Wednesday, August 1, 2012


 A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit.  So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.  Matt. 7:18-20

So you are getting ready for work.......and WHO ARE YOU LISTENING TO?  Ok, so you are in the car, or cleaning the house (if you work from home, or a stay at home mom/dad) and the question hasn't changed: WHO ARE YOU LISTENING TO?   Ok so none of us, I REPEAT NONE OF US are spiritually perfect, or celestial come SUNDAY MORNING or SATURDAY...where do you go to get your spiritual food and oh by the way: WHO ARE YOU LISTENING TO? 

See JESUS when delivering this message wanted people to understand that even as they were listening to HIM, that we need to really be certain of WHO ARE WE LISTENING TO, so he gave them them some ways of identifying those that were His, and those who aren't, because believe it or not....we are listening to someone constantly.   Many of us don't even realize it.   For instance, when you go to you go to bed with the TV off or on?  Just because you are sleep doesn't mean your brain isn't processing what it hears, so whether you fall asleep to the Disney, History, Cooking, or Playboy Channel....that's what you are feeding and filling your mind with.    Just the same with is the only audible sound that has the ability to cross the cortex's of the the brain, and enter subconsciously without any effort by you.  This is why you know jingles without having done anything to learn/rehearse them.  

He tells us to examine the other words examine the speakers life.  If they are a good should see fruit, not just leaves.  You should be able to see where they provide shelter, shade, air, and nourishment for all those who come to it, or are around it.   Because the reality is.....a good fruit tree leaves are full so it acts as a community where birds, squirrels, etc can find a resting place, a place to eat, and even while it takes in carbon dioxide something that can kill converts that to oxygen which is what we need to live..  Just as a pastor/teacher should be a place where a variety of people can find shelter, food, they should also be able to find where this person takes in negative talk, and outputs fresh air.    For the bad tree......well I'll keep it short it doesn't provide shelter or it's leaves are falling, it's fruit isn't good to eat, and further more it's good for nothing besides fuel for fire.

So stop and thing today, as you turn on the television/radio.......WHO ARE YOU LISTENING TO, because whoever it is, you are giving them the authority to set the tone for your day.   GOD BLESS, try to make wiser choices, LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE...and listen to folks that speak Jesus TRUTH LGLP

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