32 So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place. Mark 6:30-32
Jesus is not a task master where all He cares about is us going to church, being out preaching the Good News, and doing mighty acts for His name's sake....but rather He is gentle, kind, compassionate and considerate. We see that here because the disciples had been out doing ministry and as they reported to Him, He saw they needed to eat & get some rest. So He invites them to come away with Him.
1) Is Jesus calling you to rest (a break from it all) with Him? He wanted to gather His disciples to himself to give them the rest and nourishment needed to continue, because there was more work to be done. What about you? Are you taking Jesus up on a Sabbath? Have you allowed yourself time to wind down? Take it from me....burnout is inevitable if you don't. Turn off your cell for a day (tell those whom you love so they don't panic) and just take some time to clear your mind.
If Jesus wasn't concerned about you, He never would've said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest " , see He wants you to look to Him for your rest and nourishment, like He invited the disciples to do. Where is it that you are overworked? Where is it that your mind is burdened? Has life become TOO MUCH, and you need a break.....you won't get it if you don't take it. Take it from me you don't want to be SAT DOWN against your will, so my encouragement to you is to TAKE some TIME to REST and allow CHRIST to nourish you with His presence. LGLP
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