14 For the Christian wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the Christian husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not be holy, but now they are holy. 1Cor.7:14
This weekend we are beginning a new series DUCT DYNASTY regarding wise living as it relates to MARRIAGE, and I want to prepare those that will be in our services, those that are curiously seeking, as well as those that may not be able to attend one of our wonderful services.
So if there were/are cycles in marriages which would you be in currently THE ENERGIZED CYCLE or CRAZY CYCLE. I ask because you are really in one or the other. See in the ENERGIZE cycle you are (husbands) loving your wife......and(wives) you are respecting your husbands. But in the CRAZY CYCLE where you are not respecting him, because he hasn't been loving towards you, and because she has been DISrepecting you, you'd rather spend time in your man cave (since dog houses have been obliterated) watching...or playing online...
See the truth is....when you are in the CRAZY CYCLE prayers aren't being answered and your worship is stymied, your prayers are ineffective because you are not loving God's daughter properly, nor is your husband being held in high esteem. So you are stuck....your moral/spiritual compasses are broke if not altogether out of control....so the poor kids are raising cain because no one is living holy. No one is being loving. They can be, and are a reflection of your marriage.....so what's one to do. I'll tell you what to do.....
1) Apologize! I don't care who started it, but somebody needs to finish it, and if you are waiting on your spouse....you are wrong. God isn't pleased with either one of you....so there's nobody like YOU to make it right first.
3) BE INTENTIONAL about getting into relationships with couples that are where you want to be. Maybe get a marriage mentor, seek & commit to attending a marriage retreat THIS QTR.
4) Make it a point to do something special, or especially in mind for your spouse, no matter what they did, or you....always seek to please GOD in how you appreciate your spouse.
LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE........(it begins at home)
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