the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. Psalms 27:4
You ever feel like you've lost something? Maybe it's been your keys, or your sanity (if you have kids), or peace of mind, or maybe just you feel like you've lost your way. Whatever it is....the search can be very frustrating because often what you lost never seems to be where you think you left it or where you felt it should be. So what is it today that you are seeking? Is it a better job? Is it a renewed marriage? Is it a new church? It is a new place of residence? It is clarity re:
___________________? Whatever it is I invite you to seek GOD first.
Stop your searching for all of the above.....cause you may be where you are supposed to be. Your current health condition is where He has you, to speak to you from there. Not that a healing isn't for you or possible, but there is a lesson to be learned in your "lostness.(a Rayism word)" The Israelites weren't really lost in the wilderness, but they were looking for comfort instead God. Totally missing that there comfort was in GOD, not in having bread, or water, or shelter. Today you maybe endanger of duplicating the mistakes of the wandering Israelites looking for assurance, approval, comfort in things or people, instead of looking to GOD.
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