4 “But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Rev. 2:2-4 NLT
The Ephesian church were no slouches. They were the 3rd largest city of their time, and as you can see at the Ephesian coliseum was not just big, it was majestic, and when you think about all of this was going on in the midst of a perverse generation and cultural that was sexually immoral......John was proud of his home church, and as we read Jesus was well aware of all that they had done, and were doing. He told them their HARD WORK & PATIENT ENDURANCE was noteworthy....essentially Heaven was aware of the leaders and members of this great church. They cultivated unity by making sure evil people didn't remain evil people, or they no longer remained in the midst of the body. They didn't give way to false prophets either, they did their homework of testing the spirit by the SPIRIT, and all the while they suffered & endured without quitting........but
It was done all without loving CHRIST and one another....which according to Paul (1Cor.13:3b NLT)............ but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing. Many of you are right now at work, or off to do a multitude of things today, and I simply ask you to STOP for a minute and answer this question: WHY ARE YOU DOING WHAT YOU DOING, and for WHO IS IT FOR ULTIMATELY? See if we don't wrestle with this question we run the risk of accomplishing somethings today, with no reward attached to it. Can you imagine working for 8hrs building something to have it fall apart as soon as you put the capstone on it? Can you imagine doing everything you can for your spouse, only to have them say I don't love you, and I don't feel you love me? Can you afford to spend 10,15, 20 or more years in a marriage, a job, a church, a community only to discover you accomplished nothing because of this BIG BUT.....and that BUT BEING YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME or OTHERS? Now tomorrow we'll get into this whole first love bit, and how Jesus recommendation at the end that they return to doing somethings they did in the beginning....but for you did you ever TRULY LOVE your SPOUSE? Did your neighbors ever REALLY feel like you CARED for/about them? Do you REALLY LOVE your step-children, your in laws, ...........etc?
Again...at the risk of losing everything.....please STOP, and answer the question honestly "WHY ARE YOU DOING WHAT YOU DOING, and for WHO IS IT FOR ULTIMATELY?" Because JESUS sees all that you are doing/done.....but is their a but following all your doings????? LGLP

Again...at the risk of losing everything.....please STOP, and answer the question honestly "WHY ARE YOU DOING WHAT YOU DOING, and for WHO IS IT FOR ULTIMATELY?" Because JESUS sees all that you are doing/done.....but is their a but following all your doings????? LGLP
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