In the 80's this group of talented entertainers debut a song called "That's What Friends Are For" and it touched and topped the Billboard wanna know why? Because as a culture we know that friends are important. We know that (the lyrics say) friends are for " good times, and bad times," and we know according to the verse above this is what TRUE friends are for and about. But that doesn't complete the verse or the continues to say "I'll be by your side forever more, that's what friends are for...." now this is when relationships get sticky. When friends aren't there when you need them most. I know for a fact when we've been disappointed we've said " awh...who needs them (friends)? THE ANSWER IS YOU DO...WE DO....WE ALL DO! The word tells us: Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Eccl. 4: 9-12
This is when things get sticky for real, because we forget've all forgotten an engagement before. If you're've missed a birthday. If you're may have even missed a friends family member funeral. If you're human you couldn't make the _________________ (fill in the blank) now what? Does this means you aren't real friends? Possibly if this is the norm...that you, or they never make an effort for one another's engagements. But this is the part about being an adult that sucks! YES I SAID IT SUCKS....because the older we get for some reason it's harder for us to forgive. I remember having my feelings hurt as a kid, but that lasted seconds because we'd be out playing, running, jumping, skipping....(OK, maybe I took it too far...fat kids rarely skip....and I was a pretty chubby but you understand....we didn't and it was almost as if we couldn't stay mad long.....have we lossed that gift in being grown? To forgive......? In every episode of DUCT DYNASTY there is always a conflict....much like in real life.....but at the end of every episode they are all holding hands at dinner, saying grace, and sharing in fellowship. I know it's a TV SHOW, and it's supposed to be reality......but don't you think...that's the way REAL REALITY should be in our lives......isn't that GOD's version of what and how things are SUPPOSED TO BE?
If you as a friend or your friend(s) have messed up, and missed____________......doesn't a real friend forgive? Doesn't a real friend have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them that says "it's ok....I understand" and then you move on? As we continue to move towards this Sunday for Pt. 2 of our new series....Duct Dynasty...who do you need to forgive? Since He has forgiven us so much.....who do you need to call, email....have coffee with to apologize to? He has given us today....I hope you do something to repair a relationship & bring a smile to the face of GOD! LGLP
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