7 “What sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting.
This week we are confronting the problem with our response to sin, or our lack thereof. This is not about us trying to fix the WHITE HOUSE but rather OUR HOUSE. How serious was Jesus when he made the statement: "It would be better for you to be drowned, or great sorrow awaits those who tempt people into sin?"
The truth is He was very serious. As Christians we are sent into to world to be salt and light, we are suppose to be reflections of His love demonstrated through us, in the workplace, our home, our communities, and home. People tend to hate and or mock Christians and Christianity because somehow we have gotten things turned around and believe we are to judge folks, so much so when you tell people you are a Christian....which I have yet to read WE NEED TO TELL THEM THAT WE ARE CHRISTIANS, they want nothing to do with you or your religion. What I do read though is that THEY WILL KNOW CHRIST by OUR GREAT LOVE.....so instead of sharing our opinions which TRIP, CAUSING THEM TO STUMBLE which we are CAUTIONED NOT TO DO, or be SEEN DOING.....let's commit to sharing the LOVE of CHRIST to a world that doesn't quite get it, have it, and is deep need of it.
Secondly and finally the world is full of temptations.....I know I know......"this world is going to hell in a hand basket..." they say....but will it be because you flirt too much? Will it be because you are sharing your "parental advisory" play list with someone that really don't need to hear that garbage? Will it be because you invite people over to have a good time, and alcohol is the driver to folks you know can't handle the liquor? Will it be because you know the BOOTLEG DVD guy, and refers others to promote their thievery? Will it be because you gossip to your co-workers/friends about your pastor, or your church that keeps them from ever coming to visit or get to know who Christ really is? Will it be (FILL IN THE BLANK)............
Hey, folks everyone is being watched by someone...and the question is are you aware that if no one else...you should be performing for an audience of one, GOD.....cause if you life pleases Him, they won't stumble because of you, and they'll come to know HIM because of you! LGLP
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