Tuesday, August 7, 2012


While I was lying in my bed, this is what I dreamed. I saw a large tree in the middle of the earth. 11 The tree grew very tall and strong, reaching high into the heavens for all the world to see. 12 It had fresh green leaves, and it was loaded with fruit for all to eat. Wild animals lived in its shade, and birds nested in its branches. All the world was fed from this tree.  Dan. 4:10-12

Trees have been central to the theme of the Bible from the beginning.  Remembering that it was from the Trees of the Garden that Adam and Eve were to be nourished from all, except for one tree.    During the EXODUS a tree was used to sweeten the bitter waters for the people of Israel.   There were trees that angels of the Lord were found sitting under.   In Daniel this vision came about a tree that was a metaphor for Babylon, which had grown and been blessed by God to be a epicenter of it's time.

This was also GOD's vision for what the church would be to the nations.  That we'd grow strong and tall in the WORD & our WORSHIP (we'll talk about our worship this Sunday).   That we could provide shelter/shade from those that were in need....including (not excluding) the wild animals would find safety/shelter there.    That we'd bear good fruit, to nourish all those that came to it.

So my parting question is .....ARE YOU THIS TREE?  How are you in the WORD & your WORSHIP?  Are you found stretching your branches (arms) up to heaven?  Are you growing  (in a group as we are told to in Act 2:42-47) in the WORD?  Howabout how you co-workers and neighbors view you?  Do people tend to find comfort in being around  you?  Do they call you for advice?  Because of your relationship with the VINE (John 15:5)....are others the recipients of your fruit, you know the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)? 

So.......sounds like we may need to (as a tree remember we were planted for a purpose, in an area of need....that whole bit of the us being the church, an expression of GOD's kingdom) dig our roots a little deeper and move past being an attender.....to becoming a member....to stop being fans of Jesus, or just followers of Jesus, and become DOERS of His WORD so that this dying WORLD might come to know and choose ETERNAL LIFE!!!!  LGLP 

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