Of all of the appalling, and hurtful things that a groom can say to his bride this has to top the list. Jesus looks at the Church of Sardis and tells them/her that they have a reputation of being a live, but really....."you are dead!" Can you just imagine a bride getting ready for her groom; the pedicure, manicure, getting the hair done, and has the most beautiful dress on....to walk down the isle and be standing face to face with her dream groom, in front of friends and family, and to be told "You look.....but really you are dead!"
It's been a minute since I've posted and life has a way of forcing you off the highway, to a detour to show you some things, and this week I've gotten to see hundreds of kids excitedly gather for VBS at our MR campus, watch caffeine stoked adults and high spirited teens partner together to be the CHURCH. the GLORIOUS ONE, the ONE that is so attractive the parking daily looked like a Minivan Armada assembling to go on the offense for the cause of Christ. Now that VBS is changing locations from Mid Rivers Calvary to Connections the no.s maybe dwarfed but the urgency of the need of joy-filled, high spirited, caffeine stoked volunteers hasn't changed....but most of all we need parents that are committed to investing into their children the opportunity to be exposed to the LIVING CHURCH, even if right now....you are really representing a dead one. You owe to your children, and your children's children to give them a chance to be what you may struggle to be....THE CHURCH.
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