REALLY? HATE everyone else.............wait for comparison. Is there an aunt that's your favorite? What about a niece or nephew that you are willing to keep anytime, over another one? Let's be honest....we shouldn't, but we all have our favorites. We love all of our family members (well some of us do) but there are ones that just really bless your soul to be around. If you are as blessed as me.....I love my inlaws, they are terrrific, but in comparison to my love for comparison. Just like that favorite aunt, uncle, or whomever.....Jesus is not calling us to Hate anyone, but He's trying to distiguish where does He fit, rank in your life.
When you compare your love for Him, to your love everyone and everything else is pales in comparison. WHY? Because being His disciple will cause you to have to choose His ways over your own ways. Being His disciple will put in positions to where YOU WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE between going to church/small group/Bible Study or staying home because no one else believes in Jesus Christ and your faith. Being His Disciple will cause you to choose Him/His Ways or continue to recklessly date/party with your lost friends.
See Joshua had it right (24:15) when he said to his people, " Choose today, who you will serve...." because it's a choice everyday. You have been gifted today....and GOD desires that He'd be the choice of who you will actively choose to serve. That when you leave your home you will choose to glorify Him on the job (Colossians 3:23), as well as every place you go. Now it won't be easy, you will have this desire to please you, and seek your comfort, but being HIS DISCIPLE will mean you saying " Forsaking All I Trust Him" (FAITH) where you are demonstrating your faith in all of your decision making. will you choose.........LGLP
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