So you are one of the four faithful friends looking into the room and as Jesus is standing over your defenseless buddy, you are poised to hear Him say it: "You're Healed of__________________" and instead He says "son, child your sins are forgiven." WHAT? Wait surely there's more to this. We didn't carry him, then dismantle a roof, for this.....did we?
This tomorrow is Thanksgiving and many of you have been preparing a bountiful meal for your friends and family, and some of you have been trying to mentally work yourself up to being around "these people" because the ex will be there, or the drunk relative, or the you know your cousin that is on meth/crack. Somebody will bring up_________________ and there will be a big argument. The one relative that has a different man/woman every family gathering will be there and all this dysfunction just makes you excited about the holiday....not! What you've been praying is that GOD please help me to get through this. You've actually prayed "GOD please let something come up that I don't have to deal with....................... this year."
The reality is all of our family's have dysfunction, Jesus' we had to, too. But these friends & the paralytic got something different than what they expected (for now). Jesus referred to this man as child/son meaning he's in the family, He forgave him of his sins and adopted Him in. I just wonder if you have anyone you need to forgive of their sins against you, or against someone in the family so you can just love them? Maybe instead of praying that they don't show up, or you "just get through this" you pray "CHRIST I apologize for harboring ill will towards my family. Today heal my un-forgiveness, help me to love as you love, and serve as you serve. "
So as you prepare to open your home up to, or go over the river, and through the woods to _________________ house you go....pray they don't get what they are expecting and neither do you, but what you get is the healing, the love, the fellowship that Christ desires to see us facilitating to His Glory here on Earth. I love you guys, and isn't it funny how it all goes back to LGLP(loving God, loving People) !!!!!!!
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