Thursday, June 7, 2012


31 It has also been said, Whoever divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.
32 But I tell you, Whoever dismisses and repudiates and divorces his wife, except on the grounds of unfaithfulness (sexual immorality), causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a woman who has been divorced commits adultery. Matthew 5:31-32
So Jesus still preaching on the Mount, and He goes from anger, to lust, to divorce.  It's no mistake that this is really the pathway to divorce.  See unresolved anger leads to looking because you are dissatisfied.    The looking evolves into lust....because essentially you have taken your focus off of the real prize.  You are preparing to trade in your 80 for a 20.   Ok the truth is you and your spouse probably cover about 80% of what's necessary to have a good marriage, but that know the small things, not cooking for you, or helping you out with chores, or leaving the toilet seat up, or making comments that are lies (they are lies because they are absolutes...and we (humans) don't deal in absolutes) such as: "You ALWAYS, You NEVER..........."become your focus so you begin shopping for someone that fills those gaps until you find yourself ignorantly about to trade your 80 for a 20.    So here you find yourself ready to present those papers ( a STUPID USHER song) that you are ready for a divorce so Jesus decides to tell you......IF YOU DO for any reasons OTHER THAN UNFAITHFULNESS you are causing HER/HIM to become an adulterer.  WHAT?   But GOD he don't, She don't tell me.........WHATEVER!!!! 

I am a byproduct of divorce and while it appears all is well, it took a lot of time, counseling, love, and ultimately the grace of GOD to help me and my siblings get to where we are, and the truth is some still are suffering the fallout of divorces that should've NEVER happened because someone was TOO SELFISH to stick it out.     Notice it doesn't say except on the grounds of being unhappy.   Too many people are saying YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY, GOD doesn't want me unhappy, etc.....and you would be hard pressed to find where in scripture this is stated, because marriage is about making YOU HOLY.  REMEMBER your marriage is the ONLY way that shows the mystery of GOD's love. 

It's no mistake when we hear someone has been married for 20, 30,40, or 50 years we are in awe....because these two people have seriously worked through abuse (remember folks we are sinful so we will all have a tendency to misuse each other......THAT'S CALLED ABUSE), affairs (lustful looking, or acts) blended family stresses, sickness, deaths (of children, parents, or relatives) and really cleaved (hung on to one another & God's word) to one another to which leaves one incredible legacy.  I leave you with this....if you chose to SAY NO TO DIVORCE.....what are you saying YES TO and let that be your motivation to live today!  LGLP

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