In order to start, we have to first just simply be real. WE ARE ALL ALDUTERERS! If you can't get pass this sentence, because you feel you aren't....then this devotional blog can't help you. You're perfect, and a liar. Show me a person who hasn't looked longer, or thought or fantasized about more, or even (here's the one) dreamt about another person explicitly. The truth is the truth, we even will go see movies or buy movies to feed our adulterous needs to see. Single or married....we all do it, have done it,and maybe we even think it's ok. The fact that we think it's ok, is a sign of our sickness. But I hear some of you's ok. It's natural. It is hurting no one.
Jesus said, " You heard them shall not commit adultery..., but I tell you anyone who looks lustfully....." why....what really is that hurting? For my married sexual intercourse how would you feel if your partner had to visualize another person in order to be intimate with you? I know it hurts. For my single people (that shouldn't be sexually active ANYWAY) how does it feel to be called someone else's name......(not during sex, but simply in conversation especially an X).
If you've made it this far in the blogpost....then there's hope for you. This sermon of Jesus' the Sermon on the Mount, is more about staying clear, staying away from those things that are issues for you, and keeping near the cross. You can't be given into the anger, if you are really in His word. You can't be consumed with porn if you are studying the affects of it in scripture. You can't be in a adulterous relationship if your meeting with men/women who help to keep you from going there. These are more than guardrails....these are the rumble blocks that WAKE and STARTLE your to get back on the road. My prayer is that you spend time this week repenting of your actions and thoughts. Asking for God's forgiveness and the help of His Spirit to show you who to confide in, and allow Him and others to help you get back on the road.
I love you guys, and let's focus on being the community of healing, so that all can see the GRACE of GOD through us. LGLP
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