Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Miraculous Provision: WHAT DO YOU HAVE?

37 But Jesus said, You feed them.”  “With what?” they asked. “We’d have to work for months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people!”  38 How much bread do you have?” he asked. Go and find out.”
They came back and reported, “We have five loaves of bread and two fish.” Mark 6:37-38 

Funny isn't when asked for or to do something how quickly we present with what we don't have.  This is not a healthy way of living.    Here the disciples are with JESUS CHRIST, answering Him (the one that KNOWS EVERYTHING) " With What?"  As if  He's oblivious to what they have and don't have.   The truth is we, do the same thing.    We have excuses for everything.   Why we aren't in Bible Study, Small Group, Why we miss Services,  Why we can't go, Why we "can't" give, why we can't join, why we can't________________________ you fill in the blank and Christ is asking WHAT DO YOU HAVE, not what you don't have....Uh....He's totally aware of that, actually He's FULLY AWARE of both.  This is why when He was inviting the people to the wedding feast, and in the parable people gave a variety of excuses....that only showed their hearts.

So as you prepare to say " Well God knows my heart....." I say unfortunately for you He knows it better than you....and it's probably clogged with selfishness that is keeping your from truly seeing Him work fully in your life.  

So let me switch gears to point out to you what you do have: 

1) You have the grace of God resting on you:  See this is His forgiveness of the excuses of yesterday.  He has given you:

2) TODAY, each of us that are reading this have TODAY (some the whole day, some others maybe not) to look at TODAY as an opportunity to offer it back to Him as you encounter people, how will you communicate His love.

3) You have His word.  Have you spent time reading or listening to a message to inspire you, equip you for today?  Remember you can't live by bread alone, so if you are hungry (physically or spiritually)!

4) You have endless possibilities today, if you keep your focus on Him.  I like to believe when walking with CHRIST through the each day it is boobie-trapped with blessings.   Perspective is everything.  When they realized they had something.....then that was the beginning of the possibilities of a miracle.  Realize you have something, and give it to God!

This is not an exhaustive list, as there are many other things you have, a Pastor, a church family, family, co-workers, and we can include house, car, etc........but all of these are gifts, so in essence as you face today and the question for the days challenges: WHAT DO YOU HAVE?    Well you are more than equipped!   LGLP

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