25 A large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them,.......(Luke 14:25)
Jesus' name was and had rapidly spread through the middle east, and people wanted to meet, hear, and experience what it was about this man that captivated his audiences. What and how did people end up healed of__________________. As depicted in the above picture there was a large crowd following Him, and what He's about to say, well......it wasn't political. It wasn't what you'd want to hear or say that would increase your followers....it really was, counter cultural. But before we get into what HE SAID (and we will later this week) I want to focus on following, more importantly.....WHO's FOLLOWING YOU?
What are you leveraging your popularity or bandwidth of influence for? Do your co-workers (and surely all of them won't), neighbors, family members, old friends ask you about your faith or where do you attend worship services? Do people feel so comfortable around you they tell you about THEIR problems seeking some advice? Do you give them your OPINION or the WORD? Believe it or not.....somebody is following you. It could be your kids, your aged parents, your students.....somebody is watching, possibly admiring you so as your leave your home, post on Facebook, tweet on Twitter......although Charles Barkley tried to tell the world "he is not a roll model", SERIOUSLY you are for somebody, good, bad, or indifferent you are. It's the way the Master set things up.
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