I know the scripture says YOU MUST BE PERFECT, and many of you are saying "there's no way I can do this by myself." You are correct the only way you will be able to make a dent in this attempt is in community with others who are relying on the POWER OF GOD to make it through each day. So God, is expecting that you'd call on Him, and do your part in trying. That today you will make better decisions with your time, your money, how you treat people (simply put just love them), how you relate to Him (do a DAILY Devotion) and that you are seen really as a signpost in your living; that points people to Him. It all comes down to LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE.
With having only so much time to preach on any given Sunday, God's word is impregnated with a variety blessings that sometimes.....He reveals yet another one after you have finished speaking. This is an attempt to continue the conversation long after you've left the church, or the message has ended, but God is still talking. So feel free to really dig into these posts. Ask questions & even share what God is revealing or has revealed to you. GOD BLESS
Monday, June 25, 2012
SOLID GIVING: Maturing Our Relationship W/Father
You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete [c]maturity of godliness in mind and character, [d]having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48)
This verse is between the ending of how to deal with our enemies and about our motive of doing good deeds. What's amazing is that right smack dab in the middle for us: IS THE NEED TO BE MATURING in order to do either. I remember when both of my kids were little (2-4years of age) they each had a an incident where they bit another child at their daycare. NO biting people doesn't run in our family, nor is our last name related to the Tyson family line. But there was an incident or two where either they bit another child, or one bit them, all the same.....this was their response to being enraged. When Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield, people were appalled and thought that was just barbaric and childish......it was both. But it also showed us a level of immaturity. We can't, you and I, go around biting folks to make our point, or to defend ourselves. Imagine if you did, you'd end up in jail or in a hospital.
See I don't know how long you've been a Christian ( a true Christ follower) or maybe you aren't one, but in your life there should be a pattern that is showing that you are constantly developing. The question in light of this scripture is what are you developing into? Has your drinking, smoking or partying gotten worse? What about your anger, are you better or more bitter? Do you have character that your kids have a template on how to be a man/woman of integrity or are you A CHARACTER echoing Charles Barkley's words' " I am not a role model?" Surely as you continue to live you should become wiser and make decisions that either match or exceed your actual age........which is called Godly wisdom.
I know the scripture says YOU MUST BE PERFECT, and many of you are saying "there's no way I can do this by myself." You are correct the only way you will be able to make a dent in this attempt is in community with others who are relying on the POWER OF GOD to make it through each day. So God, is expecting that you'd call on Him, and do your part in trying. That today you will make better decisions with your time, your money, how you treat people (simply put just love them), how you relate to Him (do a DAILY Devotion) and that you are seen really as a signpost in your living; that points people to Him. It all comes down to LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE.
I know the scripture says YOU MUST BE PERFECT, and many of you are saying "there's no way I can do this by myself." You are correct the only way you will be able to make a dent in this attempt is in community with others who are relying on the POWER OF GOD to make it through each day. So God, is expecting that you'd call on Him, and do your part in trying. That today you will make better decisions with your time, your money, how you treat people (simply put just love them), how you relate to Him (do a DAILY Devotion) and that you are seen really as a signpost in your living; that points people to Him. It all comes down to LOVING GOD, and LOVING PEOPLE.
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