“But I also have a message for the rest of you in Thyatira who have not followed this false teaching (‘deeper truths,’ as they call them—depths of Satan, actually). I will ask nothing more of you 25 except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come. 26 To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, To them I will give authority over all the nations. 27 They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. 28 They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!
29 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. Rev. 2:24-29
So yesterday I talked about our Big But when it came to why we do or how we attempt to explain OUR reasonings for doing what we do, that maybe contrary to the will of GOD for those called CHRISTIANS. Well today I want to end with another Big But, but not one that's ours, but rather one that belongs to JESUS that He's saying to those of us that will choose to hold on to His truths, and His precepts for daily living for us.
So why the album cover from Stevie Wonder, this secular song Signed, Sealed, and Delivered? Really? What does that have to do with our daily walk with Jesus? Stay tuned and it will make since in the end.
So we've all lived in a manner contrary to the will of God, and when we do that we invite all forms of curses into our lives. When we pursue our own pleasure and comfort over others....we are cursed to live a life of loneliness. When we choose to go with the cultural flow and not stand for anything....we tend to get walked over, used, and abused. When we as Christians invite non-Christians into the intimate places of our lives we expose ourselves to a myriad of possible hurts that may take a lifetime to reconcile. So Jesus wants to speak to those of us that are either living contrary to His will, and those that are holding on.....by simply saying if you haven't fallen for Satan's schemes (that he used on Eve, and attempted to use on Jesus in the garden) I have promises for you:
1) First He promises to give you REAL AUTHORITY....not the cheap happy meal version Satan offers. Remember his goal is to trick you into taking the counterfeit blessings of God. He told Jesus if he kneeled and worshipped him he'd give him the kingdoms of the world. Satan has promised you somethings he don't even own just like he attempted to with Jesus. Jesus says that you will rule the nations with Him. He's not promising you to be the president, but rather to be present with Him ruling the nations throughout eternity.
- Love the unlovable.
- Persevere under intense scrutiny and persecution
- Serve the nations (those here, near, and far)
- Speak life into things that need the WORD.
- Remain committed to the very things (marriage, children, work, etc) He's called you to.
- and even do GREATER THINGS than HE did during His time.
See these promises were signed by His blood shed for us on Calvary, they were then sealed in His death & resurrection, and the VERY SAME POWER that rose Him from the gave He shared upon His ascension by leaving us with His Spirit!
But, and I have to end with this.....all this and more is only yours if you choose to do as He says. If you choose to continue to pursue your will, and your way.....none of these promises will be afforded to you, and the very things you say you care about will slowly begin to fall away like this unrepentant church. So the question is what will you choose to accept: LGLP