But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there's a harvest. Luke 8:15 MSG
The reality is.....we all hold on to certain things. For some of us, it's the hurts of the past. It's the abuse of your mother/father. It's the destructive words fed to you by your teachers. It's the way THEY treated you in grade/middle/H.S school. You/we hold on to what happened the last time I joined a church, or when I talked to.....and HE/SHE/THEY said to me.........the list goes on an on....but holding on to these things....produces bitterness. It harvests fear and complacency. But to those that the seed falls on the good soil.....The ones who hold on to the reality that GOD loves you (John 3:16, Eph. 2:4), that GOD will never (has never) leave or forsake you (Matt. 28:20), that God's thoughts about you (not associated to what you've done, or doing) outnumber the grains of sand (Ps.139:17-18), that he has begun a great work in you and is faithful to see it completed (Phil. 1:6), and that He thinks you are wonderfully made are the ones who bear fruit of His goodness and glory in their lives.
While it may appear we live in a black in white world it's what GOD has placed in you (HIS SEED) that when it reveals itself through how you look at life, through how you talk to, and love on people sprouts color to the workspace, the classroom, the community, the church........GOD's SEED is a BIG DEAL, and because it is, it has been placed, sowed into you....that makes you....A BIG DEAL TOO, you are carrying GOD'S SEED! Allow it to take root in your heart, and watch how it transforms your life and those around you. LGLP
Here's a song link called Simply Put: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOrNmabnXcw
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