Wednesday, May 23, 2012


"You are the light of the world...." Matt. 5:13a

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”  John 8:12

"But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world."  Johh 9:5

Struggling for purpose?  Don't know why you live where you live?   Asking God, how much longer do you have to be employed by__________________?  Having a difficult time following what God really wants from you?  Lemme Help:   Jesus is the Light of the World right?   You are a descendant of His physically as well as Biblically through profession of your faith in Him, so that makes you ............ well that means you have some traits, a few characteristics that you share with Him as well.   See He said that He is the light of the world, and during the Sermon on the Mount he said that YOU, Yes YOU the reader, are too " the light of the world."  But He said He was too?  So which is it, Is He the light or are we the light of the world?  It's not an either or, it's a both and.  

He is the light of the world, but since He sits next to the Father, He has transferred that gifting of light, the responsibility to shine, the responsibility to SHED LIGHT in those areas of darkness, where people aren't aware of Him.....He's given that responsibility to you!  Shining doesn't really take's a by product of being connected to a power source. So first make sure you are connected  to Him, through daily devotions and prayer that will keep you inspired & encouraged.  Because you have done these things you will enter LIFE everyday with what it is that will allow you to shine in circumstances where otherwise there would be utter darkness.  He didn't say you were JUST the light of your block, or of your marriage, or job, but rather the LIGHT OF THE WORLD which means wherever you go, or find yourself you should be an attractive beacon that people can't help but see, and want.  Much like the effect a bright moon gives to a dark sky.  Much like seeing a brand new shiny car or diamond commands a pause....or sunlight piercing through a cloudy day, let your life command the attention of a watching world that is wanting the comfort of the light of Christ that emits from your brokenness.   LGLP

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