We've all had a reason to pick up the phone and call someone. Sometimes it's for pleasurable reasons (talking to grand kids, kids, friends, etc) and sometimes it's because of a conflict. Maybe your computer is froze, or cable is out, or a service is delayed and you need to talk to someone. At the end of the day your purpose is always about connecting. It's connecting and communicating your heart to the person(s) on the other end of the medium of communication.
Prayer is really no different. Sometimes our prayers are just to say thank you to God for all He's done. Sometimes it's because we desire/need to hear from Him. Sometimes it's frustrations with friends, family, work, or just life...and what's amazing is how we have all felt at times " IS ANYBODY LISTENING? GOD ARE YOU THERE? even with so many of our customer service call centers being outsourced we've even said " DO YOU, CAN YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING or WHAT IT IS I'M DEALING WITH?" All to us ultimately wanting someone on the opposite end to understand, and care to do something about whatever it is that has us panicked or stressed out.
John is writing as the Jesus is instructing him on how to address this church in Pergamum who is situated in the den of Satan, at the epicenter of evil and He starts off by telling them WHO HE IS....He's the one who's words have the ability to cut right through us, and anyone for that matter. It signifies ONE who has ultimate power/authority in what they say and how it's received. We used to like to say when E.F. Hutton spoke.....people listened, well this is JESUS CHRIST the first and last, the beginning and end, the author and finisher of our FAITH saying......that I KNOW:

BUT FOR NOW, FOR TODAY.....What you need to know is that HE KNOWS remember HE is omnipotent, there are no surprises to Him. So know that as you pray, you have a HIGH PRIEST in JESUS CHRIST who is fully aware and
HE CARES, the whole reason why He's writing this letter, the reason why He is communicating to this Church is because He knows they are in need of Him. They are in need of encouragement since they live in the epicenter of Satan's rule.
SO today....I need you to know....that GOD KNOWS and HE CARES about those things that are wearing you out. He has some encouraging words for you, and most importantly today you need to just know that HE KNOWS AND CARES. LGLP
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