Here is another illustration Jesus used: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. 32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches. Matt. 13:3-32
In God's hands we are even smaller than this seed, but there is a purpose. That seed will produces not just a roots, not just a trunk, branches, leaves, more seeds, but community for many living creatures.
It will act as a metropolis to give shade, provide shelter, nourishment, it will spice up what it ever it is infused and/or added to, and yet it is so small in it's beginnings. His church began small, as a baby in a manger, and look at it now. You too, started off small. As an embryo, and no matter where you are in that development......GOD has a plan for you! That you'd act as a metropolis your homes, your school, your community, your job...that you'd nourish, add life to those whom you are blessed to cross paths with. That you planted at___________________ or in _____________________ would spice up the life, the relationship with HIS love flowing through you because you, CHRISTIAN, are connected to THE SOURCE of all life.

Now understand as I close, seeds are planted not on the top of the soil, but rather deep underneath it. So you are surrounded by dirt, worms, creepy and crawly things, but it's from those things that you get nourishment. It's in the darkness of the Earth that you feed off those experiences to make your roots grow deeper in the LOVE of CHRIST, so that once you've endured it all........a plant springs forth, and you stretch out towards the heavens because you desire to receive more from the source of GLORY upon you......and as you do so....others see it, and take refuge, desiring that same connection. So as you live amongst them today....recognize GOD's purpose for you is that His name would be glorified, magnified and that He'd be praised! LGLP
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