Monday, February 18, 2013


All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. 33 The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. 34 There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them 35 and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need. Acts 4:32-35

It's hard not to think about fellowship without thinking about the Lord of the Rings series.  We see in this text as well as this movie plot that among the hobbits on the journey that they are " united in heart and mind," to the mission regarding the ring.  What's also discouraging is the problem in most circles (Christian and others) that we aren't united in heart and mind.  Not even on the job, you have people that are there just for a paycheck, as well as someone constantly on the Internet looking for another job, and some that are really there to support the company cause while HONORING GOD first!

If anybody knows anything about how being unauthentic erodes a relationship and community I do.  Since early on in secondary education I have always been about trying to bring people together under a common theme of love, which is what all of us are in need of.  No matter how successful, how broken, how diverse or introverted/extroverted you are....we all are in need of feeling and knowing we are valued: loved!  But when ONE person diverts from this unifying cause to pursue a different self-fulfilling agenda (Judas or name your betrayer or people group) it can erode a community as quickly as cancer, unless they stay focused (The remaining disciples) on JESUS, His Mission.  I'm thankful that JESUS is AT THE CENTER of what it is we are trying to do at CALVARY, changing lives and transforming communities!

Where are you?  Are you one of the few the proud the committed? Or are you the convicted that you have another agenda, a shadow mission, or that you don't think of your work as it relates to working as unto the LORD?  Where ever you are, if you are reading this....GOD's GRACE is upon you, and today is a new day, and new chance for you to take a step in the direction of GETTING IT RIGHT and cultivating UNITY that can grow into COMMUNITY!   In your home (as for me and my house we will serve the LORD )Joshua), in your neighborhood (Acts 2 thru 4), on the job (Nehemiah), in your marriage (Song of Solomon) and just in general with GOD (on His mission John 3:16....He so loved the world that He gave....Do you love the world, or has your heart grown cold towards that which GOD so loved? ) so that GOD may get the glory out of your life!  LGLP

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