Rev. 2:9
Remember the old adage " Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." What a lie! I mean if we are all serious we have been hurt by words than we have been by anything else. Imagine all of the young girls that look for the approval of a male, because of the words, or the lack of affirming conversations they had with a father figure. Or think about all of the sons that are starving for the same affirmation from their dad that causes them to recognize their worth.
The church of Smyrna was being beaten up. It wasn't enough that they were suffering under the iron fist of Rome. But now they were being lied on. They were being verbally abused by the very people that they thought would have their backs. Remember it says that the people that were perpetuating these lies called themselves Jews, but really were the synagogue of Satan. Nothing hurts more than the very people you have grown to love, are the ones that are blaspheming and opposing your efforts to glorify God. But the church of Smyrna was encouraged to not be afraid. Long before this letter was written Jesus reminded his disciples that (Luke 6:22) when people hate you and say all manner of things against you to rejoice....why? Because they did Him, and the prophets the we are in good company.
Now what this will require is FOCUS. You have to focus that while the NAYSAYERS, the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN are hurling insults and lies....that they ARE LIES. No need to invest a lot of emotional energy into what isn't the truth, but rather surround yourself by and with the TRUTH. It's like those professional athletes who run out on the court or field and hear boos....that they have to remember that they are out there for a greater purpose, and don't be swayed by those that aren't even in the game. As you navigate through your day remember they are LIES...all LIES....and remember what GOD says about you......YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE....THAT ALL OF HIS THOUGHTS OF YOU OUTWEIGH THE NO. of SAND, THAT HE HAS PLANS TO PROSPER YOU, and not to harm you..........LGLP
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