer today, this week, etc.....remember this.....the best place for you in prayer is to fall upon the WILL OF GOD, and may the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding keep your heart and mind, through Christ Jesus....as it did Him. LGLP
If anybody knew about feeling like the door was locked on them.....Jesus did. Remember before He was to go to the cross...He went to the Father in DEEP prayer, asking if there was another way. Only to land on the will of the FATHER that ultimately led him to endure the cross for each of us.
See the word of GOD is true when we are reminded that we have a High Priest that totally identifies with us.
14 So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. 15 This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. Hebrews 4:14-15
This is why the opening to this passage in Revelations is so necessary for us to grasp that He is faithful and true. He knows what it is we deal with. But He wants to draw our attention to His promises and His power over those very circumstances.
So as you will GO to GOD in prayer today, this week, etc.....remember this.....the best place for you in prayer is to fall upon the WILL OF GOD, and may the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding keep your heart and mind, through Christ Jesus....as it did Him. LGLP
Friday, June 7, 2013
FOCAL POINT SARDIS: The Rotting Church
I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive—but you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God. 3 Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief. Rev. 3:1b-3
Of all of the appalling, and hurtful things that a groom can say to his bride this has to top the list. Jesus looks at the Church of Sardis and tells them/her that they have a reputation of being a live, but really....."you are dead!" Can you just imagine a bride getting ready for her groom; the pedicure, manicure, getting the hair done, and has the most beautiful dress on....to walk down the isle and be standing face to face with her dream groom, in front of friends and family, and to be told "You look.....but really you are dead!"
It's been a minute since I've posted and life has a way of forcing you off the highway, to a detour to show you some things, and this week I've gotten to see hundreds of kids excitedly gather for VBS at our MR campus, watch caffeine stoked adults and high spirited teens partner together to be the CHURCH. the GLORIOUS ONE, the ONE that is so attractive the parking daily looked like a Minivan Armada assembling to go on the offense for the cause of Christ. Now that VBS is changing locations from Mid Rivers Calvary to Connections the no.s maybe dwarfed but the urgency of the need of joy-filled, high spirited, caffeine stoked volunteers hasn't changed....but most of all we need parents that are committed to investing into their children the opportunity to be exposed to the LIVING CHURCH, even if right now....you are really representing a dead one. You owe to your children, and your children's children to give them a chance to be what you may struggle to be....THE CHURCH.
While the saying a "child shall lead the way," really isn't stated verbatim in scripture (derived from Is. 11:6 and mostly used out of context)....just maybe your child could transform the world, beginning with your home if you choose to invest in them right now. As I stated this coming week Calvary Church Connections Campus will host Kingdom Rock from 6-8pm M-F, and you can easily go online calvaryonline.cc and register. If Christ is coming back for a church, and you are the church....are your pews empty? Are you majestic on the outside but dilapidated in your heart? Are there no members in your assembly...meaning....you don't lead your wife, your kids, your co-workers, your neighbors, or friends? Remember He's coming back.....so today's the day to make a few changes. GOD BLESS and building His church, His Kingdom begins with realizing your need for Him, accepting Him as your Lord and savior, then loving Him enough to live for Him, and love others to Him! LGLP
Of all of the appalling, and hurtful things that a groom can say to his bride this has to top the list. Jesus looks at the Church of Sardis and tells them/her that they have a reputation of being a live, but really....."you are dead!" Can you just imagine a bride getting ready for her groom; the pedicure, manicure, getting the hair done, and has the most beautiful dress on....to walk down the isle and be standing face to face with her dream groom, in front of friends and family, and to be told "You look.....but really you are dead!"
It's been a minute since I've posted and life has a way of forcing you off the highway, to a detour to show you some things, and this week I've gotten to see hundreds of kids excitedly gather for VBS at our MR campus, watch caffeine stoked adults and high spirited teens partner together to be the CHURCH. the GLORIOUS ONE, the ONE that is so attractive the parking daily looked like a Minivan Armada assembling to go on the offense for the cause of Christ. Now that VBS is changing locations from Mid Rivers Calvary to Connections the no.s maybe dwarfed but the urgency of the need of joy-filled, high spirited, caffeine stoked volunteers hasn't changed....but most of all we need parents that are committed to investing into their children the opportunity to be exposed to the LIVING CHURCH, even if right now....you are really representing a dead one. You owe to your children, and your children's children to give them a chance to be what you may struggle to be....THE CHURCH.
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