Friday, June 29, 2012


Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.
God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. As one psalmist puts it,

   He throws caution to the winds,
      giving to the needy in reckless abandon.
   His right-living, right-giving ways
      never run out, never wear out.
This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God, wealthy in every way, so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God.
( 2 Cor. 9:6-11)

Have you ever drove past a farmers field that has a few plants or stalks of something?  Or have you ever been over a friends house who boasts about their garden that has only one plant?  Or what about you.....when you plant grass seed, or tomato plants....etc. when you open that pack or by the flats do you buy just one or plant just one seed?  I'm certain you don't, so what about how you handle your life?

This entire week we've been talking about giving, and for the most part being mature and ever developing in our giving.  Today, I just want to land the plane and ask you what are you going to do with this blessing called life that God has given you today?   In this scripture God promises those that choose to give that He is going to take care of them.:

1) First when we plant/sow seeds He will provide us with more seeds.   (Just like one apple seed produces a tree with many apples, with many many more seeds)

2) Secondly you will reap a righteous harvest where we will get ultimately MORE of Him (of His character, His heart, His vision for living......we can definitely use seeing each day as a blessing and opportunity!!!)
3) Thirdly, He protects your finances.  Although we might see or hear of farmers crops struggling due to the weather, but I can't remember hearing a farmer or their families going hungry.   GOD ALWAYS TAKES CARE of HIS CHILDREN and THEIR NEEDS.

4) Lastly, it says you will be made rich so that you can be generous in every occassion.   Dave Ramsey's FINANCIAL PEACE asks the question that many of dream of:  "If you were debt free, what would you do?" The majority of the answers are "WHATEVER I WANT ....cause I CAN!"

This is only possible though if your GOAL in GIVING is to GLORIFY GOD, and CHANGE THE WORLD.  This message wasn't just about tithes & offerings, but rather about your life.   Think about it......where do you give the most at, and what has your return been? It pays to give to the right things.  If you are like me, you've given monies and time to things that were a waste before, and prayerfully you've figured out....that was dumb.   So......prayerfully you have realized that your seed sowing should be GLORIFY GOD.  That the seeds you sow, will produce PRODUCE in your children's lives, your spouse's life, your work life, your community's life..........etc simply for GOD's glory, and while you play the background, GOD supplies all of your needs.  I'm sorry, but it all goes back to LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE..when you're done.  Have a BLESSED AND SAFE HOLIDAY!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get. But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you  (Matthew 6:2-4)

In Jesus' day hypocrites needed people to see what they were giving, simply because it made them feel better about what they gave, so much so they wanted a show.....trumpets blowing and someone literally parading their contribution to the kingdom before others.    But Jesus says....they have their reward already.....this type of giving is rewarded from the throne of God, but rather the praise of men.   Jesus challenges us to be real with our giving in other words, between you and God.  

A few years back one of my Pastors said, " I honestly don't know what you give, and if you give at all.   To take it a step further that's personal......I don't want to know, but God does care, because if you give, when you give that speaks to your relationship with the Father."  He further went on to say if you don't want to give,  keep your money, the spirit in the room was somewhat liberating because you could tell the tension because of the sermon on titheing and people feeling like, " oh oh....." but the reality is.....your giving beit your offering, your tithe, your time or your talents says a lot about the relationship with the one you are giving to.   This is why there is a difference between giving because you have to vs. because you want to.  One is under compulsion, and the other is because of compassion.   You actual care that GOD asks for a specifice percentage because He has a plan to meet the needs of the surrounding communities, through your giving.    Your heart is so connected to that of the King, that you look for opportunities to bless people.  You pay for the person's order in the drive through, you pay a bill for a family that has fallen on hard times in the church.  You quietly take goods to help keep the food pantry stocked.

It's amazing how when we look around we see people that seem to be living in the blessings of God, and we always wonder " What is it that they are doing.....that I'm not?"    Just maybe they are having some secret moments with the Father, and He is rewarding them openly as He said he would.   There is a song called the GOD IN ME, by Mary Mary that speaks of  people wondering why they are so blessed......and they simply say " what they don't know, is when you go home, and get behind closed doors, man you hit the floor, what they can't see is that you are on your knees........"   Now they are talking about prayer, but this is secret moments with the master...and He is rewarding them before men and women.  Your core motivation, the mature giver gives simply because of their LOVE for the FATHER, and they actually want to please Him in every area of their life, giving included.    Are you maturing in your motivations in your giving, or are you still dropping loose change in the collection plate like you did in Sunday school as tike?   LGLP

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

SOLID GIVING: Maturing in your Motivations

Be careful not to display your righteousness merely to be seen by people. Otherwise you have no reward with your Father in heaven." Matthew 6:1

Remember learning how to ride your bike, roller skate, or even tie your you just wanted to prove to your mom/dad that you can do it?   Remember how as you continued to grow and develop there were other things that you wanted to do to please or show them your love or independancy in your abilities.  Maybe it was cooking your first breakfast in bed for them, or arranging a lifelong vacation trip to honor them....whatever it was you so wanted their approval.

As adults do we still desire the approval of our parents, our bosses, our spouses, our children, our co-workers, etc?  How draining that can be everyday to get up seeking the approval of all of these people, who of course (we tell ourselves) want different things, and have a variety of expectations (many of them unfair)....that leaves each of us frustrated and exhausted day after day, until we have a mental/nervous breakdown. 

Jesus asked us to be careful, regarding our motivations to do good.....that it wouldn't be to get their approval....their applause, because if that's what it's for the blessing of our mother,father, siblings, boss, pastor, spouse...whoever....then your reward is your reward from them, you forfeit your reward from your heavenly Father.  Maybe you say...."that's not fair....." and I say....well who really were you doing this for?  See as adults we need to really examine why it is we are doing what we are doing, and if it's not for the GLORY of GOD, and the advancement of His kingdom we need to aks ourselves is it worth our devotion?  We all have had to either ask or wrestle with our reasonings for doing what we do.  We have to come to a place where we are living, performing, serving, doing for the AUDIENCE OF ONE!

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired:  I submit to you this option:  STOP TRYING to please EVERYBODY!  Focus on what Christ told us is really our top priority....LOVE GOD FIRST (let everything you do be done out of LOVE for Him) and as a result of this loving relationship you for Him, and Him lavishing you with His you will become sensitive for His love for ALL OTHERS, which will empower you to secondly LOVE PEOPLE.  So that each day is filled with opportunities to experience and show the LOVE of GOD that leaves your days much more fulfilling and less tiring and or stressful.   Simply put LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE!  Be BLESSED!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SOLID GIVING: Marveling @ His Perfectness!

But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

So how was your dad growing up?  Was he always there, always too busy, always stressed, harsh, passive, friendly, mean, easy/hard to talk to, loving/unloving??????  Whatever he was or is.....lemme tell you about what a perfect father is, and who is a perfect father.

Jesus takes time during this portion of the Sermon on the Mount and many verses to follow later to tell us about The Father.  Remember this is the same Father who sent us His Son to redeem all of us and connect us to this Holy, Righteous, Loving, Understanding, Kind Father also known as GOD.  He's the one who created the entire.....Universe and all the things in it.   He's the same Father who despite whether you read your devotional or do a kind deed for His Glory has afforded you everyday of your life.   He's the same Father that has attended not just every game, recital, surgery, wedding or speech but has VESTED INTEREST in your entire life.  

And while you may never fully live up to His expectations of you......His greatest expectation is that you know Him.  That you'd get up everyday wanting to spend more time with such a PERFECT FATHER.  Some of you may have lost your Earthly father.  Some never knew your Earthly Father.  Some have struggled with that relationship due to alcohol, drug, or maybe even physical abuse, but I introduce you to a FATHER who desires nothing more than to LOVE YOU.  That's it.  He's waiting for you.....He's never late, He knows everything about you....and wants to show His love......won't you meet Him?  I promise if you do, an exposure to Him will change you life, your day....every time you spend a moment with Him it will provide you with the strength, grace and love needed for the day!  LGLP

Monday, June 25, 2012

SOLID GIVING: Maturing Our Relationship W/Father

 You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete [c]maturity of godliness in mind and character, [d]having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect.  (Matthew 5:48)

This verse is between the ending of how to deal with our enemies and about our motive of doing good deeds.  What's amazing is that right smack dab in the middle for us:  IS THE NEED TO BE MATURING in order to do either.   I remember when both of my kids were little (2-4years of age) they each had a an incident where they bit another child at their daycare.   NO biting people doesn't run in our family, nor is our last name related to the Tyson family line.   But there was an incident or two where either they bit another child, or one bit them, all the same.....this was their response to being enraged.   When Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield, people were appalled and thought that was just barbaric and was both.  But it also showed us a level of immaturity.  We can't, you and I, go around biting folks to make our point, or to defend ourselves.   Imagine if you did, you'd end up in jail or in a hospital.

See I don't know how long you've been a Christian ( a true Christ follower) or maybe you aren't one, but in your life there should be a pattern that is showing that you are constantly developing.  The question in light of this scripture is what are you developing into?  Has your drinking, smoking or partying gotten worse?     What about your anger, are you better or more bitter?  Do you have character that your kids have a template on how to be a man/woman of integrity or are you A CHARACTER echoing Charles Barkley's words' " I am not a role model?"  Surely as you continue to live you should become wiser and make decisions that either match or exceed your actual age........which is called Godly wisdom.

I know the scripture says YOU MUST BE PERFECT, and many of you are saying "there's no way I can do this by myself."    You are correct the only way you will be able to make a dent in this attempt is in community with others who are relying on the POWER OF GOD to make it through each day.  So God, is expecting that you'd call on Him, and do your part in trying.   That today you will make better decisions with your time, your money, how you treat people (simply put just love them), how you relate to Him (do a DAILY Devotion) and that you are seen really as a signpost in your living; that points people to Him.  It all comes down to LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE.

Friday, June 22, 2012


43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’[c] and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies![d] Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:43-45

Again Jesus is saying, forget what you heard.......about hating your enemies.....I need you to love your enemies, pray for those that are persecuting you, in this way it shows that you are my Fatehr's children.    You know I have come to realize that if we don't love ourselves, it's impossible for us to love anyone else.

  I remember days when I would go to work at BJC/SSM and I would actually hate, despise, wish for, and pray things on my co-workers that was just down right wrong.   I did this because I felt they didn't have my best interest at heart, and they really didn't care about me.  But one day, I read this book because my marriage was really suffering in the begining, called the "Five Love Languages" where I actually learned more about myself and how I try to speak love vs. how I feel love is communicated towards me.   Also it made me keen to understanding how to speak and determine what other people's love language is.  This is crucial because if Jesus is calling us to "love our neighbors as ourselves, love our enemies, and pray for those who misuse us......." we need to love ourselves and also know how to determine and decipher our enemies and neighbors love languages.

It was this empowerment, this enlightenment of knowledge that also showed me....this is how Jesus Christ was able to walk up the woman at the well, encounter the lepers, heal the man with the withered hand, and many more & meet their needs with such grace and love.   In order to really love people the way JESUS is calling  us to is to have the LOVE of the FATHER in you so deep, that we begin to see people (all people, of all races, of all matter what) like Jesus see them as precious and invaluable.    You are able to pray for them when they are persecuting you, like when Jesus was persecuted, because you understand THEY DON'T KNOW OF, nor DO THEY HAVE, or BEEN (truely) EXPOSED TO the love of the FATHER.  SO what about you?   Have you really been exposed to the LOVE of THE FATHER so much so that it's transformed your heart and eyes to long to see all people come to know, and love Him?   Do you promote LOVE on the job?  In your marriage?  In your neighborhood?   It does no good to pray for "THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, if you aren't willing to be the ambassador to BRING KINGDOM WAYS of LOVE into __(fill in the blank)_____  through yourthoughts, your words, and your actions.LGLP

Thursday, June 21, 2012


You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. 40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. 41 If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. 42 Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.  Matt. 5:38-41

When was the last time you were offended?  I bet it was.........yesterday.   Maybe in traffic, or at work, or dealing with your spouse, or significant other, maybe your kids offended matter what Jesus tell us " It is impossible but that offences will come"(Luke 17:1) so you will have plenty of opportunities today to be offended....but I left out one part....Jesus said woe unto other words....shame on you if they should come through your acts.    See if anyone had a real reason to be offended it was CHRIST, not you.

He did absolutely nothing to deserve the degradation, beating, and crucifixion....but yet while hanging as a bloody pulp he looked upon his lictors & tormentors and simply said with such deep love & compassion...."Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."  Is that your response to your supervisor when you get a bad evaluation or are you so pride filled that you can't see that you aren't really perfect.  That there actually is some truth in what they are saying.   Or maybe the person that cuts you off in traffic that there is a slim possibility they may have an emergency that requires your prayers for them, verse your finger or harsh words.     Maybe instead of seeking revenge on your seek ways to bless them.

I know, " I don't know your story or what they did to you....." you're right I don't, all I do that JESUS' was perfect and didn't deserve the treatment He received and somehow we have to see that we need to quickly forgive, and seek to be reconcilers.   In other words....don't be the ones leading law suits, but rather bringing people together through your humility to settle a debt.  Simply put if He can find it in His heart to forgive them, and us....surely we can demonstrate a level of forgiveness towards one another.  LGLP, please!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

To Vacation or Not To Vacation: The Battle Within

Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.  Exodus 20:9-11

In case you didn't notice or miss my blogs, there has been a reason why I hadn't blogged at all.   Part of it was simply because it took me sometime to figure out how to get Internet access in Mexico without paying an arm and a leg to have it.   Oh, I'm sorry....I forgot to actually mention that the reason why I was in Mexico was because my wife and I had been graciously blessed to be able to take a week long ( 7 whole days) getaway to a beautiful resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.   This was the first time we had been on this long of a VACATION , out of the country, without any real agenda and no kids.

I must tell you the resort was absolutely beautiful, the beach and the landscape sculpted by GOD alone was incredible, and the people and food were amazing.   But my wife and I noticed something after about 5 days....we were missing what we had been vacationing from.  Now this raises a question....."What were we actually vacationing from?"  Now that I have about 10 days since my last post, I've had a lot of time to think about this.   The truth is....I didn't need 7 days to disconnect from work, from the adventure of counseling folks, worshipping with my small body of believers at Connections, working alongside my co-workers at SSM and hearing about their lives (and drama), seeing my neighbors and fraternizing with their families, dealing with my failing car, and etc.......... WHY? I know some of you are saying...PICK ME...I need a break from it all....... hold up before you check your passports to make sure you can go.

I discovered the reason why I've done well with being away on a Mission trip for 13 days, going to the Lake house for 3 days with couples for marriage enrichment, or Chicago for 4 days with my bride to Celebrate our Marriage, or Wisconsin for 4 days with my lovely kiddos....and the simple answer to that is because I didn't break my rhythm of life and in all of those venues I found myself serving...which is what I am, which what we ARE ALL CREATED TO DO.   See the reason GOD doesn't take vacation, isn't because He doesn't need to.   The reason why in Jesus 33 years of living and 3 of them were CRITICAL MINISTRY YEARS you NEVER READ of HIM taking a vacation is because of today's scripture......I believe He took the Sabbath seriously.  Whereas we don't so much.   This is precisely why many of US feel like we work 7 days a week...and then this justifies internally our perception that we NEED TO GET AWAY FROM IT ALL.  This is my thought, my theory, my perspective....but if we took the Sabbath seriously, where we didn't do any work, where we meditated, worshipped, cleared our minds and really rested......a vacation wouldn't be as NECESSARY as we've made them.  I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't go on them.....but they wouldn't BE AS IMPORTANT as we've made them because of our own disobedience to obey the SABBATH DAY. 

Okay, so where am I going......I'll try to wrap up.   I'll give you the weekend update on this past Sunday's message in two chunks (Thursday/Friday on Solid Love).   But hey folks...before you book that trip, spend money you don't have, become too frustrated with not having ME TIME, pull all your hair out because you have lost control of your life.........ask yourself this....Do I take the Sabbath seriously, and if I haven't is that why EVERYTHING IS and HAS been off?  I will vacation again....but you better believe I will keep myself serving others beit in Cabo, Chicago, or during staycationing....because that's who I am.  But in the meantime.....I plan on keeping and honoring the Sabbath (my day to rest & recharge) because GOD BLESSED it and asked me to keep it Holy.  

Friday, June 8, 2012



31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.  32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.  MATT. 5:31-32

So yesterday Jesus takes on the religious leaders and our thinking  as it relates to divorce.  See later in the book of Matthew (19) they Pharisees come to him again asking is it unlawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason.  WHY?  Well there were two schools of rabbinical thought:  1) You can't divorce unless she's really done something bad, while another says 2) You can divorce her for any reason.   Isn't that so much like today?  We have, I know couples that want ANY REASON to justify divorcing their spouse, many of them all lead back to selfishness, and actually think GOD will support their decision.  Crazy.....IKR ( I know right...for those that didn't know.)

But what does Jesus say, and do....He totally avoided their question an makes a statement:  "That do you know what marriage is all about Two becoming one, and no one being able to reverse that."  So they come back and say (quoting the Mosaic law) about well why did Moses permit one to give his spouse a certificate?  Jesus returns fire, because of your hard, unforgiving, selfish hearts that concession was made.

See we have a responsibility HUSBANDS/WIVES and it's found in Ephesians 5.  It isn't your husbands job to make you happy, but it is his job through how He loves and lives with you in understanding to make you HOLY!  To make you radiant and to present  you in that way to the FATHER.  Essentially, you should be beaming because of your husband!  Ladies your husband should feel like He's well loved, cared for and respected.   He too should appear to the world around as a competent leader, not that you freely speak of him like folks bad mouth the President, heaping dishonor to God (His matter what belief that president is....GOD CREATED HIM, so we are to honor him, to make sure we are honoring HIM.)

So I ask again...WHAT DO YOU MAKE YOUR SPOUSE?  If it's not RADIANT, does that mean you are killing, extinguishing, snuffing out the light of Jesus that is suppose to dwell in them?  I should pray your wife, and understand & respect your husband, so that GOD may be GLORIFIED!  LGLP

Thursday, June 7, 2012


31 It has also been said, Whoever divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.
32 But I tell you, Whoever dismisses and repudiates and divorces his wife, except on the grounds of unfaithfulness (sexual immorality), causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a woman who has been divorced commits adultery. Matthew 5:31-32
So Jesus still preaching on the Mount, and He goes from anger, to lust, to divorce.  It's no mistake that this is really the pathway to divorce.  See unresolved anger leads to looking because you are dissatisfied.    The looking evolves into lust....because essentially you have taken your focus off of the real prize.  You are preparing to trade in your 80 for a 20.   Ok the truth is you and your spouse probably cover about 80% of what's necessary to have a good marriage, but that know the small things, not cooking for you, or helping you out with chores, or leaving the toilet seat up, or making comments that are lies (they are lies because they are absolutes...and we (humans) don't deal in absolutes) such as: "You ALWAYS, You NEVER..........."become your focus so you begin shopping for someone that fills those gaps until you find yourself ignorantly about to trade your 80 for a 20.    So here you find yourself ready to present those papers ( a STUPID USHER song) that you are ready for a divorce so Jesus decides to tell you......IF YOU DO for any reasons OTHER THAN UNFAITHFULNESS you are causing HER/HIM to become an adulterer.  WHAT?   But GOD he don't, She don't tell me.........WHATEVER!!!! 

I am a byproduct of divorce and while it appears all is well, it took a lot of time, counseling, love, and ultimately the grace of GOD to help me and my siblings get to where we are, and the truth is some still are suffering the fallout of divorces that should've NEVER happened because someone was TOO SELFISH to stick it out.     Notice it doesn't say except on the grounds of being unhappy.   Too many people are saying YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY, GOD doesn't want me unhappy, etc.....and you would be hard pressed to find where in scripture this is stated, because marriage is about making YOU HOLY.  REMEMBER your marriage is the ONLY way that shows the mystery of GOD's love. 

It's no mistake when we hear someone has been married for 20, 30,40, or 50 years we are in awe....because these two people have seriously worked through abuse (remember folks we are sinful so we will all have a tendency to misuse each other......THAT'S CALLED ABUSE), affairs (lustful looking, or acts) blended family stresses, sickness, deaths (of children, parents, or relatives) and really cleaved (hung on to one another & God's word) to one another to which leaves one incredible legacy.  I leave you with this....if you chose to SAY NO TO DIVORCE.....what are you saying YES TO and let that be your motivation to live today!  LGLP

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 If your right eye serves as a trap to ensnare you or is an occasion for you to stumble and sin, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be cast into hell (Gehenna).  Matthew 5:29

So since it is a FACT that we all are adulterers to some degree/extent the question is in light of this NEW KNOWLEDGE what are you going to do about it?  Christ offers good information/suggestions but I must warn you that while it's challenging.   So if you are really looking to rid your addiction to porn, or eliminate that stubbling block what He calls you to 9 times out of 10 RADICAL!   Today He offers us the suggestion of surgically well, actually barbarically removing your eye to save the rest of your body from spending eternity in Hell.

In the movie 127hrs you have an adventure seeker that is climbing mountains in Utah, that get's trapped in a crevace, and his arm/hand is lodged essentially between a rock. He spends a few days trapped in this position and realizes that it appears no one is coming for him because they don't know where exactly where he is.   He's out of water, no food, and is slowly dying because of these things.   So what does he do????????  He decides he has to free himself from certain he cuts off his hand.     This pic is a scene from the painful moments he is literally sawing off his hand to free himself so he can live.

You too have been or are currently trapped with your eyes or your hand dealing with your issues with lust, and many people don't know where you are with this sin, so therefore NO ONE IS COMING TO FREE YOU, so therefore it's your RESPONSIBILITY to DO SOMETHING!   THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO PRAY (seriously.....Christ has already told you what to do....He's not going to ammend this recommendation through your prayers) , but rather YOU HAVE IN FRONT OF YOU CHRIST's WORDS TO YOU saying to REMOVE the EYE, CUT OFF THE again what are YOU GOING TO DO?   Now lemme give you a few suggestions before you gouge your eye out or saw off your hand.........

1) TELL SOMEONE....that's right if you truly desire to be saved, healed from this....James says:  Confess your sins one to another, so that you may be healed. (James 5:16)  Why?  Because once others know what you are dealing with, they can help you, and it makes it harder for you to continue living that sick lifestyle.

2) DO YOUR PART.  Jesus didn't tell you to find a surgeon to remove your eye....HE TOLD YOU TO DO you need to remove the PC,Television, Cable, Media device....or rights to that channel so that you aren't tempted.

3) DO IT QUICKLY!!!!!!! See it's when we don't act quickly that  that spirit feeds off of you, until it consumes you.   It's like having cancer, if you ignore it long enough it will ravage your body and kill you, and it will be a painful death.   Folks haven't you lived THIS WAY long enough?  Do yourself, your wife, your husband, your kids a favor and don't waste another day living in this area of sin.  No you won't be perfect but there's nothing wrong in ridding yourself of what's killing you, your career and your relationships with others.

I don't know how much time you have before this THING kills you, but as Jesus stated it's better for you lose the eye and live, than to go to hell because of the eye.   Let's focus today on telling someone (You need help), do your part to remove the trappings of the sin, and hurry up there is an abundant life waiting for us!   LGLP

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.   Matt. 5:28

Ok, so maybe you didn't like being referred to as an know the Pharisees felt the same, offended, when they heard Jesus speaking about their hearts as it relates to people who know the word, but don't practice it with the grace it requires to actually live it out.

But we not talking about the Pharisees today, we are talking about you, me, us and our problem concerning lust.   Who's your favorite actor/actress?  Why?  If we are all honest it doesn't have to be pornography but their are people that we just love looking at because............because what? Don't get me wrong there are some great actors and actresses but for those that just look good......well we can watch them all day. (PROBLEM....cause we are watching them fantasizing)   Since the sexual revolution, we've been re-programmed to embrace the beauty of the human body, and not just appreciate it, but perversion has taken over.   There was a time two piece bikinis would've never been allowed on public television, and now there's no other way.    Men and women didn't sleep in the same bed or it wasn't even shown on camera (Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy, etc) but now we see them not only sleeping in the same bed, but depending on the station and the time of day, we can see two bodies rolling around in the sheets.   Producers of shows know what PEOPLE WANT TO SEE and they feed our carnal lust for eye candy.....but if you are single or married this affects your thought life.

SINGLE (Christians) you are married to the LORD.  So listening to songs that speak of elicit acts of sex, watching movies that contain adult behavior, and engaging in conversation that "turns you on", are taking your focus off of Him, your husbandman, and feeding your carnal desires to drive you to wanting a mate to satisfy your fantasies.    ADULTERY

MARRIED (Christians) So you think it's ok for you to watch pornography because it helps your marriage/sex life.  You're right it end it.   Eventually your body or his body doesn't look like the ones you say helps to stimulate you just him with you isn't enough.  He can no long rejoice with the wife of his youth....because he desires a woman that looks like.........  You can no longer enjoy your husband because what you deem to be attractive and sexually stimulating isn't him.   Before long your heart desires another...... ADULTERY

What are you looking at?  Does it encourage you to fully give yourself to your husband/wife/GOD?  Does it curb your carnal lust, or do you find yourself looking for a tow truck to bring you back over from the guardrail?  Don't you think we've listen to the lies of Satan long enough, that we now need to embrace the truth that music, media, etc that we say it's doesn't affect us.....that it really does, and has been affecting our relationships with God and others.   Will you choose to make better choices starting today of what you listen to and watch?   We should be Loving God, and Loving People, not lusting after one another.  LGLP

Monday, June 4, 2012


You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  Matthew 5:27-28

In order to start, we have to first just simply be real. WE ARE ALL ALDUTERERS!  If you can't get pass this sentence, because you feel you aren't....then this devotional blog can't help you.   You're perfect, and a liar.   Show me a person who hasn't looked longer, or thought or fantasized about more, or even (here's the one) dreamt about another person explicitly.      The truth is the truth, we even will go see movies or buy movies to feed our adulterous needs to see.  Single or married....we all do it, have done it,and maybe we even think it's ok.  The fact that we think it's ok, is a sign of our sickness. But I hear some of you's ok.   It's natural.  It is hurting no one.

Jesus said, " You heard them shall not commit adultery..., but I tell you anyone who looks lustfully....." why....what really is that hurting?   For my married sexual intercourse how would you feel if your partner had to visualize another person in order to be intimate with you?  I know it hurts.   For my single people (that shouldn't be sexually active ANYWAY) how does it feel to be called someone else's name......(not during sex, but simply in conversation especially an X).

See when we really deal with the fact that when we don't resolve that anger, we will all cheat.   We will cheat on GOD, when we feel He hasn't, isn't or won't come through.  We give into our thoughts and desires to get what we want, hurting Him, and many times others.   Maybe your spouse isn't talking to  you, and you engage in conversations with others of the opposite sex that you should be in conversation with your wife/husband.    That anger deceives you into believing you are justified in your fantasies, in your personal escapades in magazines and media. are hurting your significant other, yourself, and most importantly GOD.  

If you've made it this far in the blogpost....then there's hope for you.  This sermon of Jesus' the Sermon on the Mount, is more about staying clear, staying away from those things that are issues for you, and keeping near the cross.  You can't be given into the anger, if you are really in His word.   You can't be consumed with porn if you are studying the affects of it in scripture.    You can't be in a adulterous relationship if your meeting with men/women who help to keep you from going there.    These are more than guardrails....these are the rumble blocks that WAKE and STARTLE your to get back on the road.  My prayer is that you spend time this week repenting of your actions and thoughts.  Asking for God's forgiveness and the help of His Spirit to show you who to confide in, and allow Him and others to help you get back on the road.

I love you guys, and let's focus on being the community of healing, so that all can see the GRACE of GOD through us.  LGLP

Friday, June 1, 2012


Truly, I say to you, you will NEVER get out until you have paid the last penny.  Matthew 5:26
HAPPY FRIDAY!?  I used a question mark because I really wonder if any of you are actually happy, and if so why?  Is it because you don't have to deal with_____________________?    (if that blank is filled with the name of a person or place...ask yourself why?  Why is it or them a burden, instead of God's intended blessing?)

So how was your week?  Did you spend any of it angry at someone?  Is someone angry at you?  Did you close some accounts, totally forgiving those who may have wronged you?  If you haven't, this blogpost comes to you from the outside, because whether you believe it or not, you are in prison.   You are in a pseudo cell that you're anger has imprisoned you in.  How do I know this, because the word says so.  See you choosing to hold on to the anger, has shackled you from moving forward.   You're literally bound by the very thing you choose to let go of.   You think being able to say " BUT THEY DID......., BUT THEY SAID.....etc" is freeing, but it's not.   See THEY have moved's you that's stuck!

Now I'm not negating that anything was actually done, THEY may have....said, did....whatever...but you have been forgiven by GOD, for a multitude of things, so therefore according to Him, you don't have a valid right to carry that anger or unforgiveness towards ANYONE, unless that is.....where you want to stay for eternity.....confined to your hurts, anger, and unforgiveness.

Why don't you do yourself, your heart, and your soul  (ultimately the KINGDOM OF GOD) a favor and forgive someone, or someones?   AFFORD YOURSELF WEEKEND PASS that continues beyond the WEEKEND!   LOVE GOD enough to honor Him with your feelings and handover your anger, frustrations and disappointments, in exchange for the FREEDOM to LIVE and LOVE GOD & PEOPLE!  Have a GREAT WEEKEND!  LGLP