Wednesday, January 30, 2013

POWERFUL FULFILLMENT: See I told you......

This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen:
“In the Last Days,” God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams.
When the time comes, I’ll pour out my Spirit on those who serve me, men and women both, and they’ll prophesy.   I’ll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below,
Blood and fire and billowing smoke, the sun turning black and the moon blood-red,
Before the Day of the Lord arrives, the Day tremendous and marvelous; And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved.”  Acts 2:16-21
Do you have a have any siblings?  If you remember when something happened and those who really loved you, uttered those words " I told you so...." how you thought I wish you would've have said that.   Or that you think back to the moment when they were forewarning you, and you you sat in the midst of ____________________ you were literally thinking I wish I had listened.   I remember feeling that way when I got myself into a serious, and do mean SERIOUS financial hole with credit card debt.   I mean I had a Sears, Target, Venture, Dillard's, Famous & Barr, even a car stereo installations company credit card, and I was in trouble.   Praise GOD I never had to file bankruptcy as a college freshman, but life had gotten really hard really quick with me overspending and living well beyond my means. 
Peter who was embolden by the Holy Spirit takes them back to the prophet Joel and that what they had observed during Pentecost and what they will see in the age to come is the many signs and wonders of God.   That He told them that there would be a day that God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit would be poured out on us...and that because of this many things would happen.   We've even heard from either our grandparents, parents or older saints that have said we are living in the last days, and we are actually in that in-between time, where Christ has ascended and we are awaiting His return, meanwhile we are experiencing God's Spirit being poured out on His people, and a few signs and wonders going on....which is why as a faith community we need to be living out our faith as to be winsome to our families, communities, and people groups around us. 

But what are we doing......with out faith that is? 
What are we distributing through our facebook pages, or tweets, as we walk into and out of buildings and people's lives?  Are they left with the impression that we have something they want or are people happy we are gone.  Peter's sermon really impacted these people and we will see how later......but what about you impact people with your preached and unspoken daily sermon?  LGLP

Monday, January 28, 2013


14-15 That’s when Peter stood up and, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency: “Fellow Jews, all of you who are visiting Jerusalem, listen carefully and get this story straight. These people aren’t drunk as some of you suspect. They haven’t had time to get drunk—it’s only nine o’clock in the morning. Acts 2 MSG

Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 1Peter 3:15

Funny aint this same Peter in the Gospels was a timid at times, hot headed, potty mouthed, bold, and just all around one of the most unstable followers is now delivering a speech to a crowd of people during a moment of controlled chaos.  He opened up with a joke regarding that these men weren't drunk and that it was much too early for that...but rather.....this was prophecy coming to past.

Then later in his first letter; the book of Peter would say to us...(under the influence of the Spirit) that we don't need to be afraid (as he once was a scared disciple when Christ was hauled off to be crucified) but rather be ready to give an answer to all those who ask for a reason of hope in faith in Jesus Christ.   Peter by the world's standards was not only the most unlikely of characters to be the one to be peaceful enough to deliver a message of this magnitude also if a consulting firm was attempting to say who could be a disciple Peter's emotional instability would have quickly weeded him out.

So what about you......Peter clearly was under the unction of the Holy Spirit, and it was that indwelling peace that filled him to to capacity to pour out such a complete retelling of the GOSPEL that 3000 people hearts were pierced & gave their lives to Christ that day!   Did you spend quiet time with the LORD today so that as you went to work, or are or will be before ________________________________ that you life is available to GOD to communicate in DEED and maybe in word His truths?  The Spirit of GOD is always available to fill us with the confidence needed for the day, the greater question is did you stop to get POWERED UP?   GOD BLESS YOU....LGLP

Thursday, January 17, 2013


14 If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”
7 He replied, The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

9 After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him.  Acts 1:6-9

So for what were you born?  Do you know?  Have you spent anytime with this question that all humans have ponder since the beginning of time?  Esther struggled with it....being chosen to wed a king, that was about to wipe out her Jewish nation, and possibly her too.   The disciples were living in such a time that they felt JESUS had come and now He was about to order heaven down and this majestic kingdom would descend upon the current gov't established by the Roman authorities. 

I've heard people literally pray and say out loud that " I wish Jesus would come back and just end all of this...."and I cringe at those prayers because at the end of them....there are people we love that would surely being going to hell.    That we clearly haven't spent time reading exactly why is it, that CHRIST has delayed his response (2Peter 3:9) because He wishes none of us to perish.   So in Luke 17:20-21 He reminds the disciples that this is not a land of OZ like kingdom or a house that will sit on the wicked witch, but rather His Kingdom, His principles will come through you!    His Kingdom comes alive in's seen in how you love and serve.   Not how you feel the need to speak harshly against____________________ not how you feel like I won't tolerate the person and their sin ( too sin...and yet He has grace upon you).  But they will know Him.....only by our love for Him and one another, which is spelled out and broad casted by how we treat one another.

So why were you born......I ask again?   I know I wasn't born in the 50's to march with King or ride with the Freedom Riders.  Nor was I born to persevere the slave trades or the Civil War.  Nope...I was born for such a time as this, when Christians and non-Christians hang their hats on their politics (mind you politics are of THIS WORLD not of the KINGDOM) so much so that it has divided even the people of GOD.   I was born for such a time as this that more people are concerned with THEIR RIGHT to BEAR ARMS, than they are making sure they have on the full armor of GOD.   That we place our security in carnal made devices instead of  IN GOD WE REALLY TRUST.  See whether my life ends today, or 50 years from now.   My goal is His mission be fulfilled in and through my life.......and I'm wise enough now to's through how I love others, not how I try to divide the people (mind you people He created.....since Satan can't create one living soul (the wheat from the chaff).....that's His job, not mine at His appointed time.   LGLP

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, you heard from me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.  Acts 1:4-5

There is a wait for everything!  We wait to get paid. We wait for babies to be born.   We wait to see outcomes to games, debates, elections, test results.    We wait for " our God sent" mate.   We wait for the next "BEST" thing.   We wait in line to see movies, get our food, to get our plates for our vehicles.   We wait to get our taxes done....we wait for loan apps, we wait to hear from loved ones.   Some of us can't wait for American Idol to begin tonight....I mean if you don't get now....LIFE CAN BE on WAITING event after ANOTHER, and here Christ has asked his disciples to not depart from Jerusalem once He leaves them.....why because they need to WAIT.

Whether you are in an exam room, or the back seat of a car on a road trip, there's something about waiting, and much to be said about waiting well!   If you've ever been the driver, you have kids constantly asking are we there yet?   If you're the one in the waiting room do you spend that time stressing and guessing, or are you praying and engaging in conversations that introduce people into the love of Christ.   No....I'm not saying are you quoting scriptures or sharing this Sunday's messages...but do you strategically locate your seat and ask this simple question:  "How can I pray for  you?"  Imagine how that transforms that waiting room!  Imagine how you no longer are thinking about your appointment, or your results.....but rather totally being second, or others focused.

Jesus invited the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit that would come upon them and give them power to be His witnesses.   My question to each of you wait for the Holy Spirit, so that He would come upon you, and empower you as you go into _______________________________ to be His witnesses?  Honestly speaking you can't afford not's the only way to stay out of your emotions, and tune your frequency onto the Holy Spirit so as you go today.......people experience the reality of a Risen Savior living in you!    So will you wait or will you attempt to take on this day in your own strength?  (simple reminder......"apart from me, you can do nothing" - John 15:5)  LGLP

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


3 During the forty days after his crucifixion, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God.  Acts.1:3

When we tend to think of Jesus rising from the dead, many of us feel like well He had to, because Thomas doubted that He was the real deal, but he wasn't the only one.  As a matter of fact, he showed himself to at least 500 folks over 40 days, to prove that He really was who He said He was, and that He had one exactly what He said He would do.   Which had to be inspiring to know that you chose right, or at least it seemed that way.

But even still today, people doubt Jesus, and the relevance of Christianity in our post-modern world.  But you know what....even then accepting Jesus as the Son of God, the Risen Lord, wasn't quite working well for the first batch of Christians.   Remember they were being sought after by the likes of Roman gov't, Saul (later converted to Paul) and others that wanted to persecute this new church.   There was no prosperity gospel being preached was come and die.   Think about that.....come and die...and this hasn't changed.  The reality is Christianity is about modeling the behaviors of Christ, and we need to take a harder look at what it really means to live a life of sacrifice.   Cause if you aren't living currently for the betterment of your children, your community, your co-workers, the ultimate advancement of HIS KINGDOM...then you aren't living a true Christian life.

I know, some of you were told accept Christ and everything would be fine......WRONG.  Accept Jesus and you may have to hate your father and mother.   Accept Jesus, and you may have to pluck out an eye, or cut off a hand.   Accept Jesus, you will have to die daily........see accepting Jesus goes against our flesh...but as far as it working for you, or how is that, how will that work for you.....?

I'll close with this...ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER for the GOOD of THEM that LOVE THE LORD, and are called according to His purpose!   So no matter whether you are being hated, or people are saying all manner of things about you, or you are suffering for His name sake.......cheer up, they hated Christ first, and because you represent Him....continue to love them as He does, and you can look forward to sharing in His Glory!  NOW THAT WORKS FOR ME!  LGLP

Monday, January 14, 2013


13 Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. 14 If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”
I love actions movies.   I mean seriously......script some explosions, tense moments of awe, and elaborate fight sequences and I'm there.    I believe it's the adventure the adrenaline rush of being on this ride of intrigue and mission, that has to get accomplished.   We are all on a mission.   EVERY LAST ONE OF US.   For some that mission is completing school (high school, college).  For others it's finding a mate.   For others it's climbing the corporate ladder.   Unfortunately for some the mission is all about escape.....escaping the reality of a marriage on life support, or that you need help parenting, or that you have a drug/alcohol problem, or you have health issues that you don't want to face.   Whatever your mission is.....we all are on one.  
Esther was on mission and for a moment all most got off track with her mission.   This is something I believe many of us do when faced with the requirements and risks involved in the REAL MISSION.  Esther was beautiful and almost bought into using her beauty to just provide a comfortable life in the house of the king for herself (shadow mission).   Totally choosing to turn a blind eye to the reality that her people were going to be killed, and possibly her too.  Until her cousin Mordecai decided to inform her....." Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for such a time as this?"
Whether you've seen a movie, read a book, or an article the Navy Seals are known to be some of the most deadliest men on the planet.   They have a degree of focus and precision that had them regarded as military experts.  Are you involved in Christ Mission or your own Shadow Mission?  Christ mission is that we'd GO make disciples (by teaching, baptizing, and showing) , our shadow mission is the variation of that mission that is really like 10 degrees off that prevents us from hitting the bulls eye.   That mission could be just going to church, not serving, not in a small group or committed to a bible study.  That mission could be not being intentional about living your faith out in life, staying safe.   In other words your co-workers, and neighbors don't know Christ because you don't LIVE (notice this aint about quoting scriptures) your faith in such a way that everything you do is laced heavily in the love of Jesus.   This could be simply you don't care that the chair next to you at church is empty.
As I said we are all on a mission, the question is what mission are you on?  LGLP

Friday, January 11, 2013


God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles. 12 When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled.
13 A group of Jews was traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!” 14 Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this. 15 But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” 16 Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.  Acts 19:11-16

Here is Paul under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit changing lives and transforming communities, and as always there are people on the sidelines observing that at some point thought or felt within themselves that they too could do this.  

We as the SO-CALLED church of today or those on the sidelines stand to believe the three lies these Sons of Sceva believed: 

1) I'm good!  These sons of a Jewish priest thought just by observing, listening to, and them mimicking what they had seen and heard they too could cast out spirits.   Friends, family and just strangers reading this blog, unless you have a personal relationship with Christ, and the power of His Spirit is upon you, you live your life on a Monkey See, Monkey Do.  Just because you attend church, may serve here or there, and give every now and then...doesn't afford you the power of the Holy Spirit.

2)  It's to hard.   Satan loves to present illusions of we can never be forgiven, while we totally forget that he is the FATHER OF LIES!  So whatever he says,  believe and do the opposite.   We will give our lives to something, and many things without any effort.....why not give it to Christ, and watch Him perform miracles in and through our lives.

3) It can wait.   What can wait?  Remember people die each day, and everyday that it's not you, increases your risk of you being next.   So why not live today, as if it were you last, loving everyone that comes your way, forgiving those in your past, and choosing to bear witness of the power of Christ in your life.   This may translate as you joining a church, or committing to a small group, or finally signing up for classes or a ministry.......whatever it is....don't be deceived as many are that  you have tomorrow.

These sons were beaten into inches of their lives because they believed a lie that they didn't need Jesus.  How close are you to being beaten by the weight of the world, your past, your present circumstances that have you thinking you can handle it in your own power and strength?  Have you like them been a imposter?  Stop listening to the lies.

So what will it be today.....listening to the lies, or following the still small voice?  LGLP

Thursday, January 10, 2013


BOLD : not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring.

You know if we aren't all careful we totally stand the high probability of repeating the same mistakes that we made last year.  I'm sorry....let me rephrase that IF WE AREN'T LIVING BOLDY & COURAGEOUSLY this year of 2013 WE WILL REPEAT the same mistakes we made last year.   So as we are now 10 days into this new year, what has changed?   Already there have been enough days expended to really see if you are going to the gym, or attended church somewhere with the goal of you becoming the church not just going.  I'm sure you've had an opportunity to reach out to join a ministry, start a small group or join one, or sign up for.............but have you?

Here are few scriptural suggestions of bold moves for 2013:

 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.  1Thess. 5:16-18

Notice how prayer is positioned between an attitude and an occurrence.   Already this year _______________________ has happened.   You fill in the blank....but have you stopped praying?  Have you already defaulted to trying to fix......something that is beyond your abilities?  Are you trying to manage someone else's sin?   See we are suppose to remain joyful & matter the circumstances because this is God's will, and if you aren't joyful or are not living out God's will concerning you.   Stop complaining...REALLY STOP IT, it's unbecoming and juvenile.....start drawing from the JOY of the LORD, and continue to pray in all circumstances, instead defaulting to weighing in your emotions and opinions.

 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. 43 A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. 44 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.  Acts 2:42-44

Have you boldly engaged into a Biblically based community....or are you still hesitant?  It did say ALL.....not some, not a few or a couple, but all of the believers devoted themselves.   Could it be said of you that you are a devoted believer: to fellowship not just going to church on Sunday's but in a Bible Study, small group, and or opportunities to share a meal?  To prayer do others see you as a prayerful person, so much so they submit requests to you.  Do you kids even see you as a prayerful person?  Are you able or available to the above things in a community so that you are in awe, are others in awe of the miracles that GOD is doing in the lives of yourself and others?  You only get this in community.  You only get to experience this deep awe, and sharing of resources and life in a community. The question is are you a devoted believer in one (a community like the one the first church)?


 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. 34 There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need  Acts. 4:33-35

We all have a know this is what my life was like before Christ, and this is what it has been like since Christ.   We see here that as they prayed, and engaged in a life devoted to Christ and His teachings they were moved to CARE ABOUT the needs of people.    So much so that they sold what they had to to address the needs of those that were needy.....not wanty....not about a new pair of shoes, or a new car, or something selfish....but they were compelled to address the needs of people.   Sure we have blessed hundreds of families with.......and fed thousands of mouths with.......but I want to know were we able to do that because of you.  Because you INVEST weekly so we can daily meet the needs for those in deep need?  Can you church count on your bold investments to continue to transform lives and communities?  

Maybe for you, you  need to work this in reverse.  No seriously, maybe you invest your time to engage God through praying that He'd create in you a clean heart and renew a RIGHT spirit, one that isn't about protecting you, but giving yourself, your life away to Him, so you can experience the power of HIS SPIRIT working in you to do His GOOD WILL.  Where ever you are.....I pray that you can other words with urgency; not hesitating make the commitments to pray, engage, and invest in GOD this year, beginning with TODAY!  LGLP

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

ONE THING: What Will You Spend the Day Seeking?

The one thing I ask of the Lord
the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
delighting in the Lord’s perfections
and meditating in his Temple.  Psalms 27:4

You ever feel like you've lost something?  Maybe it's been your keys, or your sanity (if you have kids), or peace of mind, or maybe just you feel like you've lost your way.   Whatever it is....the search can be very frustrating because often what you lost never seems to be where you think you left it or where you felt it should be.  So what is it today that you are seeking?  Is it a better job?  Is it a renewed marriage?   Is it a new church?   It is a new place of residence?   It is clarity re:
___________________?   Whatever it is I invite you to seek  GOD first. 

Stop your searching for all of the above.....cause you may be where you are supposed to be.   Your current health condition is where He has you, to speak to you from there.    Not that a healing isn't for you or possible, but there is a lesson to be learned in your "lostness.(a Rayism word)"  The Israelites weren't really lost in the wilderness, but they were looking for comfort instead God.   Totally missing that there comfort was in GOD, not in having bread, or water, or shelter.   Today you maybe endanger of duplicating the mistakes of the wandering Israelites looking for assurance, approval, comfort in things or people, instead of looking to GOD.

David made enough mistakes to know, in the presences of GOD is the best place for him.   What about you......?   David said He will seek for this ONE THING, the MOST.....and that was to Abide in the Temple of God.   Do you desire to be in the presence of God?  Do you recognize what being in His presence affords you? Do you realize that you are a threat to yourself and society when you aren't before or have spent time with the LORD?  Have you discovered the blessing of spending at least 20-30min in His Word meditating daily?   I challenge you to seek, search for, focus your energies today to sit in God's presence for 20-30min and post how this has blessed you, so that others may see the value in it.   GOD BLESS YOU ON YOUR QUEST....and may you FIND THE PEACE of GOD.  LGLP

Monday, January 7, 2013

ONE THING: What's Love Got To Do With It?

36 Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”
37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”  Matt. 22:36-40

We love a lot of things....BBQ, Movies, Books, I-(whatevers pads, phones, etc), wine, pizza, vacations....and the list goes on and on......but what about GOD, or PEOPLE?  ( I hear some of you saying....well.......some people get on my nerves...etc.)

With us only being 7 days now, into this year of 2013, what will we do with the remainder of the days of this year?  Some of us will have this full year, some will have half of this year, some may not even have the end of this week, and with the certainty that WE WILL ALL DIE, how will we live out TODAY?

No seriously, that's what we have...right  Working out at the gym....that's good.    Changing how you eat......that's pretty good.   Quitting smoking or drinking great.   Managing your finances better is good too, especially with the fiscal cliff stuff........but does any of that get the attention of God.   Will any of that matter when you breathe you last breath, and take your next in eternity?   Probably not, so with a variety of allotted time should we purpose our lives?  I believe this gentlemen (Pharisee) was INTENTIONAL in approaching JESUS and asking what REALLY WAS IMPORTANT, WHICH COMMANDMENT was in the center of the BULLS EYE, and JESUS doesn't waste time delivering direction for this student of the law.    "LOVE GOD" with everything, and if you wanna follow that up......"LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR (people) like yourself."

There are a lot of things you purpose your heart to do this year, but only these TWO will matter when your life ends.   I spent the last couple of years attempting to share in my blogs what has and is being impressed upon my heart, and if you don't remember my blog from yesterday, or last week, or 1-1-12, here's what I want to impress each time.............

LGLP,(LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE) continue to LOVE GOD with EVERYTHING and HE WILL FILL YOU WITH HIS SPIRIT that will then, and only then, EMPOWER YOU TO LOVE (all) PEOPLE!   Not just people that look like you, or vote how you vote, or live where you live, or believe what you believe, but your HEART WILL BREAK for ALL PEOPLE in such away that the compassion of GOD will cause you to LONG to SHARE HIS LOVE with EVERY PERSON you meet! NOT TRY to CHANGE THEM (make them believe as you believe).....HIS LOVE will do that....all you have to do is LOVE THEM.   LGLP

Friday, January 4, 2013


No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, Philippians 3:13


For what it's worth we are already 4 days into this NEW YEAR and how are you doing? Just me asking that of some of you, you're already like.....omgoodness Ray, really already?   Some are responding "Blessed" and some are like " Blessed, but......"

Paul was writing to the people of Phillipi and he wanted to communicate to them that He realizes he hasn't made it....he's not perfect nor will he be on this side of eternity, but he was focusing on what was the important to him at the moment as he wrote to his constituents.....and simply put that he had no intentions on holding on to the past, but rather pressing on to the things GOD has in store, in mind for him.

Have you ever in on the website searched for the statement ONE THING?  It's interesting how many hits that gets because in the BIBLE the phrase "ONE THING" is a pretty popular statement.   David talks about this ONE THING THAT I WILL SEEK AFTER...JESUS talks to a guy who feels he has nailed all the commandments and JESUS calls his attention to ONE REVELATIONS GOD has this ONE THING again one of the seven churches.....and if we are honest we may feel like there is ONE THING that you want to accomplish this year.  

Actually you may have many things you feel the need to accomplish.  If you are me that list can be a bit much, to look at even....but have you asked yourself what is the ONE THING you'd like to accomplish if you could only accomplish ONE THING, what would it be, and to whose GLORY would it be you accomplishing it?

Let's try to keep the MAIN THING (no "s") the MAIN THING!  See you this weekend as we prime the pump for our launching in 2013 of BEING THE CHURCHLGLP