HAPPY FRIDAY!? I used a question mark because I really wonder if any of you are actually happy, and if so why? Is it because you don't have to deal with_____________________? (if that blank is filled with the name of a person or place...ask yourself why? Why is it or them a burden, instead of God's intended blessing?)
So how was your week? Did you spend any of it angry at someone? Is someone angry at you? Did you close some accounts, totally forgiving those who may have wronged you? If you haven't, this blogpost comes to you from the outside, because whether you believe it or not, you are in prison. You are in a pseudo cell that you're anger has imprisoned you in. How do I know this, because the word says so. See you choosing to hold on to the anger, has shackled you from moving forward. You're literally bound by the very thing you choose to let go of. You think being able to say " BUT THEY DID......., BUT THEY SAID.....etc" is freeing, but it's not. See THEY have moved on....it's you that's stuck!
Why don't you do yourself, your heart, and your soul (ultimately the KINGDOM OF GOD) a favor and forgive someone, or someones? AFFORD YOURSELF WEEKEND PASS that continues beyond the WEEKEND! LOVE GOD enough to honor Him with your feelings and handover your anger, frustrations and disappointments, in exchange for the FREEDOM to LIVE and LOVE GOD & PEOPLE! Have a GREAT WEEKEND! LGLP
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