Wednesday, February 27, 2013

UNLEASHED L.O.T.E: R U Neutral to the Will of GOD?

As for Philip, an angel of the Lord said to him, “Go south down the desert road that runs from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he started out, ... Acts 8:26-27a

So yesterday we saw God's spirit working through Philip in such an amazing way.   Remember he was preaching (this deacon, this waiter of tables, this humble servant) the Gospel, and with the authority of the Holy Spirit he began healing people, casting out demons so much so that the the city was experiencing great joy!   So who wouldn't be enjoying themselves during such a time; the church was growing and Philip was fulfilling God's calling on his life in the very lane that he was in....then all of a sudden.......

The Holy Spirit tells him to leave?  WHAT?  Wait a minute.....would God do that?  Just when things were going good.....would He call us away from our job, our church, our community?  I have experienced this first hand.....with my enjoying my singleness and being introduced to my wife.   When I was (what I thought) in a great place in my ministry and former church (TNDC)...and I was instructed to travel 20+ miles to Calvary.  So why you may ask......I don't know, but I know one reason could be to make sure you never thought IT WAS YOU!  That all the success was being experienced because of know that can happen to the best of us.   You have leaders, pastors, CEOs that think THEY ARE THE COMPANY, the CHURCH, you name it, when they fail to recognize GOD and His power in the situation.   I don't think that was Philip's issue, but could God have been rescuing him from himself.....yes.   Could the same be said about you and me?  Yes.  Maybe that's why you were displaced, or replaced.  Maybe that's why you are no longer in charge....because He wanted to make sure you remained humble.  I don't could any one of those or a combinations of reason, but we have to move to, progress to becoming neutral to His will.

See Philip was told to go south of Samaria (you know where the half-breeds were) to an area that was thought to be the desert and desolate.   Now we don't read that Philip scratched his head, or wrestled with this calling (which he very well could've), but what we know to be certain is that HE STARTED OUT right after the Spirit (the Angel) spoke.   Now that doesn't mean he didn't question or pray while walking...."God what's going on.....why now?" but his response shows us his obedience and neutrality to the will of God.  

What about you?  Are you first fulfilling God's calling on your life to be SALT and LIGHT where you are?  Maybe that's the VERY reason why you haven't been able to move (get another job) on because you've yet to fulfill His purpose for blessing you with that job in the first place.  Maybe there is a life, or lives that He placed you there to impact; to heal; to help deliver from; to raise from the cultivate a relationship, that you've yet scratch the surface. HE's waiting for you to get started.......SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TODAY?  LGLP

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