So no sooner than the the people were fed, the message was delivered was our Lord and Savior off to...................... To what? The crowd was hyped, He had em'...they desired more, they wanted to exalt Him, make Him King, John's gospel informs us.....but what was most important to Him following this tender moment?
YOU, His disciples first. He desires to protect His sheep, and send them off so that they wouldn't be caught up in the hype too. I wonder have you gotten caught up in the hype of the political climate? Are you so ____________________ that you lied to yourself that you actually love the other party, but it doesn't translate that way in your posts, your doings, and more importantly your heart. He wants us pledging our ALLEGIANCE to HIM and only HIM, not a party. (Render to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is God's Matt. 22:21) We have this saying of hate the sin, not the sinner, but honestly it comes off that we do hate them both. Christ loved the Sadducees, Pharisees, Jews, Gentiles, you name it.....and sometimes (not every word that parted His lips) He needed to speak sternly....but it was 100% in love. We being imperfect......tend to speak sometimes in love, more often.......with.....well you know. Remember we are foreigners, aliens.....while we have a responsibility to steward our space here on Earth, this is not our home so our sole allegiance should never be to man made political party, but rather to GOD.
You know in our own strength it's a wrap. We will get crushed, decimated, the pull to be our old self, react the way of the OLD YOU will seem natural, but it will destroy your witness......go pray. Do yourself, your family, your co-workers, your community, YOUR GOD a favor; humble yourself, seek His face, turn from your wicked ways and watch him restore your relationships and land.......LOVE GOD, and LOVE PEOPLE (LGLP)
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