Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SOLID GIVING: Marveling @ His Perfectness!

But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

So how was your dad growing up?  Was he always there, always too busy, always stressed, harsh, passive, friendly, mean, easy/hard to talk to, loving/unloving??????  Whatever he was or is.....lemme tell you about what a perfect father is, and who is a perfect father.

Jesus takes time during this portion of the Sermon on the Mount and many verses to follow later to tell us about The Father.  Remember this is the same Father who sent us His Son to redeem all of us and connect us to this Holy, Righteous, Loving, Understanding, Kind Father also known as GOD.  He's the one who created the entire.....Universe and all the things in it.   He's the same Father who despite whether you read your devotional or do a kind deed for His Glory has afforded you everyday of your life.   He's the same Father that has attended not just every game, recital, surgery, wedding or speech but has VESTED INTEREST in your entire life.  

And while you may never fully live up to His expectations of you......His greatest expectation is that you know Him.  That you'd get up everyday wanting to spend more time with such a PERFECT FATHER.  Some of you may have lost your Earthly father.  Some never knew your Earthly Father.  Some have struggled with that relationship due to alcohol, drug, or maybe even physical abuse, but I introduce you to a FATHER who desires nothing more than to LOVE YOU.  That's it.  He's waiting for you.....He's never late, He knows everything about you....and wants to show His love......won't you meet Him?  I promise if you do, an exposure to Him will change you life, your day....every time you spend a moment with Him it will provide you with the strength, grace and love needed for the day!  LGLP

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