For what it's worth we are already 4 days into this NEW YEAR and how are you doing? Just me asking that of some of you, you're already like.....omgoodness Ray, really already? Some are responding "Blessed" and some are like " Blessed, but......"
Paul was writing to the people of Phillipi and he wanted to communicate to them that He realizes he hasn't made it....he's not perfect nor will he be on this side of eternity, but he was focusing on what was the important to him at the moment as he wrote to his constituents.....and simply put that he had no intentions on holding on to the past, but rather pressing on to the things GOD has in store, in mind for him.
Have you ever in on the website biblegateway.com searched for the statement ONE THING? It's interesting how many hits that gets because in the BIBLE the phrase "ONE THING" is a pretty popular statement. David talks about this ONE THING THAT I WILL SEEK AFTER...JESUS talks to a guy who feels he has nailed all the commandments and JESUS calls his attention to ONE THING....in REVELATIONS GOD has this ONE THING again one of the seven churches.....and if we are honest we may feel like there is ONE THING that you want to accomplish this year.
Actually you may have many things you feel the need to accomplish. If you are me that list can be a bit much, to look at even....but have you asked yourself what is the ONE THING you'd like to accomplish if you could only accomplish ONE THING, what would it be, and to whose GLORY would it be you accomplishing it?
Let's try to keep the MAIN THING (no "s") the MAIN THING! See you this weekend as we prime the pump for our launching in 2013 of BEING THE CHURCH! LGLP
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