You know if we aren't all careful we totally stand the high probability of repeating the same mistakes that we made last year. I'm sorry....let me rephrase that IF WE AREN'T LIVING BOLDY & COURAGEOUSLY this year of 2013 WE WILL REPEAT the same mistakes we made last year. So as we are now 10 days into this new year, what has changed? Already there have been enough days expended to really see if you are going to the gym, or attended church somewhere with the goal of you becoming the church not just going. I'm sure you've had an opportunity to reach out to join a ministry, start a small group or join one, or sign up for.............but have you?
Here are few scriptural suggestions of bold moves for 2013:
Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1Thess. 5:16-18
Have you boldly engaged into a Biblically based community....or are you still hesitant? It did say ALL.....not some, not a few or a couple, but all of the believers devoted themselves. Could it be said of you that you are a devoted believer: to fellowship not just going to church on Sunday's but in a Bible Study, small group, and or opportunities to share a meal? To prayer do others see you as a prayerful person, so much so they submit requests to you. Do you kids even see you as a prayerful person? Are you able or available to the above things in a community so that you are in awe, are others in awe of the miracles that GOD is doing in the lives of yourself and others? You only get this in community. You only get to experience this deep awe, and sharing of resources and life in a community. The question is are you a devoted believer in one (a community like the one the first church)?
With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. 34 There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need Acts. 4:33-35
We all have a know this is what my life was like before Christ, and this is what it has been like since Christ. We see here that as they prayed, and engaged in a life devoted to Christ and His teachings they were moved to CARE ABOUT the needs of people. So much so that they sold what they had to to address the needs of those that were needy.....not wanty....not about a new pair of shoes, or a new car, or something selfish....but they were compelled to address the needs of people. Sure we have blessed hundreds of families with.......and fed thousands of mouths with.......but I want to know were we able to do that because of you. Because you INVEST weekly so we can daily meet the needs for those in deep need? Can you church count on your bold investments to continue to transform lives and communities?
Maybe for you, you need to work this in reverse. No seriously, maybe you invest your time to engage God through praying that He'd create in you a clean heart and renew a RIGHT spirit, one that isn't about protecting you, but giving yourself, your life away to Him, so you can experience the power of HIS SPIRIT working in you to do His GOOD WILL. Where ever you are.....I pray that you can other words with urgency; not hesitating make the commitments to pray, engage, and invest in GOD this year, beginning with TODAY! LGLP
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