20 My son, obey your father’s commands,
and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Proverbs 6:19-20
and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Proverbs 6:19-20
I remember growing up seeing Leave it to Beaver, Good Times, the Fact of Life, My Three Sons, and other shows that gave their interpretation of what family was/is. Looking at the brokenness in mine, but realizing it was filled with blessings made me appreciate GOD's hand over us. Featured is a clip from the popular show Duct Dynasty, and no matter what scripted or unscripted drama they have EVERY episode ends with the family (some biological, some only employees of Duck Commander but considered family) at a dinner table all focused on prayer and fellowship.
Solomon penned the book of Proverbs as an outpouring of the Spirit of God upon him regarding how to do relationships. We all know what a gossip does to the family....it maligns it, rips them apart, even pitting them against each other, and this scene depicted here doesn't happen. People are too hurt, too angry to unforgiving to sit down and share a meal together. So in today's scripture Solomon informs us that we need to listen, remember and follow up with the instructions given to us from our parents (physical and spiritual).
The truth is some of us may not have gotten good sound advice from our mother, or father or both.....but somewhere in your life the TRUTH was given to you....and you knew it. We know truth when we hear it, because it can't be debated against. It resonates in us....and we hold on to it....even if we don't even do it. MAYBE the TRUTH was love your neighbor as yourself. Maybe the truth was train up your child(ren) in the way they should go.....Maybe it was Love your wife as Christ Loved the Church, Maybe it was respect your husband, Maybe honor they father and mother....mabye even LOVE GOD, then LOVE PEOPLE...whatever it was....what did you do with the truth?

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