17 Each of you should continue to live in whatever situation the Lord has placed you, and remain as you were when God first called you. This is my rule for all the churches. 18 For instance, a man who was circumcised before he became a believer should not try to reverse it. And the man who was uncircumcised when he became a believer should not be circumcised now. 19 For it makes no difference whether or not a man has been circumcised. The important thing is to keep God’s commandments.
20 Yes, each of you should remain as you were when God called you. Cor. 7:16-20
Let us all be honest......we have all messed up this thing called Christianity! I mean really that's what we, humans do. We've misinterpreted and abused the word of God to permit us to doing what our wayward hearts have desired, much like what the Old Testament Israelites did time after time. That being said reading and learning about God's original intent for marriage will break our hearts to realize where we could have really been a witness to our spouse, or to our kids, or our neighbors, and or even our own families of what it means to live in understanding ( 1Peter 3:7) with our spouse.
God's goal as I stated yesterday through His Word is oneness/holiness in our marital covenants. Early on in 1 Cor.7 Paul reminds us of even reconciling when it at all possible. Again, our Christian walk should be about reconciliation not just in marriage but with others as a whole, as this is what GOD is about.......constantly desiring us to be reconciled to Him. But sometimes that is even difficult. The EX has moved on. The EX has been hurt so bad that you are "dead" to them. There is serious emotional damage done...and this is why Paul says we should remain single....because the risk of carrying that into the next relationship and damaging another person's life is highly probable. So what do you do if you now realize your miscues and you have a new spouse......KEEP GOD'S COMMANDMENTS!
What relationship can you be reconcile in? If you can't think of one....let me help......the one with GOD. Spend some time on the drive to work, or just alone repenting of how you abandoned Him. How you cheated on Him...with ___________________________. And be ye reconciled in your faithful commitment to LOVE HIM, and LOVE OTHERS. GOD BLESS YOU....LGLP
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