So where is he......Mr. Know It All???? Funny how when we hear this...in our heads actual faces pop up. Maybe it's your mother, father, uncle, aunt, the kid you went to school with, or maybe your own sibling, or maybe.....just maybe you are wrestling with this because you have heard that said about you a million times.
Paul continues in his letter to this very affluent church in Corinth that has everything....they have people that can speak multiple languages, people that have the spiritual gifts of tongues (speaking as angels) but since they don't have love, it's all just noise to people. Today, he addresses a group of people gifted with prophecy (those who can speak the deep things of scripture and revelation knowledge regarding the things of God) and those that have mountain moving faith. But the truth is because they didn't love others........it was counted as nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt said " People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." This is so an act of praying God's Spirit to be at work in and through us as your pastors. How can we possibly connect with every person that fills the rooms of our campuses. Now to some you know your pastor on a person level, and they you, your family, etc but we have to rely on the Holy Spirit because it's our desire to connect with even the visitor, or stranger as Christ did when He spoke to the masses.
So here's what I have for you....do people know you care...care to the extent that you have proven works that shows that you love them? What does that look like in relation to your neighbors? What does that look like regarding the person you sat next to this past Sunday? What does that look like regarding your husband/wife? For those in blended families....in order for you to win over those entrusted to you in this marriage is not through establishing rules and guidelines, but rather through relationally getting to know them and learning how to discern their love language and love them.
Remember LET LOVE BE YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY! (1Cor. 14:1) and WHAT IS IMPORTANT (is Your GREAT (my emphasis) faith is expressing itself through LOVE (Gal. 5:6). So how will they know Christ, but by through your love for one another. Instead of trying to convert people, and change them.....why not just love them, and let God take care of the rest? Simply put.....Love God, and Love (others) People!
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