22 “Therefore, I will throw her on a bed of suffering, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds. 23 I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am the one who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person. And I will give to each of you whatever you deserve. Rev. 2:19-23
We've all either done it....or are currently doing it! We've let something into our minds or our hearts that we knew we were flirting with it was dangerous. Maybe you're a Christian who has someone living with you that's not your husband or wife. Maybe you've engaged in business practices that now have implications that could cost you your license or worse your life. Maybe you got cable, and now you realize you have a problem. No wonder why Christ describes this sin as this WOMAN who has slipped in, seduced, and manipulated the hearts of the weaker followers of Christ to turn away.
I think the large majority of us start things off like this church did...with good intentions, because there's no way they would allow someone in knowing that she would utterly destroy them. No one wants to be destroyed. No, we moved in together to see if we could make it work. I dated them because I'm strong (so I thought) in my faith and that I would change them. I went out to be the light in the darkness, but now I'm no different than them.
Whatever it is you are doing and done, here's what the WORD SAYS to encourage those of us that have been tempted and have succumbed : 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. (1Cor. 10:13)
See Jesus always offers a way out. This church was given the way out of this......HIM...JESUS CHRIST was the way out. You have to stop the sin, and redirect your path. So I know some of you are thinking RAY....I CAN'T JUST ASK HIM/HER to leave....and to that I SAY GET MARRIED IMMEDIATELY! The reason why it's so difficult to split is because like scar tissue you have become this hard fibrous tissue that limits movement, and the only way to remove scar tissue is to cut it out. If you want GOD's blessings on your relationship....YOU HAVE TO DO IT GOD'S WAY! MAYBE YOU SAY I CAN'T DISCONNECT THE CABLE....I'll have this huge penalty to pay.....so would you rather pay the $200-$400 for early termination, or the loss of your kids, marriage, and maybe career? See again because you've allowed this in, and followed it...there are prices to pay.
The Church of Thyatira wasn't immediately shut down.....Christ was giving them a chance to get out of the mess they had gotten themselves into. Many of you are in the same predicament....you've been given today to get out of the mess you're in....the question is.....DO YOU REALLY WANT OUT? Choose today to follow CHRIST, so that if it's your last step, you'll step into an ETERNITY spent with HIM vs. on the path you are currently on! LGLP
We've all either done it....or are currently doing it! We've let something into our minds or our hearts that we knew we were flirting with it was dangerous. Maybe you're a Christian who has someone living with you that's not your husband or wife. Maybe you've engaged in business practices that now have implications that could cost you your license or worse your life. Maybe you got cable, and now you realize you have a problem. No wonder why Christ describes this sin as this WOMAN who has slipped in, seduced, and manipulated the hearts of the weaker followers of Christ to turn away.
I think the large majority of us start things off like this church did...with good intentions, because there's no way they would allow someone in knowing that she would utterly destroy them. No one wants to be destroyed. No, we moved in together to see if we could make it work. I dated them because I'm strong (so I thought) in my faith and that I would change them. I went out to be the light in the darkness, but now I'm no different than them.
Whatever it is you are doing and done, here's what the WORD SAYS to encourage those of us that have been tempted and have succumbed : 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. (1Cor. 10:13)
See Jesus always offers a way out. This church was given the way out of this......HIM...JESUS CHRIST was the way out. You have to stop the sin, and redirect your path. So I know some of you are thinking RAY....I CAN'T JUST ASK HIM/HER to leave....and to that I SAY GET MARRIED IMMEDIATELY! The reason why it's so difficult to split is because like scar tissue you have become this hard fibrous tissue that limits movement, and the only way to remove scar tissue is to cut it out. If you want GOD's blessings on your relationship....YOU HAVE TO DO IT GOD'S WAY! MAYBE YOU SAY I CAN'T DISCONNECT THE CABLE....I'll have this huge penalty to pay.....so would you rather pay the $200-$400 for early termination, or the loss of your kids, marriage, and maybe career? See again because you've allowed this in, and followed it...there are prices to pay.
The Church of Thyatira wasn't immediately shut down.....Christ was giving them a chance to get out of the mess they had gotten themselves into. Many of you are in the same predicament....you've been given today to get out of the mess you're in....the question is.....DO YOU REALLY WANT OUT? Choose today to follow CHRIST, so that if it's your last step, you'll step into an ETERNITY spent with HIM vs. on the path you are currently on! LGLP
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