GO BACK AND LOOK AT THIS PICTURE......STUDY IT! See how she looks up to him, and how his gaze is focused on her.......is this the picture of your relationship with husband? Or do you look down on him? It's often joked about and presumed that when talking to your husband, you feel like you have to tell him things, 2-3x before he hears or begins listening to you. For others you actually believe repetition is the best solution and the only solution to getting things YOU WANT done... Proverbs 19:3, and Proverbs 27:15 has something to say to this wife.
So Paul is closing off Eph. 5 by repeating something that he stated earlier in his letter to the Church in Ephesus...that wives must respect her husband, and he knew that due to what happen in the garden this would not be an easy task for you. God said that in Genesis 3:16 that the woman would desire to control her husband. Which is why words such as hen-pecked are used to describe marriages where the wife controls her husband. This is why in many sitcoms the woman is the dominating figure and the husband is the subordinate. It's why woman's rights have soared to the heights that it has. There is almost nowhere a woman can't go, and trust me I'm not advocating for my wife to barefoot and pregnant...NEVER DO I WANT THAT. But let me ask this is this what GOD's design was for His most treasured & most beautiful creation? Did He want you to have to contend for positions of authority over men so much so that His first human creation has been deemed as irrelevant, and an unneccesary factor in the family? Was single parenting in the original design? Did HE want to see man so disrepected that women would be with women, or that they would consider having a child, but not having a husband to help parent that child. Was it HIS design that the only encouragement the husband would recieve would be in the boardroom or locker room?
I know....I probably got off on a tangent.....but are we the better, really when the Biblical Definition of Marriage is under attack? I don't hold women responsible for what happen in the garden, I side with GOD on this one.....Adam was right there, and said nothing so it's his fault, not hers. But what about your marriage.......does your husband feel like he is King of the Castle? Do you make him feel like he is the GO TO guy when it comes to ANY decisions that need to be made? Does his WORD, his advice HOLD MORE WEIGHT than anyone else's? I understand that men (cause I am one) are somewhat egocentric......and like women based on how they feel about themselves means a lot. So do you make him feel like HE's the MAN....or do you make him feel like less than a man? Paul said you MUST (not conditional.....not an option...not if he's doing......)RESPECT HIM........I wonder are we living in a time that because of the disrepect of the modern husband we are suffering so. REMEMBER the CRAZY CYCLE from YESTERDAY????? IF YOU in your heart really don't respect him, what really are you saying? LGLP
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