And he replied, “My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man.” 10 Then the evil spirits begged him again and again not to send them to some distant place. Mark 5:6-10
We are increasingly being exposes to more things than generations before us. Kids, included. I remember in school reading books that had profanity in it and thought wow......we get this is!!! (I really don't believe it was cool now....) We have the world wide web, that unlocks literally the world to young & old eyes. Television commercials are sometimes absolutely astounding with the verbiage or sexual content all to sell even a hamburger. And I don't want to take away from the reality that we've always had drugs & alcohol abuse that lowers our inhibitions, and distorts our state of mind. We don't know how this man came to be demonically possessed, but we do know that He was. So are there any other accounts of Jesus driving out evil spirits and further teaching on this?
In Luke 11:14-26 Jesus had driven out a demon out of a person, and the marveling crowd had questions in these regards. Like in this man, you see how the demon questions" Why are you interfering with me (one)?" then says the demon says after giving his name "there are many of us (plural) inside this man." To which I say based on the teachings of Jesus in Luke 11 show us that when we don't do our part from being freed from demonic influence, they will return and we will become far worse than before. We see this when an addict (drugs, food, alcohol, porn, sin, etc) doesn't take the next steps to replace the time spent doing the former behavior with something else.
In your testimony there is an element of " This is what I was like B.C. (Before Christ)" and " This is what I have become A.D. (After Dying (to myself and receiving Christ) so I you attend a church & if so where? I ask are you becoming the church (what ministries do you facilitate or serve in) or still just attending (consumer mentality: about getting)somewhere? If you were formerly a __________________ what have you done to insure that you don't return to _______________________. Have you joined (getting the help & support) a small group, bible study, support group or led one (which shows your maturity and progression from being served to serving others)? Why two days of this talk/teaching on demons....because I love you guys...and want us to be aware (sober & vigilant) of flirting with this realm as believers and non-believers is disastrous.
So whether you are a believer or not......I share Jesus' heart that I don't want ANYONE to whatever it is that you dabble or delight in that flirts with inviting spiritual wickedness, rulers of darkness, principalities of evil........I desire you to be free and able to Love God and Love People for your good & His Glory! LGLP
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