Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 If your right eye serves as a trap to ensnare you or is an occasion for you to stumble and sin, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be cast into hell (Gehenna).  Matthew 5:29

So since it is a FACT that we all are adulterers to some degree/extent the question is in light of this NEW KNOWLEDGE what are you going to do about it?  Christ offers good information/suggestions but I must warn you that while it's challenging.   So if you are really looking to rid your addiction to porn, or eliminate that stubbling block what He calls you to 9 times out of 10 RADICAL!   Today He offers us the suggestion of surgically well, actually barbarically removing your eye to save the rest of your body from spending eternity in Hell.

In the movie 127hrs you have an adventure seeker that is climbing mountains in Utah, that get's trapped in a crevace, and his arm/hand is lodged essentially between a rock. He spends a few days trapped in this position and realizes that it appears no one is coming for him because they don't know where exactly where he is.   He's out of water, no food, and is slowly dying because of these things.   So what does he do????????  He decides he has to free himself from certain he cuts off his hand.     This pic is a scene from the painful moments he is literally sawing off his hand to free himself so he can live.

You too have been or are currently trapped with your eyes or your hand dealing with your issues with lust, and many people don't know where you are with this sin, so therefore NO ONE IS COMING TO FREE YOU, so therefore it's your RESPONSIBILITY to DO SOMETHING!   THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO PRAY (seriously.....Christ has already told you what to do....He's not going to ammend this recommendation through your prayers) , but rather YOU HAVE IN FRONT OF YOU CHRIST's WORDS TO YOU saying to REMOVE the EYE, CUT OFF THE again what are YOU GOING TO DO?   Now lemme give you a few suggestions before you gouge your eye out or saw off your hand.........

1) TELL SOMEONE....that's right if you truly desire to be saved, healed from this....James says:  Confess your sins one to another, so that you may be healed. (James 5:16)  Why?  Because once others know what you are dealing with, they can help you, and it makes it harder for you to continue living that sick lifestyle.

2) DO YOUR PART.  Jesus didn't tell you to find a surgeon to remove your eye....HE TOLD YOU TO DO you need to remove the PC,Television, Cable, Media device....or rights to that channel so that you aren't tempted.

3) DO IT QUICKLY!!!!!!! See it's when we don't act quickly that  that spirit feeds off of you, until it consumes you.   It's like having cancer, if you ignore it long enough it will ravage your body and kill you, and it will be a painful death.   Folks haven't you lived THIS WAY long enough?  Do yourself, your wife, your husband, your kids a favor and don't waste another day living in this area of sin.  No you won't be perfect but there's nothing wrong in ridding yourself of what's killing you, your career and your relationships with others.

I don't know how much time you have before this THING kills you, but as Jesus stated it's better for you lose the eye and live, than to go to hell because of the eye.   Let's focus today on telling someone (You need help), do your part to remove the trappings of the sin, and hurry up there is an abundant life waiting for us!   LGLP

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