No this isn't Moses as a baby, but....think about it....not just Moses, but Elijah, David, Job, Joshua, Jesus, the disciples and Paul all had this beginning to their life. That while yet in the womb, and even before GOD looked upon them much like it was referred to in the above scripture about MOSES, that his destiny was not to be an ordinary child, and how could he be.....he was envisioned in the mind of GOD long before even His parents were born.
Imagine the world without the church. Many of our higher educational institutions wouldn't exist. There would be no support for orphans across the globe. There would be no "catholic" or any others, charities for the disenfranchised. Without the church there would be no hope, nor encouragement for the brokenhearted. See despite the attempt to stomp and stamp our the church it has survived centuries of persecution, why because the CHURCH MATTERS to GOD, and should to us....much like your life.
If you struggle with self worth, self esteem, or significance......I submit to you this...remove just one of these aforementioned Biblical characters from the the history of the formation of the church, and see the ripple effect it causes. Just the not existing matters which is precisely why you were born. In the movie "It's a Wonderful Life," George realizes only after being in a trance of sorts that his small deeds and efforts mattered greatly, and without him a whole town doesn't even exist.
My point is, even though you may not see it, or even understand....stop questioning your existence and rather celebrate it, with friends, family, your small group, your work team, even strangers.....EVERYDAY...cause PEOPLE (You included)MATTER TO GOD! LGLP
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