31 “Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss whether his army of 10,000 could defeat the 20,000 soldiers marching against him? 32 And if he can’t, he will send a delegation to discuss terms of peace while the enemy is still far away. 33 So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own. Luke 14:28-33
Before you begin any project count up the cost, or it will cost you....SERIOUSLY! Every been stranded on a road trip because you're out of gas and money? Chances are probably not....because you plan, and you make sure you have even extra if you are wise. Jesus tries to get us to see that there is a COST to discipleship and it's a cost we must SERIOUSLY consider. He gives the example of a builder who begins a project only to possibly not have enough finances to complete it, as well as a king who enters into battle without making sure he will be successful.
Pictured above is a rendition of the Genesis 11 construction of the Tower of Babel. The people of Babylon had gotten out of hand thinking that they could show God how intelligent they were. So they began attempting to build a "tower" that would reach up into heaven. Not the heavens....but HEAVEN the residence of GOD. Now I know what you are thinking......."THAT'S STUPID RAY, who would do something like that SERIOUSLY?" Well before we get to far off.....what have you tried to prematurely show your own parents that you could do without them, or their counsel? That later ended up costing you? What are you trying to show GOD, right now.....that you don't need Him, His WORD, or the fellowship of a healthy small group or church?
See if we aren't careful, we WILL, HECK WE ALREADY ARE IN SOMe CASES, begin building buildings (our own little kingdoms), going into to battles (legal (divorces, law suits)or verbal/physical altercations) without asking ourselves are we willing to pay the cost, or can we even cover the cost?

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