Hollywood has served the agenda of Satan well. We are so desensitized to the horrors of hell that we spend hard to come by and earned dollars to promote them making more media to feed our ignorant curiosity with the demonic world. We go to great lengths to decorate our yards & homes for the Hollow season and often I wonder why? Why are we fascinated with Satan, his demons, his world when the world we live in should be enough. Are we not sick of seeing the news saturated with stories of murder and gruesome discoveries? Many of us grew up hearing FIRE and BRIMSTONE preaching to which some of us, myself included, accepted Christ because if HELL is REAL, SERIOUSLY that is not a place I want to go. So what about the place....is it what they depict it being. Is it a big sadistic wanton party? Is it a reunion of sinful friends? Is Satan running around in a red jump suit with a pitch fork poking folks and laughing.........I should say not, and the Bible doesn't speak to this imagery.
What it does speak to is that it is PRISON. Jesus tells the rich man, he cannot crossover from there nor can anyone crossover from heaven into there. The verse informs us that the rich man is in ANGUISH....he is being tormented, eternally frustrated.....this doesn't sound like a party folks. The bottom line is this FOLKS, if Jesus whole reason for coming was to save us from an eternity that in reality we deserved based on our thoughts, our words, and actions...then why wouldn't you, why wouldn't we take this offer?
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